Seems we have an unqualified Safety Institute of Australia member, fellow or chartered fellow in charge of coach safety in SE Queensland.
An independant investigation by myself has shown just how pathetic safety is in the bus and coach industry.
Of 8 Coaches supplied by a large organisation in Queensland for our school children 3 were defective in safety, yet they have great safety systems on paper and the Safety Institutes slack attitute allowing mates in power with no qualifications is showing in Audits becuase they don't pick these defects up.
In fact with the Safety Institutes lack of professionalism in allowing unqualified people in the audits wouldn't even look at the following issue becuase they have no knowledge and becuase they have years of experience , when an incident occurs they will blame the bus driver/coach driver and probably include speed, instead of focussing on the safety person responsible for not knowing enough.
of the 8 coaches investigated 3 of them had defective seat belts! One had seat belts that couldn't plug in becuase the buckle was jammed, one had twisted seat belts and one the seat belts didn't retract (making them useless in an accident).
And these were supplied to school children.
The safety institute has a lot to answer for in keeping their mates in power at the expense of safety becomming a true profession.
Although in Queensland they only need a 5 day course to be classed as a safety officer which is pathetic and shows just how little the legislators really care about safety by allowing this farce. But at least it's better than the Safety Institute of Australia who don't even require qualifications, in fact they ban those with qualifications to keep the corrupt unqualified people in jobs and allow them to keep killing people becuase of their incompetence.
The Safety Institute of Australia should be prosecuted for negligence next time one of it's unqualfied members have a death in the workplace to stop this corrupt behaviour.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Blackhawk Helicopters
So another Blackhawk helicopter has gone down and killed a brave soldier!
These things are old pieces of junk and yet we allow our kids to be flown around in them, just waiting for more of them to die at anytime! When you think about it a car is made to last 13 years, a helicopter is made to last far less!
The Australian government can carry on all they like about refits but the subframe and structure are not replaced so we expect people to die and hope not too many.
But the worst thing is they are going to replace them with used helicopters from the U.S.
What a load of crap our defence force personnel are obviously not worth much when the Australian Government won't even buy new helicopters but used one's!
I believe our defence force personnel deserve the newest best helicopters as they are the bravest people who are protecting our freedom daily but the government just wants short term votes instead of long term safety!
Absolutely disgusting!
These things are old pieces of junk and yet we allow our kids to be flown around in them, just waiting for more of them to die at anytime! When you think about it a car is made to last 13 years, a helicopter is made to last far less!
The Australian government can carry on all they like about refits but the subframe and structure are not replaced so we expect people to die and hope not too many.
But the worst thing is they are going to replace them with used helicopters from the U.S.
What a load of crap our defence force personnel are obviously not worth much when the Australian Government won't even buy new helicopters but used one's!
I believe our defence force personnel deserve the newest best helicopters as they are the bravest people who are protecting our freedom daily but the government just wants short term votes instead of long term safety!
Absolutely disgusting!
Gardasil Vaccine
Seems John Howard and his mates are hell bent on deciding what's best for everyone. Now they want me to vaccinate my daughters for cervical cancer!
But I ask the question what are the long term effects of this medication???????
And I won't believe the lying sceming polititians who most probably recieve kickbacks from the pharmacutical company for making this an Australia wide vaccination program, and for that sort of service the pharmacutical companies the polititians will be recieving huge kickbacks whether finacial of physical so I know they will hide the truth.
As a arthritis sufferer I have seen the false promises for products like Viox, enbrel and others and then after 30 years we see the long term effects of heart attacks and strokes and the same will go for our daughters with this new drug that has been brought in corruptly by corrupt polititians.
How about the polititians disclose just how many $millions they are getting for introducing a country wide vaccination!
And even in the short term we are seeing there are already adverse effects such as reactive arthritis! And the rates are double the normal population without the gardasil!!!!!!!!!
I tell you there are many that will wish they had cancer and died than lived with reactive arthritis, from experience and in this society of Australia where discrimination is rife among those who are percieved as not normal they will loose hope becuase of the discrimination, you just have to look at the Safety Institute of Australia and the way they protect those that lack committment to prove their competence and yet ban those who spent 10 years of nights proving they are competent.
And then you have to ask why is the government not letting the public know the side effects of gardasil and not letting the public know about the reactive arthritis?????
And guess what with reactive arthritis there is a high probability in 20 or 30 years they will also have heart problems related to reactive arthritis!!!!
And when something like gardasil effects the immune system like that you can be assured cancer rates in other areas will also escalate.
John Howard and his mates have been shown to be totally incompetent with the AWB scandal but if you believe they didn't know what the public servents were doing in Iraq then you are stupid they controlled the royal commissions terms of reference becuase they knew they were guilty of corruption themselves and gardasil will show to be the same. In 30 years we will find out how much Mr Howard and his mates recieved for infecting our female children with this drug.
But I ask the question what are the long term effects of this medication???????
And I won't believe the lying sceming polititians who most probably recieve kickbacks from the pharmacutical company for making this an Australia wide vaccination program, and for that sort of service the pharmacutical companies the polititians will be recieving huge kickbacks whether finacial of physical so I know they will hide the truth.
As a arthritis sufferer I have seen the false promises for products like Viox, enbrel and others and then after 30 years we see the long term effects of heart attacks and strokes and the same will go for our daughters with this new drug that has been brought in corruptly by corrupt polititians.
How about the polititians disclose just how many $millions they are getting for introducing a country wide vaccination!
And even in the short term we are seeing there are already adverse effects such as reactive arthritis! And the rates are double the normal population without the gardasil!!!!!!!!!
I tell you there are many that will wish they had cancer and died than lived with reactive arthritis, from experience and in this society of Australia where discrimination is rife among those who are percieved as not normal they will loose hope becuase of the discrimination, you just have to look at the Safety Institute of Australia and the way they protect those that lack committment to prove their competence and yet ban those who spent 10 years of nights proving they are competent.
And then you have to ask why is the government not letting the public know the side effects of gardasil and not letting the public know about the reactive arthritis?????
And guess what with reactive arthritis there is a high probability in 20 or 30 years they will also have heart problems related to reactive arthritis!!!!
And when something like gardasil effects the immune system like that you can be assured cancer rates in other areas will also escalate.
John Howard and his mates have been shown to be totally incompetent with the AWB scandal but if you believe they didn't know what the public servents were doing in Iraq then you are stupid they controlled the royal commissions terms of reference becuase they knew they were guilty of corruption themselves and gardasil will show to be the same. In 30 years we will find out how much Mr Howard and his mates recieved for infecting our female children with this drug.
Friday, November 24, 2006
I often wonder how many suicides are recorded as road accidents or workplace deaths but even without that information for it would only be speculation the recorded suicide numbers in Australia are high enough to reflect our stigma to this.
I guess this issue borders on the imaginary line in the sand of what is workplace health and safety and what the employee takes home. It also depends on how many in the health and safety field actually believe mental and spiritual health is important or relevant.
In defence we can offen directly link a suicide with the work activity, this is the nature of the work these brave people do. (that doesn't mean we don't try and improve things, especially on the spiritual side when dealing with death).
But in other instances work may not be the direct contributor or a range of different variations between the two extremes.
