Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Circumcision the truth!

Circumcision 'reduces STD risk'

From correspondents in New York

November 07, 2006 04:25am
Article from: Reuters

CIRCUMCISED males are less likely than their uncircumcised peers to acquire a sexually transmitted infection, the findings of a 25-year study suggest.

According to the report in the November issue of Pediatrics, circumcision may reduce the risk of acquiring and spreading such infections by up to 50 per cent, which suggests "substantial benefits" for routine neonatal circumcision.

The current study is just one of many that have looked at this controversial topic. While most research has found that circumcision reduces the rates of HIV (the virus that causes AIDS), syphilis and genital ulcers, the results are more mixed for other STDs.

While these researchers refuse to look for God for answers they will never understand the stupidity of their statements!

The STD rates do not drop becuase of circumcision!!!!!!!!! They drop becuase the people who are circumcised have usually had this done so becuase their parents had faith in God and so these men have been brought up with strong moral and ethical foundations based on Gods word!

Uncircumsized men are usually because the parents were angry with God or didn't believe in Gods word and as such have a poor grounding in valuable moral and ethical responsiblities.


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