Seems John Howard and his mates are hell bent on deciding what's best for everyone. Now they want me to vaccinate my daughters for cervical cancer!
But I ask the question what are the long term effects of this medication???????
And I won't believe the lying sceming polititians who most probably recieve kickbacks from the pharmacutical company for making this an Australia wide vaccination program, and for that sort of service the pharmacutical companies the polititians will be recieving huge kickbacks whether finacial of physical so I know they will hide the truth.
As a arthritis sufferer I have seen the false promises for products like Viox, enbrel and others and then after 30 years we see the long term effects of heart attacks and strokes and the same will go for our daughters with this new drug that has been brought in corruptly by corrupt polititians.
How about the polititians disclose just how many $millions they are getting for introducing a country wide vaccination!
And even in the short term we are seeing there are already adverse effects such as reactive arthritis! And the rates are double the normal population without the gardasil!!!!!!!!!
I tell you there are many that will wish they had cancer and died than lived with reactive arthritis, from experience and in this society of Australia where discrimination is rife among those who are percieved as not normal they will loose hope becuase of the discrimination, you just have to look at the Safety Institute of Australia and the way they protect those that lack committment to prove their competence and yet ban those who spent 10 years of nights proving they are competent.
And then you have to ask why is the government not letting the public know the side effects of gardasil and not letting the public know about the reactive arthritis?????
And guess what with reactive arthritis there is a high probability in 20 or 30 years they will also have heart problems related to reactive arthritis!!!!
And when something like gardasil effects the immune system like that you can be assured cancer rates in other areas will also escalate.
John Howard and his mates have been shown to be totally incompetent with the AWB scandal but if you believe they didn't know what the public servents were doing in Iraq then you are stupid they controlled the royal commissions terms of reference becuase they knew they were guilty of corruption themselves and gardasil will show to be the same. In 30 years we will find out how much Mr Howard and his mates recieved for infecting our female children with this drug.
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