Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Road Safety -Buses and Coaches

Seems we have an unqualified Safety Institute of Australia member, fellow or chartered fellow in charge of coach safety in SE Queensland.

An independant investigation by myself has shown just how pathetic safety is in the bus and coach industry.

Of 8 Coaches supplied by a large organisation in Queensland for our school children 3 were defective in safety, yet they have great safety systems on paper and the Safety Institutes slack attitute allowing mates in power with no qualifications is showing in Audits becuase they don't pick these defects up.

In fact with the Safety Institutes lack of professionalism in allowing unqualified people in the audits wouldn't even look at the following issue becuase they have no knowledge and becuase they have years of experience , when an incident occurs they will blame the bus driver/coach driver and probably include speed, instead of focussing on the safety person responsible for not knowing enough.

of the 8 coaches investigated 3 of them had defective seat belts! One had seat belts that couldn't plug in becuase the buckle was jammed, one had twisted seat belts and one the seat belts didn't retract (making them useless in an accident).

And these were supplied to school children.

The safety institute has a lot to answer for in keeping their mates in power at the expense of safety becomming a true profession.

Although in Queensland they only need a 5 day course to be classed as a safety officer which is pathetic and shows just how little the legislators really care about safety by allowing this farce. But at least it's better than the Safety Institute of Australia who don't even require qualifications, in fact they ban those with qualifications to keep the corrupt unqualified people in jobs and allow them to keep killing people becuase of their incompetence.

The Safety Institute of Australia should be prosecuted for negligence next time one of it's unqualfied members have a death in the workplace to stop this corrupt behaviour.


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