But not doing enough about those factors that are contributed from workplace or could be, is a reflection on the stigma of not wanting to know.
But we are in health and safety and if we don't want to know about the issues and factors contributing to suicide then we shouldn't be in the field of health and safety.
A reflection of not doing enough, or maybe just listening enough is:
* 2,683 people took their own lives in Australia during 1998.8
* Which means an average of seven suicides per day.9
* For every completed suicide there are over 30 attempts.10
* Therefore there are over 210 people a day attempting suicide.
* There are 8.5 times more deaths by suicide in Australia than by homicide (2683 suicides compared to 307 homicides).
* There are 1.5 times more deaths by suicide in Australia than by road accidents (2683 suicides compared to 1713 road accidents).
* 2,150 of these suicides were males.9
* Male suicides outnumber female suicides by a ratio of 4:1.
* The all-age standardised rates of male suicide registered in 1997 and 1998 were the highest since 1963 and, before that, 1931.9
* Suicide is the leading external cause of death among men.9
* Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 25 - 44 year old males.9
* Suicide rates for males increased from 16.5 in 1979 to 23.1 in 1998.9
* Suicide rates for females decreased from 6.6 in 1979 to 5.7 in 1998.9
* For every completed male suicide there are five attempts.
* For every completed female suicide there are 35 attempts.
* Homosexuality issues may be involved in up to one third of young men under 24 who suicide.11
To any people contemplating suicide and reading this, know if you take that path it doesn't get any easier. There is one that loves you more than you know and with that love comes hope. If you want to know more about the strength and love Jesus can give drop into you local pastor.
I guess this issue borders on the imaginary line in the sand of what is workplace health and safety and what the employee takes home. It also depends on how many in the health and safety field actually believe mental and spiritual health is important or relevant.
In defence we can offen directly link a suicide with the work activity, this is the nature of the work these brave people do. (that doesn't mean we don't try and improve things, especially on the spiritual side when dealing with death).
But in other instances work may not be the direct contributor or a range of different variations between the two extremes.
But not doing enough about those factors that are contributed from workplace or could be, is a reflection on the stigma of not wanting to know.
But we are in health and safety and if we don't want to know about the issues and factors contributing to suicide then we shouldn't be in the field of health and safety.
A reflection of not doing enough, or maybe just listening enough is:
* 2,683 people took their own lives in Australia during 1998.8
* Which means an average of seven suicides per day.9
* For every completed suicide there are over 30 attempts.10
* Therefore there are over 210 people a day attempting suicide.
* There are 8.5 times more deaths by suicide in Australia than by homicide (2683 suicides compared to 307 homicides).
* There are 1.5 times more deaths by suicide in Australia than by road accidents (2683 suicides compared to 1713 road accidents).
* 2,150 of these suicides were males.9
* Male suicides outnumber female suicides by a ratio of 4:1.
* The all-age standardised rates of male suicide registered in 1997 and 1998 were the highest since 1963 and, before that, 1931.9
* Suicide is the leading external cause of death among men.9
* Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 25 - 44 year old males.9
* Suicide rates for males increased from 16.5 in 1979 to 23.1 in 1998.9
* Suicide rates for females decreased from 6.6 in 1979 to 5.7 in 1998.9
* For every completed male suicide there are five attempts.
* For every completed female suicide there are 35 attempts.
* Homosexuality issues may be involved in up to one third of young men under 24 who suicide.11
To any people contemplating suicide and reading this, know if you take that path it doesn't get any easier. There is one that loves you more than you know and with that love comes hope. If you want to know more about the strength and love Jesus can give drop into you local pastor.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
How Australian Politians plan to kill off the poor!
Well John Howard and his mates aren't satisfied that the poor have no chance in this country of changing their circumstances, the poor cannot afford to get an education for instance 2 grand for a basic TAFE course with no help, they cannot afford to heat their houses becuase of the price of electricity, they cannot afford to get jobs becuase they can't afford clothes, their children can't get educated even public primary schools have enormous fees, they cannot get hospital treatment to get them healthy enough to work, they can't afford dental treatment which worsen's their health and they can't afford to eat properly which if in poor health just makes the situation worse.
Now John Howard and his mates want to increase the price of drinking water by 30% so they can't drink and die!!!!!
Isn't it disgusting they make a big deal of supplying drinking water to poor countries but want to kill off the poor in this country by making it impossible for them to have fresh water to drink.
Disgusting, murderers is all I can say and I pray the Lord works in the lives of those that can't afford to drink water so they see the salvation in the Lord before they die of dehydration or complications from drinking dirty water that these rich people most probably won't see becuase killing people is a sin and we know the rich getting to heaven is like threading a camel through the eye of a needle. Very few of them will be able to bow down low enough to get through the needle.
To those that are poor turn to Jesus and your death will be for his purpose and you will recieve more than this life can offer and the rich will pay for their sins.
Now John Howard and his mates want to increase the price of drinking water by 30% so they can't drink and die!!!!!
Isn't it disgusting they make a big deal of supplying drinking water to poor countries but want to kill off the poor in this country by making it impossible for them to have fresh water to drink.
Disgusting, murderers is all I can say and I pray the Lord works in the lives of those that can't afford to drink water so they see the salvation in the Lord before they die of dehydration or complications from drinking dirty water that these rich people most probably won't see becuase killing people is a sin and we know the rich getting to heaven is like threading a camel through the eye of a needle. Very few of them will be able to bow down low enough to get through the needle.
To those that are poor turn to Jesus and your death will be for his purpose and you will recieve more than this life can offer and the rich will pay for their sins.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Risk Taking Behaviour and Toxiplazma parasite
If we had an educated and qualified Safety Institute of Australia we might have more research into things like the Toxiplazma Parasite!
This is a parasite that is caught from cats! It can also be caught from eating undercooked meat. It lives in the persons brain, or any mamals for that matter.
But the interest to Safety and especially those that focuss on behavioural safety is with the way it slows down our reaction times!
Research overseas into first blood donors shows that reaction times are greatly decreased in all those effected with the parasite. Further research into motor vehicle accidents showed that those with the parasite were twice as likely to be involved in a motor accident reflecting the slowed reaction times.
With the U.S. showing rates of infection of around 50% of the population and I suspect Australia would be similar rates.
These rates are actually higher than those drinking and driving!
So do we ban all drivers infected with Toxiplazma Parasites or do we design our roads removing energy release points to protect people from a loss of control???
Seems pretty obvious that the roads need to be redesigned and we cannot depend on behavioural controls, if we are to focuss on behavioural controls it looks like we need to ban at least 50% of the population from driving a motor vehicle.
But then if we had a real Safety Institute in Australia it would be dedicated to researching these issues but as it is an mens club exclusive to those that only care about their own careers at the expense of Safety becomming a profession research of this nature will not happen, in fact many of the chartered fellows, fellows and members are unable to undertake research becuase if the could they would definately be qualified and leading safety into a profession.
This is a parasite that is caught from cats! It can also be caught from eating undercooked meat. It lives in the persons brain, or any mamals for that matter.
But the interest to Safety and especially those that focuss on behavioural safety is with the way it slows down our reaction times!
