Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Drug wars

I've stated my disgust at the so called war on drugs by our political leaders before and in short, the government has gone to war on a large majority of Australians, which is unhealthy to say the least.

But here is how ridiculous these polititians are, I won't go into detail other than to say marijuana has never caused a death by overdose and most evidence suggest that no one has ever died from using pot.

However becuase of the political gains the polititians keep going to war on marijuana users but at what expense?

We are seeing the results more young people are seeing marijuana usage as socially unaceptable becuase of the lies they believe about it's use as can be evidenced by the previous artical on the drug.

The reason we are not hearing the attepts to stem the use of far more dangerous drugs such as alcohol and more specifically drugs such as GBH, Ecstacy, Crack ice and the like becuase the Government has put it in the too hard basket and instead attacks an easy target that causes little harm such as pot.

What is sad is the number of people now dying becuase of the missguided/lying polititians wanting to make political millege by going to war on marijuana users, when the issue is why are we pushing the kids on these harder drugs?

Sure in a perfect world there would not be any experimental drug use by our young but reality shows they will take drugs no matter what the laws say.

But when the priority focuss and funding is prodominantly against marijuana then there are some serious questions to ask! For example
  • Why is marijuana funding and enforcement exceding something as the drug Alcohol? We know that Alcohol causes more damage and impairment than all the ellicite drugs combined! So we see the alcoholics are making laws to hide their drug abuse of alcohol and attacking something that provides very little risk.
  • Why are drugs such as crack ice, ecstacy, GBH now seen as acceptable with our young? Could it be that we playing God have pushed the young onto these dangerous drugs becuase the lies by government making something that is relatively safe into something that is far more dangerous than Alcohol, ICE, GBH and ecstacy! We know these drugs are dangerous and can not only result in death but brain damage and numerous other medical conditions such as brain damage but they are considered safer than marijuana which has none of these effects!
  • Could it be that organised crime has been in control of our drug laws all along! The only people a war on marijuana benefits is organised crime! Becuase of the laws the price of marijuana is high and profits are good, while also the laws have created a whole new business for organised crime by making drugs such as GBH, Ecstacy, ICE and the like acceptable over marijuana which has increased the market so much for organised crime to make their profits.
  • Alcohol is shown as the most dangerous drug for mental health, physical health and death yet is legal while many suffer from cancer and many other conditions becuase they cannot use a relatively safe drug such as marijuana forcing them to use morphine, and addictive perscription drugs.
So current laws are causing far more damage than not having laws!

But I suppose if people vote for these polititians then it doesn't matter that our young are dying and becoming mentally ill if the political party wins votes. The problem is they are killing people to win votes.


Family seeks 'positive' from ecstasy death

February 20, 2007 11:43am
Article from: AAP

THE family of Annabel Catt, who died from a suspected drug overdose after taking ecstasy at a Sydney concert, say they want people to learn from her death.

Ms Catt, 20, of Elanora Heights, on Sydney's northern beaches, collapsed at a party at nearby Warriewood on Sunday about 5am (AEDT).

Just hours earlier, she had left the Good Vibrations music festival at Centennial Park.

Ambulance officers were told the woman, who was showing signs of respiratory distress, had taken MDMA, usually found in ecstasy.

Brother Antony Catt today said family and friends were devastated by the death of "beautiful Annabel".

"We would like everyone to learn from this tragic mistake," Mr Catt said

Monday, February 19, 2007

When Scientists forget God!

Asteroid warning for 2036

February 19, 2007 12:00am
Article from: Herald-Sun

AN asteroid may be heading our way in 2036.
A group of experts says the United Nations should assume responsibility for a space mission to deflect it.

Astronomers are monitoring an asteroid named Apophis, which has a one in 45,000 chance of striking Earth on April 13, 2036.

Although the odds of an impact are low, a recent plan for NASA to upgrade its tracking of asteroids is expected to uncover hundreds, if not thousands, of threatening space rocks in the near future.

"It's not just Apophis we're looking at," former Apollo 9 astronaut Rusty Schweickart said.

"Every country is at risk. We need a set of general principles to deal with this issue."

