Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Saddam to be hanged but who will judge George Bush?

I do not believe we are to kill, even if that is Saddam Hussein. I guess there is enough evidence to suggest he did kill 148 Shi ites but wasn't he sovereign over the country? If so how could he be breaking any laws?

World opinion seems to suggest that it is not acceptable what happened I'll grant that but if we hang him then are we not guilty of the same offences that Saddam committed?

And to see all these people jumping around in joy that a man will be hanged just highlights that many of us are just as hungry for blood as Saddam appears to have been although Saddam was responding to a cue.

But if Saddam is guilty of killing 148, what about George Bush and his coalition of the willing? And lets remember they invaded Iraq on a total lie based on weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist!

Lets look at the Death Toll from George Bush wanting to gain control of oil field in Iraq!

Civilian death toll in Iraq exceeds 100,000

* 13:05 29 October 2004
* NewScientist.com news service
* Shaoni Bhattacharya

The invasion of Iraq in March 2003 by coalition forces has lead to the death of at least 100,000 civilians, reveals the first scientific study to examine the issue.

The majority of these deaths, which are in addition those normally expected from natural causes, illness and accidents, have been among women and children, finds the study, released early by The Lancet on Thursday.

The most common cause of death is as a direct result of violence, mostly caused by coalition air strikes, reveals the study of almost 1000 households scattered across Iraq. And the risk of violent death just after the invasion was 58 times greater than before the war. The overall risk of death was 1.5 times more after the invasion than before.

The figure of 100,000 – estimated by extrapolating the surveyed households’ death toll to the whole population - is based on "conservative assumptions", notes Les Roberts at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, US, who led the study.

That estimate excludes Falluja, a hotspot for violence. If the data from this town is included, the study points to about 200,000 excess deaths since the outbreak of war.

If you click on the above you can read the entire article from New Scientist

Now given that George Bush, John Howard, Tony Blair and mates have directly killed over 100,000 civilians to gain control of oil and capture Saddam who wasn't found guilty of anything at the time, shouldn't they face the same prosecution as Saddam as their crime was far greater than 148 percieved enemies of the then state, their crime is against civilians! And we can then add military deaths estimated at 2835 U.S. soldiers.

Seems the richest country can get away with murder, just as the richest organisations can get away with killing their workers.

What is meant to be is meant to be and the time will come when all will know the truth.


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