Research overseas into first blood donors shows that reaction times are greatly decreased in all those effected with the parasite. Further research into motor vehicle accidents showed that those with the parasite were twice as likely to be involved in a motor accident reflecting the slowed reaction times.
With the U.S. showing rates of infection of around 50% of the population and I suspect Australia would be similar rates.
These rates are actually higher than those drinking and driving!
So do we ban all drivers infected with Toxiplazma Parasites or do we design our roads removing energy release points to protect people from a loss of control???
Seems pretty obvious that the roads need to be redesigned and we cannot depend on behavioural controls, if we are to focuss on behavioural controls it looks like we need to ban at least 50% of the population from driving a motor vehicle.
But then if we had a real Safety Institute in Australia it would be dedicated to researching these issues but as it is an mens club exclusive to those that only care about their own careers at the expense of Safety becomming a profession research of this nature will not happen, in fact many of the chartered fellows, fellows and members are unable to undertake research becuase if the could they would definately be qualified and leading safety into a profession.
OHS Pay rates in Australia
Hay's Recruitment have released their latest income survey results and again it's a shame that OHS is recognised as the poor understudy of Human Resources, when it is far more than Human Resources and HR actually should be part of OHS not the other way round. I guess if the Safety Institute of Australia doesn't care to get it's leaders with qualifications how can OHS be recognised as a profession???
Sydney a safety manager is on average $100K, while in Melbourne it is $90K, Brisbane and Perth $80K
While a safety consultant average pay in Sydney is $75K, Melbourne it is $65K and lower in other states, with Queensland average of $55K highlighting it's lack of priority given to OHS personnel, reflecting the lack of qualifications needed in that state. Even with it's better than average employment growth, the legislation only calls for a five day WHSO course and in fact the 5 days is recognised above 15 years of qualifications reflecting the influence the Safety Institute of Australia and it's lack of recognition for real tertiary qualifications.
No wonder they have such stupid incidents in workplaces in QLD, employers look for the WHSO certificate above real qualifications.
but if you want to see the whole income survey go to Hays Recruitment and if you want just HR and OHS go here
Sydney a safety manager is on average $100K, while in Melbourne it is $90K, Brisbane and Perth $80K
While a safety consultant average pay in Sydney is $75K, Melbourne it is $65K and lower in other states, with Queensland average of $55K highlighting it's lack of priority given to OHS personnel, reflecting the lack of qualifications needed in that state. Even with it's better than average employment growth, the legislation only calls for a five day WHSO course and in fact the 5 days is recognised above 15 years of qualifications reflecting the influence the Safety Institute of Australia and it's lack of recognition for real tertiary qualifications.
No wonder they have such stupid incidents in workplaces in QLD, employers look for the WHSO certificate above real qualifications.
but if you want to see the whole income survey go to Hays Recruitment and if you want just HR and OHS go here
Who are the real terrorists? Saddam or the U.S. Alliance?
With the civilian death toll in Iraq exceeding 200,000 from the two gulf wars in Iraq and the war expected to last at least 30 years who is the real terrorist???? As there is no evidence that terrorist attacks on the U.S. came out of Iraq and there were no weapons of mass destruction found even when we have satalites that can read number plates, then I would have to say definately the U.S and it's allies are the real terrorists.
War on terror could last 30 years: report
From correspondents in London
November 21, 2006 07:30am
Article from: Agence France-Presse
THE fight against terrorism could last 30 years or more, according to a report published by a British think tank that specialises in international security.
"There is every prospect of the 'war on terror' extending for 30 years or more," said the report by the Oxford Research Group.
"What is required is a complete re-assessment of current policies but that is highly unlikely, even with the recent political upheavals".
The US Democrats triumphed in legislative elections on November 7 in which they reclaimed the House and the Senate, at the expense of President George W. Bush's Republicans.
"Most people believe that the recent elections mark the beginning of the end of the Bush era but that does not apply to the war on terror," said Professor Paul Rogers, who wrote the report, in a statement.
War on terror could last 30 years: report
From correspondents in London
November 21, 2006 07:30am
Article from: Agence France-Presse
THE fight against terrorism could last 30 years or more, according to a report published by a British think tank that specialises in international security.
"There is every prospect of the 'war on terror' extending for 30 years or more," said the report by the Oxford Research Group.
"What is required is a complete re-assessment of current policies but that is highly unlikely, even with the recent political upheavals".
The US Democrats triumphed in legislative elections on November 7 in which they reclaimed the House and the Senate, at the expense of President George W. Bush's Republicans.
"Most people believe that the recent elections mark the beginning of the end of the Bush era but that does not apply to the war on terror," said Professor Paul Rogers, who wrote the report, in a statement.
Queensland highlighting the Safety Institutes Disgusting attitude
Queensland is highlighting to me the results of the disgusting attitude of Safety Institute of Australia and how the SIA allows Members, Fellows and Chartered Fellows to exist without tertiary qualifications. Sure they say 30 years of qualifications is not long enough for them to get qualified most probably becuase they haven't the knowledge or skills to complete a four year course over a 30 year time period.
And the reflection of uneducated Safety Personnel (can't call them professionals as they haven't a qualification to be recognised as a professional) is clear in this lovely state of queensland.
In the last 4 months, within a 100km radius of the major captital city there have been people injured or killed undertaking what any Safety Officer worth anything would have detected and prevented in such incidents as:
Trench collapses
Falls from roofs and hieght
hit by moving plant
caught in plant
And again today I see the results of incompetent and uneducated safety insitute of australia and the flow on effects throughout the safety industry with the so called professional body not requiring qualifications why should industry??????
Man dies after being run over by backhoe
November 21, 2006 07:59am
Article from: AAP
A MAN has died in hospital after being run over by a a backhoe in Brisbane's north-western suburbs.
Police said the 61-year-old man was loading the backhoe onto a truck in McGinn Road at Ferny Grove at 4.30pm (AEST) yesterday.
He drove it onto the truck, got out of the cabin and had gone to the back of the trailer to secure it when it rolled down and ran over him.
The backhoe continued across the road, hitting a house and damaging it, but there was no-one home at the time.
The man was taken to the Royal Brisbane Hospital with serious injuries but died at 8.15pm (AEST).
About time the Safety Institute of Australia recognised how it brings the whole safety industry into disrepute and stops OHS being recognised as a profession becuase of the slack attitude towards qualifications and allowing unqualified people to vote on issues regarding qualified people who have proven their competence!
I'd have to agree with the following
Australians branded 'anti-intellectual'
November 21, 2006 08:14am
Article from: AAP
MOST Australians are anti-intellectual and hostile towards education, a senior Labor frontbencher said today.
In a provocative speech to the Sydney Institute tonight (AEDT), Lindsay Tanner will argue parents are partly to blame for a culture of anti-intellectualism in Australia.
"There's a lot of evidence that we're still disdaining of learning, we're still regarding learning activity as something that `real Aussies' don't get into too much," Mr Tanner said on ABC Radio today.
Although I believe the Safety Institute of Australia is as responsible as any with it's blatant attitute of holding the Safety Industry back from being recognised as a profession and banning people with qualifications to protect their slack uneducated buddies in high places.
And the reflection of uneducated Safety Personnel (can't call them professionals as they haven't a qualification to be recognised as a professional) is clear in this lovely state of queensland.