These Scientists seem to have forgotten that God protected this planet with larger planets whose gravitational pull will deflect any asteroids into themselves and then he put an asteroid belt in between earth and the larger planets to sort of act like an RCD device in electricity safety!

So to these scientists stop denying God exists and embrass his perfect creation!


Why we send someone using pot to jail!

We send pot users to jail becuase they are indangering no one before we send them there and after they go we turn them into child sex offenders which are dangerous and acceptable to be released from jail! Worse the sex offenders identity and location are protected becuase they are dangerous and the governments want dangerous people that's why they turn people to heroin, crack ice, gbh and the likes over marijuana becuase they want dangerous people in the community to win votes by attacking them in the papers!

Sex-fiends 'viewed naked children in films'

February 19, 2007 02:37am
Article from: AAP

SOME of Victoria's worst sex offenders have viewed sexually explicit films in their cells at Ararat Prison.

Two films in the prison's video library show images of naked children playing and include close-ups of children's genitals, News Ltd reported today.

Sex offenders including pedophile Brian Jones; known as Mr Baldy; child killer Robert Arthur Selby Lowe, convicted of the 1991 murder of Sheree Beasley in 1991; and pedophile former priest Gerard Ridsdale could have had unmonitored access to the films.

News Ltd was advised of the existence of the films through a whistleblower, a prisoner who was in charge of screening movies in the 55-man prison unit.

And the problem is an organisation such as the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne disciplines people who raise concerns about the pornography on their computer network. The managers of this organisation find it acceptable to have pornography on computers in a children's hospital and actually praise that person as being good at health and safety!

Pfffffffffftttttttttttt criminals supporting criminals.


Australia must be in a sick state when this happens!

Industry wants tax cuts for poor

February 19, 2007 04:00am
Article from: AAP

THE Government should give the nation's poorest workers a tax cut in the May budget, Australia's industry body said.

The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) wants the Government to cut income tax for those earning $25,000 to $30,000 in half, from 30 per cent to 15 per cent.

The Government also should also refund the 15 per cent tax on employer superannuation contributions into the accounts of low income people and middle income earners aged over 50, Ai Group said today, and increase the amount it will pay under the Superannuation Co-Contribution Scheme.

Ai Group said the Government can pay for the changes by cutting contributions to the Future Fund.

If industry leaders recognise the poor working class in this country then it is pretty bad!

What about those on Dissability or pensions??? They have to live on not much more than $10,000 a year and when you consider a low rental property of say $250 a week (will get you a dump in Queensland with rats, leaking roofs and the like, sure you can complain but the rent will go up that's a certain), that's $3,000 more than recieved so now you can add rent assistance and yes your pension and rent assistance will cover rent but no food, water, electricity or car expenses you can see we have some of the poorest people in the world, living on our streets with so called Christian leaders not helping one bit!


Howard moves to sell off our water to overseas buyers at what cost.

Well John Howard is moving quick to try and control the countries water supplies, in an attempt to sell them off in his next term in office! As he has sold off anything that makes a profit such as Telstra, he will be left with no revenue comming in other than taxes so it is important for him to gain control of water as soon as possible so that the next term the Liberals percieve they have in power, they will also be able to sell off our water supplies with the rest of the country and show a surplus comming into the 2010 elections!

Howard calls for unity on water

February 19, 2007 08:23am
Article from: AAP

PRIME Minister John Howard said he hopes the looming federal election will not distract state leaders from reaching a solution for Australia's water system.

The premiers will meet with Mr Howard in Canberra again this Friday in an attempt to resolve the Commonwealth's $10 billion takeover plan for the Murray-Darling basin.

The Labor premiers have so failed to reach agreement with the Federal Government over the plan, concerned funding is inadequate and the plans had been rushed.

Mr Howard said today he would listen to the states concerns, but he said state versus federal politics should not get in the way of a genuine solution.

"I do hope that because this is a federal election year politics are not going to get in the way of a sensible resolution," Mr Howard told Channel 9.

Marijuana has become socially unfashionable a new report claims

A new study by theNational Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
has highlighted the missguided funding appropriated to the program of supporting organised crime by governments in this country by increasing the costs of marijuana so organised crime can make more money.

And the lies by the governments have led to unsupported beliefs such as The drug once perceived as harmless is now overwhelming viewed as dangerous, addictive and linked to a range of serious health and social problems.

The spokesman for the research centre did highlight how wrong these perceptions at the end of the interview stating : The report's only bad news, said Mr Dillon, was that many beliefs people had about cannabis - like the fact it leads to harder drug use - were actually incorrect.

Some of the lies that the Governments especially John Howard has made to protect their organised crime buddies and their profits and believed by those that fail to educate themselves include:
What concerns me most is the lies about this drug and put to the niave people who believe a government that spends $billions on advertising to protect their organised crime rates.

And of even more concern is the fact that becuase this drug that has an expotentially less degree of risk of addiction compared to something like alcohol, tobacco and heroin and it is made out to be of a higher risk, leads our young to binge drink, and use the new range of drugs such as ice, gbh and the like because the governments don't focuss as much money on these trully dangerous drugs the brainless and those lacking the research see these dangerous drugs as safe compared to the relatively safe marijuana!

And all those using it for medication of pain might as well go on morphine, methotrexate, valium and the like becuase the government isn't protecting their organised crime buddies these drugs are seen as safe by the government, hence their legalisation for medical purposes.

Yet really the government is also protecting the pharmacutical companies with their lies as morphine, methotrexate and the like are highly addictive drugs that destroy internal organs with long term use. But they are Popular!

We are run by criminals making laws so they can go to the doc's and get morphine and the like while those that have serious illness are left with little choice unless they break the law!


Friday, February 16, 2007

The cost of all the new laws

U.S. : Prison Growth Could Cost Up to $27.5 Billion Over Next 5 Years
Posted by Patriot on 2007/2/15 10:52:13 (66 reads)

Washington, DC -- February 14, 2007 -- By 2011 one in every 178 U.S. residents will live in prison, according to a new report released today by the Public Safety Performance Project of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Public Safety, Public Spending: Forecasting America’s Prison Population 2007-2011 projects that by 2011 America will have more than 1.7 million men and women in prison, an increase of more than 192,000 from 2006. That increase could cost taxpayers as much as $27.5 billion over the next five years beyond what they currently spend on prisons.

“As states continue to struggle with tight budgets and competing priorities among health, education and safety, they are beginning to question whether huge additional investments in prisons are the most effective and economical way of combating crime,” said Susan Urahn, Managing Director of State Policy Initiatives at The Pew Charitable Trusts. “The challenge for state policy makers is to ensure that taxpayers are getting a strong return on their investment in corrections: safer communities, efficient use of public dollars, and ex-offenders who become productive, law-abiding members of society.”

Simple solution is to stop putting people in prison for doing nothing other than smoking a bit of pot! They do no harm to anyone else and there is no evidence to suggest they are even harming themselves!

Pretty simple and cost effective solution hey! Not only that it would free up the police forces to actually takle crime instead of arresting kids and those doing no harm to anyone!

But that won't happen becuase the laws are made to protect organised crimes profits and as such the profits from organised crime are far greater than $27 billion so they will build more jails to protect their criminal mates some of whom are in politics making the laws!


The lying Police Forces in Australia

Well we see the lies everyday on the news with the police, especially when it comes to road accidents, they immediately corrupt any investigation with the issue of speed even before investigations commence and then leave out the real risk factors such as the object that was hit releasing the energy that killed.

Well this perverted view on risk is extending to all areas of the police force now:

Red-faced police recover lost gun

February 16, 2007 12:00am
Article from: The Advertiser

ADELAIDE police who yesterday recovered an officer's revolver lost during an arrest on Wednesday, say the incident was "embarrassing", but had not put the public at risk.

The loaded Smith and Wesson Model 60 sidearm had been lost in scrub off Murrell Rd at Para Hills for almost 20 hours before being found at 11.30am after a search by police and State Emergency Service volunteers.

The weapon fell from a detective's holster during a foot chase through a gully at 4pm on Wednesday.

Now lets look at these absolute lies in a little detail!

A gun presents no risk!!!!!! What an absolute lie and no wonder there is so much crime when the police force is that corrupt they can blatantly lie!

So we break down the risk factors just to highlight how big a liar is the police force!