In the last 4 months, within a 100km radius of the major captital city there have been people injured or killed undertaking what any Safety Officer worth anything would have detected and prevented in such incidents as:
Trench collapses
Falls from roofs and hieght
hit by moving plant
caught in plant
And again today I see the results of incompetent and uneducated safety insitute of australia and the flow on effects throughout the safety industry with the so called professional body not requiring qualifications why should industry??????
Man dies after being run over by backhoe
November 21, 2006 07:59am
Article from: AAP
A MAN has died in hospital after being run over by a a backhoe in Brisbane's north-western suburbs.
Police said the 61-year-old man was loading the backhoe onto a truck in McGinn Road at Ferny Grove at 4.30pm (AEST) yesterday.
He drove it onto the truck, got out of the cabin and had gone to the back of the trailer to secure it when it rolled down and ran over him.
The backhoe continued across the road, hitting a house and damaging it, but there was no-one home at the time.
The man was taken to the Royal Brisbane Hospital with serious injuries but died at 8.15pm (AEST).
About time the Safety Institute of Australia recognised how it brings the whole safety industry into disrepute and stops OHS being recognised as a profession becuase of the slack attitude towards qualifications and allowing unqualified people to vote on issues regarding qualified people who have proven their competence!
I'd have to agree with the following
Australians branded 'anti-intellectual'
November 21, 2006 08:14am
Article from: AAP
MOST Australians are anti-intellectual and hostile towards education, a senior Labor frontbencher said today.
In a provocative speech to the Sydney Institute tonight (AEDT), Lindsay Tanner will argue parents are partly to blame for a culture of anti-intellectualism in Australia.
"There's a lot of evidence that we're still disdaining of learning, we're still regarding learning activity as something that `real Aussies' don't get into too much," Mr Tanner said on ABC Radio today.
Although I believe the Safety Institute of Australia is as responsible as any with it's blatant attitute of holding the Safety Industry back from being recognised as a profession and banning people with qualifications to protect their slack uneducated buddies in high places.
Nuclear Power is not the answer
Well one of John Howards mates has been given a cushy assignment after setting up Telstra for sale then leaving. Dr Switkowski has a PhD in Nuclear Physics but I totally dissagree with his recommendations in the latest report to have up to 20 Nuclear Power Stations!
I especially dissagree that it will reduce global warming! Sure there might be a significant reduction in greenhouse gases from the actual facility but as Dr Switkowski has no environmental qualifications or experience I see the report as being totally biased becuase of his lack of knowledge of the environment.
My belief contrary to all those like Al Gore making huge dollars out of stating the popular, is that global warming is being caused more by the heat generated from our ever demanding needs of energy. And nuclear power plants generate enormous amounts of heat which will only add to global warming.
So not only do we have enormous levels of heat generated from the nuclear power plant itself, we also have heat being generated from all the devices relying on that energy generated from the power plant.
The only way we will reduce global warming is to actual reduce our needs of energy!
And the added risk with nuclear apart from the increased heat being generated is the devastation to the environment from spent fuel rods.
Don't let the polititians pull the wool over your eyes and allow more and more energy to be produced, creating the heat that is leading to global warming! And when they pay $millions for a spin doctor like Dr Switkowski who hasn't even any environmental experience or qualifications, you know they are lying or covering up something!
The report is suppose to be released in 2 weeks, can't have too many scruitinising it and finding out it was a big junket for one of the prime ministers mates.
I especially dissagree that it will reduce global warming! Sure there might be a significant reduction in greenhouse gases from the actual facility but as Dr Switkowski has no environmental qualifications or experience I see the report as being totally biased becuase of his lack of knowledge of the environment.
My belief contrary to all those like Al Gore making huge dollars out of stating the popular, is that global warming is being caused more by the heat generated from our ever demanding needs of energy. And nuclear power plants generate enormous amounts of heat which will only add to global warming.
So not only do we have enormous levels of heat generated from the nuclear power plant itself, we also have heat being generated from all the devices relying on that energy generated from the power plant.
The only way we will reduce global warming is to actual reduce our needs of energy!
And the added risk with nuclear apart from the increased heat being generated is the devastation to the environment from spent fuel rods.
Don't let the polititians pull the wool over your eyes and allow more and more energy to be produced, creating the heat that is leading to global warming! And when they pay $millions for a spin doctor like Dr Switkowski who hasn't even any environmental experience or qualifications, you know they are lying or covering up something!
The report is suppose to be released in 2 weeks, can't have too many scruitinising it and finding out it was a big junket for one of the prime ministers mates.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Police Move to increase profits from drugs
In a move that can only be seen as increasing the price of drugs to our kids, which inturn increases the profits to those corrupt police, polititians and organised crime with no benefit whatsover to the kids as they will still get the drugs.
By making this bust at this time they have also conveniently raised the profile of ecstacy so that more kids will know it's about and want to try it!
Drug bust just before schoolies week
November 14, 2006 06:23pm
Article from: AAP
A MAJOR drug bust has taken $357,000 worth of ecstasy and cocaine off the streets of the Gold Coast just days before the annual schoolies celebrations are due to get underway.
Police said detectives and drug squad officers raided 20 homes on the Gold Coast today, arresting 11 people on 66 charges including trafficking, supply and possession of dangerous drugs.
Three men charged with trafficking in ecstasy and cocaine will appear before the Southport Magistrates Court tomorrow with the other eight expected to appear in the same court on November 30.
Detective Superintendent Brian Wilkins of the State Drug and Property Crime Group said the seven-month Operation Echo Zenith had seriously disrupted the supply of ecstasy and cocaine on the Gold Coast.
"This operation has dismantled a major drug trafficking and distribution syndicate operating within the southeastern region," Det Supt Wilkins said.
"The closure of this operation was particularly timely as recent intelligence indicated that the ecstasy seized was destined for distribution at the forthcoming schoolies festival."
Schoolies celebrations are due to get underway on Friday.
Acting Detective Inspector Marc Hogan of the Gold Coast District CIB said there would be similar raids in future to break up the development of drug networks.
By making this bust at this time they have also conveniently raised the profile of ecstacy so that more kids will know it's about and want to try it!
Drug bust just before schoolies week
November 14, 2006 06:23pm
Article from: AAP
A MAJOR drug bust has taken $357,000 worth of ecstasy and cocaine off the streets of the Gold Coast just days before the annual schoolies celebrations are due to get underway.
Police said detectives and drug squad officers raided 20 homes on the Gold Coast today, arresting 11 people on 66 charges including trafficking, supply and possession of dangerous drugs.
Three men charged with trafficking in ecstasy and cocaine will appear before the Southport Magistrates Court tomorrow with the other eight expected to appear in the same court on November 30.
Detective Superintendent Brian Wilkins of the State Drug and Property Crime Group said the seven-month Operation Echo Zenith had seriously disrupted the supply of ecstasy and cocaine on the Gold Coast.
"This operation has dismantled a major drug trafficking and distribution syndicate operating within the southeastern region," Det Supt Wilkins said.
"The closure of this operation was particularly timely as recent intelligence indicated that the ecstasy seized was destined for distribution at the forthcoming schoolies festival."