If the gun is found by a child and discharges the consequences are????? Worst case scenario multiple deaths! So even if it is quite unlikely this could happen it would still be classed as a high risk or extremely high risk becuase of the consequences!

But we will look at the likelihood too! A gun lost in the scrub in suburbia for 20 hours has a good likelihood of being found and most likely by a kid playing in the scrub! And if a kid found a gun it is quite likely that they would play with it leading to a high likelihood of it discharging.

So given there is a high likelihood that this sort of incident could happen and the consequences could be multiple deaths!


These police are worse than criminals as they pose as role models yet they are big fat liars, who will corrupt anything to cover their backsides!


The result of law enforcement by speed camera!

More and more we are seeing our police resources replaced by things like speed camera's and security camera's instead of the police presence being the deterent, the criminal just stands out of sight of the camera or hides themselves so they can't be recognised.

So hence there is no deterent to crime now for those who choose that avenue and the results of lack of policing are highlighted in the next article.

A few beers and a gun to the head

February 16, 2007 12:00am
Article from: The Daily Telegraph

THESE frightening scenes - in which bandits point guns and a samurai sword at hotel patrons - have become a daily occurrence in Sydney.
The raid on St Leonards Tavern in Artarmon early yesterday was just another night at work for the armed gangs prowling Sydney.

Two other pubs were hit within an hour of the Artarmon raid, while a hotel security guard was shot on Wednesday night in a separate attack.

But dramatic scenes like those caught on security cameras at the Artarmon tavern and obtained by The Daily Telegraph yesterday have been deemed too legally sensitive by police.

For the past three days, police have repeatedly said they were unable to provide footage of seven other Sydney hold-ups.

The tavern's manager yesterday released the CCTV footage in the hope the public could help identify the attackers.

A second video obtained from a service station last week of a masked gunman robbing the Kogarah business also captured the reality of Sydney's shocking, and increasing, gun crime.

A police spokesman said any footage which could be available today would have the actual crime edited out because it could prejudice future court proceedings.

Such sanitised footage would not show the tavern raid where drinkers enjoying a beer are suddenly plunged into a fight for survival at 1.34am.

During the nine-minute raid, chilling footage shows one patron raising his arms in defence as one of four masked bandits went to swing a samurai sword at him.

A brave manager intervened, standing at the bar and announcing: "I am the manager, I am the one you want."

He was then forced to the tavern's office where the sword-wielding bandit stood over him while he bundled cash into a bag.

The manager yesterday said violent raids on pubs had become so common he was struggling to understand why police had not provided more resources to catch the criminals. He said the "Australian institution" of having a beer at a local pub was under threat.

"These armed gangs go around in (Subaru) WRXs, they robbed two other hotels, it is amazing the police aren't out looking for these types of cars at night," he said.

There were 560 armed robberies at gunpoint in NSW in the year up to September, with the crime rising significantly for the first time in almost five years.

Drug taking polititians and public servants corrupt guidelines

Well those drug addicted polititians and public servants have done it again! Yep Alcohol is a drug and these people can't go without their drug for very long so they are drug addicts!

And now becuase of their bias and wanting people to believe that their drug addiction (alcohol) is not bad have corrupted guidelines made to protect unborn babies and put many in danger because of the polititians drug addiction.

Alcohol guidelines may harm babies

By Jane Bunce

February 15, 2007 06:56pm
Article from: AAP

PREGNANT women who follow Government guidelines on alcohol could be putting their babies at risk, the assistant health minister has acknowledged.

The Federal Government is reviewing its national guidelines on alcohol, which set standards on how much people can drink without suffering health effects.

Current National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines recommend pregnant women drink no more than seven standard drinks in a week and no more than two on any one day.

But opposition parties and peak doctor's group, the Australian Medical Association, last year began a push for the Government to change its guidelines to recommend pregnant women drink no alcohol at all.

AMA president Dr Mukesh Haikerwal said there was no evidence to suggest alcohol at any volume could be drunk safely during pregnancy, and numerous studies showed the harm it could inflict on a developing foetus.

"Women considering pregnancy need to know that there is no known safe level of alcohol consumption," he said.

Drug Takers Leading our nation

It is common knowledge that a large percentage of our leaders of industry and politics are drug abusers! Sure they make laws against drugs they don't take and then abuse the one's that they leave legal. For example Victoria's Industrial Relations framework was developed while the minister finished off a bottle of scotch.

Yep the most dangerous drug of all - Alcohol is abused by those in power! And below highlights that with the money from their powerful positions they have the ability to contest like no one else in society highlighting the discrimination in our legal system against those without money.

Seven boss hires top silk to fight drink-drive charge

By Angela Kamper

February 16, 2007 02:00am
Article from: The Daily Telegraph

TELEVISION boss Peter Meakin has hired one of Sydney's top barristers to represent him on a drink-driving charge.

The Seven Network head of news and current affairs postponed his appearance at Manly Local Court in Sydney yesterday until April 16 when Phillip Boulten SC was available for the hearing.

"Mr Phillip Boulten SC is representing him, your Honour, and these are the dates," Mr Meakin's solicitor John Laxon told the court.

"I didn't realise he was seeking counsel," Magistrate Andrew George replied.

The high-profile legal eagle last year represented abortion doctor Suman Sood who escaped jail after she was found guilty of unlawfully administering abortion drugs to a patient who was 23-weeks pregnant.

He also acted for convicted terrorist Faheem Lodhi who was jailed for 20 years.

Mr Meakin has pleaded guilty to a charge of mid-range drink driving after returning a blood alcohol reading of 0.10 at North Narrabeen.

He still faces two charges of driving recklessly and failing to stop for a breath test.

Road Safety - Alcohol

Talking toilets deliver drink-drive warning

From correspondents in Santa Fe

February 16, 2007 10:25am
Article from: Reuters

A US state is using talking urinals in a bid to get the drink-drive message across to those at risk.

New Mexico's transportation department said today it has put some 500 talking deodorisers in bar and restaurant restrooms in the state in recent days.

"Hey big guy, having a few drinks? Then listen up!" a voice says.

"Think you had one too many? Then it's time to call a cab or call a sober friend for a ride home."

Transportation department spokesman SU Mahesh said the motion-activated devices were part of an attempt to "think outside the box" to tackle drink driving in the state

These sort of devices will just encourage drunks to drink more!!!!!

How about funding police presence at venues instead becuase a drunk will know the talking machine cant follow/persue them when they step in their cars.

Just another politically motivated activity to raise votes by letting people who aren't drinking think that the government is doing something about it when it is really doing nothing but campaigning.

If they actually employed people that know about safety then they would know this is a complete waste of money when it comes to stopping drink driving, although they could argue that it gained votes.


Bob the Builder type accidents

I was promted to write the previous article on Bob the Builder after seeing just 3 properties down a kid riding on the guard of a tractor with his dad driving and a slasher trailing behind, just last week. It should be noted that the Queensland Workplace Health and Safety Inspectorate is corrupt and they don't hire people with qualifications and experience as they will know too much. So this sort of thing goes on all around here. The accident scene. Picture: Trevor Pinder

Above is the scene of an accident where a 13 year old died while operating an excavator!

But worse still this relates directly with the Bob the Builder show and the unsafe practices depicted to our kids, who then think machinery is somehow friendly, when in fact it is deadly. This show should take more care with our children and highlight the safe ways to operate equipment not have Bob hanging off the side all the time.

Boy, 13, dies helping dad

Shannon McRae

February 16, 2007 12:00am
Article from: Herald-Sun

A 13-YEAR-OLD boy died when a mini-excavator he was driving overturned and crushed him yesterday.
The state's safety watchdog said Mt Evelyn boy Blake Aartsen should not have been driving the Mini Kanga excavator in the front yard of his home.

WorkSafe said his death was a tragedy and warned parents not to let children operate machinery.

Blake was killed instantly when the excavator tipped over about 7.30am, while he was helping to landscape the family's garden by shifting piles of gravel.

His father was working just metres away.

Ambulance officers rushed to the West Hill Drive home but could do nothing to save the boy.

Michael Birt, of WorkSafe, said children and machinery were a dangerous mix.