Schoolies celebrations are due to get underway on Friday.
Acting Detective Inspector Marc Hogan of the Gold Coast District CIB said there would be similar raids in future to break up the development of drug networks.
We Used to be the smart country but now we are dumb
Once if you were down and out you could always afford to go back to a TAFE College and gain skills that could help you back into the workforce. Not these days though, I'll give evidence of me, as a pensioner it will cost $1995 at TAFE to get the Cert IV Workplace Assessment and training, no discounts or government assistance.
So what hope do you have????? Exactly none, nada, zilch!
So now they want people that are struggling to go into debt to get a TAFE Certificate. I guess John Howard knows our pain! Crap!
HECS should be extended to TAFE - expert
By David Crawshaw
November 14, 2006 01:56pm
Article from: AAP
HECS should be extended to TAFE to encourage more young Australians to take up traditional trade courses, a training industry expert has said.
David Hind, who heads the Business Higher Education Roundtable, today also called for tax breaks for Australian businesses that offer traditional apprenticeships or whose employees enrol in full-time TAFE study.
Mr Hind was speaking to the heads of Australia's TAFE colleges who are meeting in Adelaide for their national conference this week, where the skills shortage is top of the agenda.
He said expanding the HECS and FEE-HELP Loan Scheme to vocational education and training (VET), along with higher apprentice wages, could entice more young Australians to take up traditional trade careers.
TAFE students pay upfront fees to enrol in their courses, while under-graduate university students are able to pay back part of the cost of their degree through the HECS scheme once their income reaches a certain level.
"I believe we should advocate HECS for VET, and FEE-HELP,'' Mr Hind said.
''(But) not to replace government funding as they unfortunately have done with HECS at universities during the past decade.''
HECS had not proven to be a disincentive for lower socio-economic students wanting to study at university, he said.
Mr Hind said offering tax breaks for businesses could encourage them to provide their employees with greater skills.
"I believe we should encourage governments to make it easier for employers to ... integrate skills development for their employees,'' he said.
"Particularly ... tax breaks for fulltime TAFE study, and traditional apprenticeship incentives.''
Australian business for some time had under-invested in training employees, he said.
Mr Hind urged TAFE colleges to become more flexible and innovative in partnering with private industry, warning they could not rely solely on government funding.
Department of Education, Science and Training deputy secretary, Jim Davidson, told the gathering there would be major problems ahead in replacing the TAFE workforce, as many staff would retire in the next 10 to 15 years.
Federal opposition education spokeswoman Jenny Macklin addressed the conference today, reiterating Labor's pledge to boost apprentice wages and pay trade apprentices course completion bonuses of $2000 to reduce high drop-out rates
So what hope do you have????? Exactly none, nada, zilch!
So now they want people that are struggling to go into debt to get a TAFE Certificate. I guess John Howard knows our pain! Crap!
HECS should be extended to TAFE - expert
By David Crawshaw
November 14, 2006 01:56pm
Article from: AAP
HECS should be extended to TAFE to encourage more young Australians to take up traditional trade courses, a training industry expert has said.
David Hind, who heads the Business Higher Education Roundtable, today also called for tax breaks for Australian businesses that offer traditional apprenticeships or whose employees enrol in full-time TAFE study.
Mr Hind was speaking to the heads of Australia's TAFE colleges who are meeting in Adelaide for their national conference this week, where the skills shortage is top of the agenda.
He said expanding the HECS and FEE-HELP Loan Scheme to vocational education and training (VET), along with higher apprentice wages, could entice more young Australians to take up traditional trade careers.
TAFE students pay upfront fees to enrol in their courses, while under-graduate university students are able to pay back part of the cost of their degree through the HECS scheme once their income reaches a certain level.
"I believe we should advocate HECS for VET, and FEE-HELP,'' Mr Hind said.
''(But) not to replace government funding as they unfortunately have done with HECS at universities during the past decade.''
HECS had not proven to be a disincentive for lower socio-economic students wanting to study at university, he said.
Mr Hind said offering tax breaks for businesses could encourage them to provide their employees with greater skills.
"I believe we should encourage governments to make it easier for employers to ... integrate skills development for their employees,'' he said.
"Particularly ... tax breaks for fulltime TAFE study, and traditional apprenticeship incentives.''
Australian business for some time had under-invested in training employees, he said.
Mr Hind urged TAFE colleges to become more flexible and innovative in partnering with private industry, warning they could not rely solely on government funding.
Department of Education, Science and Training deputy secretary, Jim Davidson, told the gathering there would be major problems ahead in replacing the TAFE workforce, as many staff would retire in the next 10 to 15 years.
Federal opposition education spokeswoman Jenny Macklin addressed the conference today, reiterating Labor's pledge to boost apprentice wages and pay trade apprentices course completion bonuses of $2000 to reduce high drop-out rates
South Australia Drug Testing Motorists
Well here we go again another state government has realised the awesome revenue they can raise from drug testing motorists without any evidence it presents a risk.
I especially focuss on the 13 people that tested positive for cannabis use! Evidence out of the ACT shows that those using cannabis have a lower risk of a fatal accident than the general population showing cannabis use actually reduces the risks on our roads.
But further Swinburne Uni has been undertaking testing of drivers and you can be sure if they found any evidence to suggest using cannabis and driving presented any increased risk we would have surely heard about it by now.
This is just a blatant revenue raising tactic brought on by the uneducated in safety drug testing for cannabis in our workplaces. A complete waste of money and resources that could be better spent on reducing the risks in our workplaces and on our roads.
If safety is a science we would need to show evidence of a risk and in the case of cannabis the opposite is currently obvious but while we have uneducated people leading the Safety Insitute of Australia they will choose this sort of strategy to hide the fact they know very little about health and safety.
60 drivers test positive for drugs - police
November 14, 2006 12:19pm
Article from: AAP
MORE than 60 drivers tested positive to drugs in the first round of state roadside testing, police in SA said today.
Releasing interim results in the drug testing trial today, Assistant Commissioner Grant Stevens said 3424 drivers were tested between July 1 and November 12.
Of those, 34 tested positive for methamphetamines, two tested positive to MDMA, 13 for cannabis and 14 to a combination of drugs.
Officers also detected 46 drivers over the blood alcohol limit but said no motorists tested positive for both drugs and alcohol.
"Although we are not yet half-way through the 12-month drug driver testing trial, we are producing results that indicate drug use is occurring amongst some drivers," Mr Stevens said.
"We consider driver drug testing to be clearly in the interests of road safety and we want drivers to know that if they use illicit drugs, or exceed alcohol limits they are likely to be detected."
Mr Stevens said police were pleased with the support from drivers for the tests and said most were patient and happy to co-operate with the five-minute roadside testing process.
I especially focuss on the 13 people that tested positive for cannabis use! Evidence out of the ACT shows that those using cannabis have a lower risk of a fatal accident than the general population showing cannabis use actually reduces the risks on our roads.
But further Swinburne Uni has been undertaking testing of drivers and you can be sure if they found any evidence to suggest using cannabis and driving presented any increased risk we would have surely heard about it by now.