"Every year in Victoria there are many cases where children are seriously hurt working with machinery," he said.

"This is a cautionary tale for all parents. Children and machinery should be kept apart."

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Searching for work in safety

I will list some of the sites where you can search for safety jobs and get positive hits:
  • Seek This is the Advanced search page, in job classification you need to click on HR, then you go to the sub classification and search OHS.
  • My Career Again this is the advanced search page, again you need to click on HR Recruitment in Sector and then in the sub sector click on Occup Health and Safety
  • Career One Again this is a difficult one, but the best way I've found is scroll down to "by Industry" click on HR, Recruitment and Training, it will divide these into groupings and click on Occupational Health and Safety. Warning this is the worst job search engine in Australia for safety jobs anyway and it will give you all sorts of results, you just have to scroll through them one at a time, which I can never be bothered doing as the eyes go blurry trying to work out this out of touch job search, but there are occasionally some good jobs and it could be worth the effort.
There are other ways of searching jobs too!
  • Smart Jobs There are state government job sites which are pretty good, this one is the QLD state government jobs and you just click on Environment/Health and Safety under catagory. If you are looking in other states just go to the government website of that state.
  • Ergon Energy Some of the larger employers have their own search engines, in this case I have put Ergon Energies site but organisations such as Ford, Holden, Coca Cola and many others have their own sites just search out the large employers that you know and check their websites.
  • Local Councils QLD You can check out all the councils in your area, in this instance I have done a search for councils of QLD and you get a listing of all the councils and their websites which the majority have job listing on. If you are in other states just do a search for local councils adding the state you want.
  • Hays Recruitment you can also search all the recruitment agencies and their search engines, in this instance I have listed Hays for an example but there are many other recruitment agencies There are many others so do your own search and find recruitment agencies in your area.
Hopefully this helps you in your job search, these are just some examples to help and you will find there are many other avenues once you start searching.

Just don't give up, keep trying and you will eventually gain employment if you have the will and the skills.


Road Safety - Statistics.

Wow in one of the driest years Victoria recorded 6 less deaths on our roads for the 12 month period, yet I'm sure there are some still in coma's that will add to that figure at some stage.

But it will be interesting to see what happens to their statistics when they get an extended wet period as has been experience in Queensland in the last 24 hours with a spike in the the number of deaths coinciding with the extended wet period (a blessing however for all that need water).

Perhaps an extended wet period around the country will lead to a spike in the statistics and we will be able to compare it with the last year there was a extended wet period and actually see how bad/good they are managing road safety.

In fact we should have statistics broken down to coincide with weather pattens, temperatures and conditions such as rain.

And then we could run some accurate comparisons to see if any initiatives have been succesful or on the other hand wether we are over regulating leading to actual increases in road tolls.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bob the Builder - Safety Menace

Isn't it great when you've got a 2 yr old you get to watch all the great shows such as Thomas the Tank, Wiggles and the like but Bob the Builder has taken the cake as the safety menace of the kids shows.

I often wondered where those farmers got their entrenched practices of letting kids ride on the guards of the tractors, or those loader operators and the entrenched practices of having people around the operations.

It comes from Bob the Builder!

Yep all the people including Bob ride around on the guards of tractors, loaders, trucks and the like!

This sort of show is totally counteractive to developing a safety culture in our workplaces, which include farming.

Bob the Builder entrenches unsafe behaviour in our kids before they are even old enough to explain it is wrong.

No wonder those farmers are so hard to convince it is unsafe to let children ride with them! Farmers never grow up! lol

But the serious point is the amount of children that are run over by their parents, grand parents becuase they are riding on equipment with children! The worst I seen was a 7 year old girl run over by a slasher operated by her father, there were pieces of her all over the paddock and caught up on the fences!

Bob the Builder should be banned or redesigned to show safe operation of machinery and equipment!

As it is it has a negative educational impact teaching unsafe behaviour and the only reason it is on T.V. is to make someone money at the cost of health and safety of not only the young but those that never grow mentally.


Monday, February 12, 2007

Why aren't our polititians investigated?

Corrupt cops on verge of sack

February 12, 2007 12:14am
Article from: AAP

DOZENS of corrupt Victorian police faced dismissal and criminal proceedings, the Office of Police Integrity (OPI) has confirmed.

The OPI has told Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon it has evidence against officers involved with serious crimes including drug dealing, stealing and associating with criminals, News Limited newspapers reported today.

The OPI would recommend action within six months against another batch of police it has compiled further evidence on, the report said.

Ms Nixon said she enjoyed a close relationship with the OPI and would follow up on its latest recommendations that she take disciplinary action against dozens of police the OPI had investigated.

OPI director George Brouwer yesterday rejected claims from former Royal Commission chief Donald Stewart that Victoria's police force was riddled with “deep-seated and continuing corruption”.

We wouldn't have so much corruption if laws were fair, for example if pot was legal especially for those with illness then there wouldn't be the markets for the police to be corrupted in!

Drug Law Hypocrasy

There has never been a recorded case of someone dying from marijuana anywhere in the world and it benefits people with illness such as cancer, MS, MD, Glucoma, Arthritis and hundreds of other illnesses, yet alcohol shows no where near the same benefits but kills hundreds of Australians each year.

Hypocrits our law makers!

Indigenous alcohol deaths every 38hrs

February 12, 2007 03:23am
Article from: AAP

ALCOHOL kills one indigenous Australian every 38 hours, landmark research has found.

The average age of those dying from alcohol-attributable causes - mostly suicide for men, or alcoholic liver cirrhosis for women - is about 35 years.

National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) Indigenous Australian Research team leader Dennis Gray said these were conservative estimates from a first-of-its-kind study of the problem which showed alcohol killed 1145 indigenous Australians between 2000 and 2004.

Drug laws discriminate against the poor and increase profits of organised crime

I've stated many times that the only benefit banning drugs like marijuana have is to increase the profits of organised crime and pharmacutical companies are the biggest drug dealers who are protected from the laws making $billions by pushing things like morphine and valium over something that is safe and can be grown for free (if the government can't make a profit they ban something beneficial)

But worse is how these laws are used to discriminate! Yep it's only those that the authorities don't like (no other reason) that are busted!

Look at Bill Clinton! He should have been prosecuted for admitting using illegal drugs and had his house confiscated and other assessts removed or blocked as he not only used pot but admitted to it! Then we have George Bush who doesn't deny using illegal drugs which is an admission.

But now we have more people running in politics that admit to using illegal drugs! How can they be so hypocritical?

Obama owns up to cannabis, cocaine use as teen
Email this storyPrint this story 10:20AM Monday February 12, 2007
By Andrew Buncombe

* Obama pledges new generation of US leadership

WASHINGTON - Bill Clinton famously admitted to having smoked marijuana but denied having ever inhaled.

"When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn't like it," he said. "I didn't inhale and never tried it again."

His successor, George Bush, while acknowledging a near-alcoholic past, refused to say whether he had ever taken illegal drugs. In 1999, he said: "I've told the people of this country that, over 20 years ago, I made some mistakes when I was younger. I've learnt from those mistakes."

But a generation later there seems to be less bashfulness about the topic and controlling the message appears to be the key.

Barack Obama, the Democratic senator who has formally announced his bid to become America's first black president, long ago admitted taking both cannabis and cocaine while he was a teenager.

In a 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father, he wrote: "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack [heroin] though."

Mr Obama has also stressed his activities were part of a youthful behaviour he has long left behind and which he does not condone

So it's acknowledged it is part of youthful behavior!!!! That makes it alright then does it while millions of youth are prosecuted for being youthful!

And then you take medical conditions into account and someone can't use something like marijuana for pain management and all the other medical benefits to help with quality of life but a president of the United States can use marijuana for youthful behaviour.

Proves what I'm saying hey the pharmacutical companies control drug law to increase their profits at the expense of our youth and ill, injured and sick!


Recyled Water

This is the biggest crap issue I have read about in recent times.

For governments to claim recycled water is safe, reminds me of 20 years ago and chemical sales people would claim you can drink their toxic poisons, in fact some of the sales reps actually did drink a poison in front of workers and claim it was safe.

Likely they died early in life!

And to have polititians repeating this sort of sick behaviour by drinking recycled water and claiming it's safe is absolutely disgusting!