This is just a blatant revenue raising tactic brought on by the uneducated in safety drug testing for cannabis in our workplaces. A complete waste of money and resources that could be better spent on reducing the risks in our workplaces and on our roads.
If safety is a science we would need to show evidence of a risk and in the case of cannabis the opposite is currently obvious but while we have uneducated people leading the Safety Insitute of Australia they will choose this sort of strategy to hide the fact they know very little about health and safety.
60 drivers test positive for drugs - police
November 14, 2006 12:19pm
Article from: AAP
MORE than 60 drivers tested positive to drugs in the first round of state roadside testing, police in SA said today.
Releasing interim results in the drug testing trial today, Assistant Commissioner Grant Stevens said 3424 drivers were tested between July 1 and November 12.
Of those, 34 tested positive for methamphetamines, two tested positive to MDMA, 13 for cannabis and 14 to a combination of drugs.
Officers also detected 46 drivers over the blood alcohol limit but said no motorists tested positive for both drugs and alcohol.
"Although we are not yet half-way through the 12-month drug driver testing trial, we are producing results that indicate drug use is occurring amongst some drivers," Mr Stevens said.
"We consider driver drug testing to be clearly in the interests of road safety and we want drivers to know that if they use illicit drugs, or exceed alcohol limits they are likely to be detected."
Mr Stevens said police were pleased with the support from drivers for the tests and said most were patient and happy to co-operate with the five-minute roadside testing process.
Man dies wedged between two trucks
Here is a classic example of behavioural controls failing. I bet all I have that they relied on yellow lines painted on the ground to protect pedestrians!
What an absolute disgrace that this occurs in any workplace when we know physical barriers are the only real control to be effective, yellow lines are a result of the Safety Institute of Australia having uneducated members and leaders!
Notice Worksafes pathetic response: Always be aware of the circumstances you are working in," he said.
"And for employers and workers to constantly keep a close eye on known and potential hazards in their industry."
It's so pathetic, yep we are aware of the circumstances we are working in, if we say something about safety we are a whinger and if we continue with it we will be sacked! And don't expect the Safety Institute of Australia to stand by you if you do continue with a issue becuase they don't want to hear about it, they just want their mens club to continue without hassles of things like proving they are competent and being recognised as a profession.
Trucks crush man to death
November 14, 2006 06:41pm
Article from: AAP
A MAN has been crushed to death between two trucks in a workplace accident in Victoria's north.
Police and officials from Worksafe Victoria were at Crystal Ice and Cool Stores, in Garsed Street, Bendigo after the incident about 4.30pm (AEDT) today.
"A man has been crushed between two trucks," Worksafe's construction and utilities division director Geoff Thomas said.
He said a police investigation was under way but it appeared one truck hit the man, which wedged him against another truck that was reversing nearby.
"He was in between the front of a truck that was being backed into a loading dock, and another one that was outside waiting to come in," Mr Thomas said.
"He has been hit by the second truck."
Mr Thomas said there were no witnesses to the incident and the man, who was aged in his 50s and lived in the Bendigo area, was found by a workmate.
"The ambulance was called but it was unable to help," he said.
Mr Thomas said it took the number of traumatic work-related deaths in Victoria this year to 22, and he issued this reminder.
"Always be aware of the circumstances you are working in," he said.
"And for employers and workers to constantly keep a close eye on known and potential hazards in their industry."
What an absolute disgrace that this occurs in any workplace when we know physical barriers are the only real control to be effective, yellow lines are a result of the Safety Institute of Australia having uneducated members and leaders!
Notice Worksafes pathetic response: Always be aware of the circumstances you are working in," he said.
"And for employers and workers to constantly keep a close eye on known and potential hazards in their industry."
It's so pathetic, yep we are aware of the circumstances we are working in, if we say something about safety we are a whinger and if we continue with it we will be sacked! And don't expect the Safety Institute of Australia to stand by you if you do continue with a issue becuase they don't want to hear about it, they just want their mens club to continue without hassles of things like proving they are competent and being recognised as a profession.
Trucks crush man to death
November 14, 2006 06:41pm
Article from: AAP
A MAN has been crushed to death between two trucks in a workplace accident in Victoria's north.
Police and officials from Worksafe Victoria were at Crystal Ice and Cool Stores, in Garsed Street, Bendigo after the incident about 4.30pm (AEDT) today.
"A man has been crushed between two trucks," Worksafe's construction and utilities division director Geoff Thomas said.
He said a police investigation was under way but it appeared one truck hit the man, which wedged him against another truck that was reversing nearby.
"He was in between the front of a truck that was being backed into a loading dock, and another one that was outside waiting to come in," Mr Thomas said.
"He has been hit by the second truck."
Mr Thomas said there were no witnesses to the incident and the man, who was aged in his 50s and lived in the Bendigo area, was found by a workmate.
"The ambulance was called but it was unable to help," he said.
Mr Thomas said it took the number of traumatic work-related deaths in Victoria this year to 22, and he issued this reminder.
"Always be aware of the circumstances you are working in," he said.
"And for employers and workers to constantly keep a close eye on known and potential hazards in their industry."
Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali over reaction
I've commented before in regards to the total overeaction to the Sheiks comments on rape. Sure I don't agree that it is the women's fault and women shouldn't have to cover up but why are we judging so harshly? I mean the rapists don't get the sort of attention as the Sheik and he only made a comment based on his beliefs.
I for one would like to hear more of what the Muslims believe in so we can be all aware of what to expect from that culture.
But to put things into perspective, I will use the analogy of a shop/store and security.
It is totally wrong that people will steal from a shop/store but does that mean the shopkeeper does nothing to prevent theft just because it is wrong? No he puts in security measures. They could be anything from a small camera, locks on the door to full on security service in larger stores.
Now the same goes with women in our society. It is totally wrong that they can be rapped or attacked, it shouldn't happen but it does! So does that mean women don't do anything to protect themselves??
Dressing sensibly is one approach that should be discussed! Too much pornography on t.v. with women dressed in nothing or just barely dressed, women walking down the streets in sexy lingerie and the like is not conjusive to a save environment, especially where there a men that are sick enough to rape a women.
But the approach at the moment is lets attack anyone that makes a comment, while women feel they have the right to walk around in nothing.
And the worst part is they only wear nothing or next to nothing to attract attention to themselves so they can feel good that someone noticed, and then the sick person notices and the consequences are disgusting.
So a bit of responsibility on what a women wears is not asking too much is it?
I for one would like to hear more of what the Muslims believe in so we can be all aware of what to expect from that culture.
But to put things into perspective, I will use the analogy of a shop/store and security.
It is totally wrong that people will steal from a shop/store but does that mean the shopkeeper does nothing to prevent theft just because it is wrong? No he puts in security measures. They could be anything from a small camera, locks on the door to full on security service in larger stores.
Now the same goes with women in our society. It is totally wrong that they can be rapped or attacked, it shouldn't happen but it does! So does that mean women don't do anything to protect themselves??
Dressing sensibly is one approach that should be discussed! Too much pornography on t.v. with women dressed in nothing or just barely dressed, women walking down the streets in sexy lingerie and the like is not conjusive to a save environment, especially where there a men that are sick enough to rape a women.
But the approach at the moment is lets attack anyone that makes a comment, while women feel they have the right to walk around in nothing.
And the worst part is they only wear nothing or next to nothing to attract attention to themselves so they can feel good that someone noticed, and then the sick person notices and the consequences are disgusting.
So a bit of responsibility on what a women wears is not asking too much is it?
Friday, November 10, 2006
Marijuana the truth behind it being illegal
How can this occur??
I've been through three pain management clinics now and all have recommended in one way or the other Marijuana for pain management, in preference to morphine, valium and antispasmodics.
I won't take morphine as after 3 years I found it makes me agro, and valium makes me like a zombie and as I have prostate problems and had drill up the penis to pee again I cannot take antispasmodics becuase they effect urination.
As such I am struggling totally with pain. The worst part is that the testicle they cut open and stretched to remove epididamel cysts causes so much pain it makes it hard to get an erection and be intimate with my wife.
So I was struggling mentally with the fact that the recommended medication is illegal and had the psyciatric crisis assessment team drop in becuase my doctor was concerned that I was so down.
Bonus I'm not insane or anything like that as when I explained the pain the psyc workers actually cringe becuase they couldn't handle the thought of having the ball bag cut open and the testi stretched 6 inches down so they could cut it open and remove the cyst.
They were that effected by the fact that I need pain relief they told me which pub to go and score from and then they even mentioned another person who was an ex police officer and told me to go and see him as he would know where to get marijuana for some pain relief.
I haven't the money for one and I struggle with it's use as a Christian and it being illegal as the other so it's not possible to follow their advice at this time.
Isn't it ridiculous though that the polititians have been paid so much money by the pharmacutical companies to keep such a useful drug illegal!
I would love to be able to go out and afford to get some legal pain relief but that won't happen becuase of the corruption in our political circles that keep it illegal. They would preffer I used morphine a highly addictive drug that stuffs not only your kidneys but your life!
Sick world
How can this occur??
I've been through three pain management clinics now and all have recommended in one way or the other Marijuana for pain management, in preference to morphine, valium and antispasmodics.
I won't take morphine as after 3 years I found it makes me agro, and valium makes me like a zombie and as I have prostate problems and had drill up the penis to pee again I cannot take antispasmodics becuase they effect urination.
As such I am struggling totally with pain. The worst part is that the testicle they cut open and stretched to remove epididamel cysts causes so much pain it makes it hard to get an erection and be intimate with my wife.
So I was struggling mentally with the fact that the recommended medication is illegal and had the psyciatric crisis assessment team drop in becuase my doctor was concerned that I was so down.
Bonus I'm not insane or anything like that as when I explained the pain the psyc workers actually cringe becuase they couldn't handle the thought of having the ball bag cut open and the testi stretched 6 inches down so they could cut it open and remove the cyst.
They were that effected by the fact that I need pain relief they told me which pub to go and score from and then they even mentioned another person who was an ex police officer and told me to go and see him as he would know where to get marijuana for some pain relief.
I haven't the money for one and I struggle with it's use as a Christian and it being illegal as the other so it's not possible to follow their advice at this time.
Isn't it ridiculous though that the polititians have been paid so much money by the pharmacutical companies to keep such a useful drug illegal!
I would love to be able to go out and afford to get some legal pain relief but that won't happen becuase of the corruption in our political circles that keep it illegal. They would preffer I used morphine a highly addictive drug that stuffs not only your kidneys but your life!
Sick world
Jobs the Lying to enable importation of workers
Jobs galore for workers
Rosanne Barrett and Scott Murdoch
November 09, 2006 11:00pm
Article from: The Courier-Mail
AUSTRALIA'S unemployable have apparently given up looking for work.
A dramatic slump in the number of Australians actually "in the jobs market" last month has helped the nation's unemployment rate to dip to a 30-year low of 4.6 per cent, 0.2 per cent lower than the September figure.
In Queensland the unemployment rate is now just 4 per cent, a figure almost unimaginable even two years ago.
Such historically low figures effectively mean nobody should be out of a job, economists said yesterday.
They speculated that the fall in the participation rate was a result of a band of "disillusioned jobseekers" having just given up.
Now this is a well orchastrated ploy by governments supported finacially by big business in this country to make it look like people don't want to work so they can import workers and lower wage rates!
I can give a clear example of how this works through my latest experience.
I went to Centrelink to ask for help getting back into the workforce becuase of my illness and employers being totally discriminating against people with an illness that require modifications to hours of work and the like.
Now Centrelink referred me to an employment agency called steps and then they set up an interview in the Steps office. But here is how corrupt they are, Centrelink staff actually conducted the interview in the Steps employment services office and making out the were Steps Employment Support Service workers but the shifty corrupt government workers undertook a reassessment of my illness possing as Steps workers when they were actually centrelink staff.
This is crap, you go and ask for help and they play games with your life.
But further, this so called support agency Steps writes to my doctor asking for evidence of my illness and dissability!
What sort of approach is that???? Certainly they could write to the doctors and ask what sort of assistance they could offer or what modifications would need to be made to assist me back into the workforce would be more supportive.
But no they just call you a liar, even after being on the pension for soooo many years and having so many doctors reports already. So now I have to get more things cut out of my body for tests, undergo more x-rays (20 odd at the one time), see specialists and the like instead of getting assistance back into the workplace.
But it's clear it's about keeping people disgruntled and not looking for work so they can lower the wage rates by importing workers from overseas.
Rosanne Barrett and Scott Murdoch
November 09, 2006 11:00pm
Article from: The Courier-Mail
AUSTRALIA'S unemployable have apparently given up looking for work.
A dramatic slump in the number of Australians actually "in the jobs market" last month has helped the nation's unemployment rate to dip to a 30-year low of 4.6 per cent, 0.2 per cent lower than the September figure.
In Queensland the unemployment rate is now just 4 per cent, a figure almost unimaginable even two years ago.
Such historically low figures effectively mean nobody should be out of a job, economists said yesterday.
They speculated that the fall in the participation rate was a result of a band of "disillusioned jobseekers" having just given up.
Now this is a well orchastrated ploy by governments supported finacially by big business in this country to make it look like people don't want to work so they can import workers and lower wage rates!
I can give a clear example of how this works through my latest experience.
I went to Centrelink to ask for help getting back into the workforce becuase of my illness and employers being totally discriminating against people with an illness that require modifications to hours of work and the like.
Now Centrelink referred me to an employment agency called steps and then they set up an interview in the Steps office. But here is how corrupt they are, Centrelink staff actually conducted the interview in the Steps employment services office and making out the were Steps Employment Support Service workers but the shifty corrupt government workers undertook a reassessment of my illness possing as Steps workers when they were actually centrelink staff.
This is crap, you go and ask for help and they play games with your life.
But further, this so called support agency Steps writes to my doctor asking for evidence of my illness and dissability!
What sort of approach is that???? Certainly they could write to the doctors and ask what sort of assistance they could offer or what modifications would need to be made to assist me back into the workforce would be more supportive.
But no they just call you a liar, even after being on the pension for soooo many years and having so many doctors reports already. So now I have to get more things cut out of my body for tests, undergo more x-rays (20 odd at the one time), see specialists and the like instead of getting assistance back into the workplace.