For one sure when a recycle plant is new it may produce safe drinking water but the problem lies further down the track when older plants don't work so efficiently and if your in safety you will understand that when equipment becomes used it does not work as efficiently as when it was new!

With the older plants and cost cutting there will be toxic spills into our drinking supplies this is 100% certain.

I can say it's certain becuase we can't even get the Safety Institute of Australia to ensure that members are qualified and competent.

And if we can't get our safety leaders to get their skills to a minimum level there is no hope of getting systems in place in these recycle plants that won't fail!

So poluting our water supplies with recycled water only benefits those making money our of water to the detriment of those using or drinking water. And then surveys are claiming 78% acceptance by Australians for recycled drinking water.

A great big lie by governments to push their agenda of selling off our water supplies as there is no way people would support toxic drinking water.


Abusive Women in our workplaces or maybe it's the homosexuals

Workers for Queensland rail have been warned not to take men's magazines into the workplace. Magazines such as FHM, Zoo Weekdly, People and Picture workers are warned they are risking their jobs if they brang that sort of magazine on site.

Now this is also an all male workplace which makes this ruling even more hypocritical!

Yet there are no mentions of banning Women's Weekly, Women's Day, Cosmopolitan or any of the many offensive and discriminatory magazines women read!

Worse there is not one mention of banning homosexual magazines which are offensive in the extreme!

This is an attack on the basic rights of freedom of speech! People should be allowed to read what they enjoy and for management to want to control what their workers read is a disgrace and belongs with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

So Queensland Rail is run by Nazi's it appears from this sort of ban. And what's next ban the bible, the Koran and just read Queensland Rail propaganda which is full of miss truths and uneducated opinions from the likes of the Safety Institute of Australia.


Water Crisis! Excuse to sell off more of Australia

The Federal Governments and all Governments for that matter in this country treat the people like idiots!

Currently the Federal government is moving towards taking control of our water resources with the support of the State Governments!

And the big question is why?

Simple, whenever the Federal Government takes control of an Australian entity it sells it off, even though the people own it, the government sells it off then claims they are good financial managers becuase of the billions made from the sales, eg telstra!

But to highlight how advanced the plans are to sell our water supplies, governments are preparing us for increases of 100% or more in our water prices.

Obvious that it is being prepared to gain the highest price from the biggest bidder.

Yet we see overseas the results of lack of water or probably more relevant the lack of money to purchase water. Yep selling our water off will make it more acceptable for our poor in this country to not be able to drink, shower or any other activity requiring water.

And then they die, and John Howard jumps up and down in joy becuase that is one less person he has to support becuase they died.

Sick Country we live in

Education sucks in Australia unless your rich

Sorry I haven't posted for a fair while. Been enjoying the kids company over the holidays and getting involved in voluntary activities to give back a little to the community so please forgive me.

One of the most important issues in the countries mental and economic health has to be education and with schools in queensland banning students from attending classes if their parents haven't been able to afford fees, we are seeing the result of not providing education to our poorest children with more and more drug use and people being put in jail.

Isnt it sad that our young kids cannot get an education in this country if their parents are struggling financially.

For example I get a DSP and my wife parenting payments which add up to just over $600 a week, take out $230 a week for rent (is going up shortly), we try and keep our food budget to just over $200 a week probably averages $230, then fuel to drop kids off and doctors appointments at around $80 a week, then there are medications at around whatever I can afford that is left, a specialist visit is around $160 a pop and massage and physio are well over $50 so I live in pain most of the time as it's obvious I cannot afford medical treatments.

Add rego, tyres, school fees and books and uniforms and you can see there is no way of affording to live in this country with any dignity or security, if you are unfortunate enough not to be able to work for whatever reason.

So for schools to ban kids from attending becuase their parents are poor is sooooo wrong and all it does is keep these kids in the cycle of poverty so the rich can become better off (yep the CEO's get more and more and company profits get greater and greater).

And then we see prisoners getting free education! Becuase they are poor a lot revert to crime and then get the education but if they had an education in the first place maybe we could stop a lot of them going to prison in the first place.

But that is the corrupt society we live in where the rich cry poor and the poor don't eat.