But it's clear it's about keeping people disgruntled and not looking for work so they can lower the wage rates by importing workers from overseas.
Road Safety - Jet's Law - A can of worms
legislation introduced earlier this year that requires patients to report immediately to Queensland Transport medical conditions that could affect their ability to drive, rather than at licence renewal, has opened a can of worms.
Lets see someone that cannot go a week or two without alcohol is surely an alcoholic in my book and alcoholism is definately a disease that not only could but does effect their ability to drive! So every drinker that drinks say more than 20 times in a year, in this state needs to report their alcoholism or they are in breach of the legislation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remove these drinkers licenses I say as they definately have a disease as has been shown alcoholism is a disease and it is a well know fact that alcohol and driving have a dramatic impact on our road tolls every year.
What really gets me is why aren't booze buses out in the mornings when all these heavy drinkers are driving the next morning after a heavy night????
Wow if all these alcohol drinkers obeyed the law and reported their condition as the Legislation requires the roads would be much safer becuase in Australia and Queensland in particular it would remove the majority of drivers from our roads.
Now you've made this law please enforce it so I can have empty roads to drive on!
FAMILY members of an infant killed in a car accident two years ago are pushing to have the boy's name linked to legislation cracking down on patients who should not be driving for health reasons.
Jet's law – as it is likely to be known – would follow on from state legislation introduced earlier this year that requires patients to report immediately to Queensland Transport medical conditions that could affect their ability to drive, rather than at licence renewal.
It is expected the legislation would further strengthen medical reporting conditions and possibly require doctors to report affected patients.
Lets see someone that cannot go a week or two without alcohol is surely an alcoholic in my book and alcoholism is definately a disease that not only could but does effect their ability to drive! So every drinker that drinks say more than 20 times in a year, in this state needs to report their alcoholism or they are in breach of the legislation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remove these drinkers licenses I say as they definately have a disease as has been shown alcoholism is a disease and it is a well know fact that alcohol and driving have a dramatic impact on our road tolls every year.
What really gets me is why aren't booze buses out in the mornings when all these heavy drinkers are driving the next morning after a heavy night????
Wow if all these alcohol drinkers obeyed the law and reported their condition as the Legislation requires the roads would be much safer becuase in Australia and Queensland in particular it would remove the majority of drivers from our roads.
Now you've made this law please enforce it so I can have empty roads to drive on!
FAMILY members of an infant killed in a car accident two years ago are pushing to have the boy's name linked to legislation cracking down on patients who should not be driving for health reasons.
Jet's law – as it is likely to be known – would follow on from state legislation introduced earlier this year that requires patients to report immediately to Queensland Transport medical conditions that could affect their ability to drive, rather than at licence renewal.
It is expected the legislation would further strengthen medical reporting conditions and possibly require doctors to report affected patients.
Bullying Laws a waste of money and time.
I've repeated myself over and over again on this issue of workplace bullying it is an absolute waste of money, time and resources, instituted by all those in safety that have no idea, education or competence.
Workplace bullying laws do nothing but give more power to the bullies! We have Crimes Acts in each state that allow for a prosecution of any violent actions so there is no use or need for bullying laws anywhere.
I won't go on about it as I have gone into detail on a number of forums just highlight these safety experts have no idea and the Safety Institute of Australia is to blame becuase it is an corrupt organisation claiming they are professionals when they don't even require qualifications! The article below just highlights how right I am and how dumb the Safety Institute of Australia is!
Bosses the worst workplace bullies: survey
By Rosemary Desmond
November 09, 2006 03:08pm
Article from: AAP
BULLYING in the Australian workplace is alive and well and the boss is usually to blame, a survey has found.
The email survey of almost 2000 people, by recruitment firm Talent2, found 40 per cent of workers had been bullied, with 73 per cent naming the boss as culprit.
The problem was worst in the legal sector where 83 per cent of workers said they had been bullied, but just under half the workers in the public sector and human resources said they were bullying victims, Talent2 director John Banks said.
The ACT and Queensland had the highest rates of bullying, with 50 per cent of survey respondents saying they had been victims, followed by South Australia (41 per cent), NSW (38 per cent), Western Australia (35 per cent), Victoria (33 per cent) and Tasmania (20 per cent).
But the bad behaviour by bosses was mostly in the form of emotional rather than physical abuse, Mr Banks said.
It could range from threats of dismissal unless an employee performed work outside their job description to more subtle forms of bullying, such as favouring one employee over another for perks and promotion, Mr Banks said.
"It can take many forms, depending on the type of business,'' Mr Banks said.
"But, generally speaking, good leaders don't need to bully.''
He said two decades ago employees were more deferential to their employers and supervisors than today, but angry outbursts in the workplace were common.
"You very rarely see that these days,'' Mr Banks said.
"Screaming and shouting in the workplace and demeaning them in public is an absolute no-no now.
"I'm sure there are managers who know their employees' weak spot and will focus on and use that to their advantage.
"But that's not going to make their employees feel any better and it's not going to get the discretionary effort required from the employee - particularly in this day and age because employees will walk.''
Workplace bullying laws do nothing but give more power to the bullies! We have Crimes Acts in each state that allow for a prosecution of any violent actions so there is no use or need for bullying laws anywhere.
I won't go on about it as I have gone into detail on a number of forums just highlight these safety experts have no idea and the Safety Institute of Australia is to blame becuase it is an corrupt organisation claiming they are professionals when they don't even require qualifications! The article below just highlights how right I am and how dumb the Safety Institute of Australia is!
Bosses the worst workplace bullies: survey
By Rosemary Desmond
November 09, 2006 03:08pm
Article from: AAP
BULLYING in the Australian workplace is alive and well and the boss is usually to blame, a survey has found.
The email survey of almost 2000 people, by recruitment firm Talent2, found 40 per cent of workers had been bullied, with 73 per cent naming the boss as culprit.
The problem was worst in the legal sector where 83 per cent of workers said they had been bullied, but just under half the workers in the public sector and human resources said they were bullying victims, Talent2 director John Banks said.
The ACT and Queensland had the highest rates of bullying, with 50 per cent of survey respondents saying they had been victims, followed by South Australia (41 per cent), NSW (38 per cent), Western Australia (35 per cent), Victoria (33 per cent) and Tasmania (20 per cent).
But the bad behaviour by bosses was mostly in the form of emotional rather than physical abuse, Mr Banks said.
It could range from threats of dismissal unless an employee performed work outside their job description to more subtle forms of bullying, such as favouring one employee over another for perks and promotion, Mr Banks said.
"It can take many forms, depending on the type of business,'' Mr Banks said.
"But, generally speaking, good leaders don't need to bully.''
He said two decades ago employees were more deferential to their employers and supervisors than today, but angry outbursts in the workplace were common.
"You very rarely see that these days,'' Mr Banks said.
"Screaming and shouting in the workplace and demeaning them in public is an absolute no-no now.
"I'm sure there are managers who know their employees' weak spot and will focus on and use that to their advantage.
"But that's not going to make their employees feel any better and it's not going to get the discretionary effort required from the employee - particularly in this day and age because employees will walk.''
James Hardie I told you so! And the polititians are in bed with them
Wow James Hardie has managed to suck in the Asbestos victims again with more false hope about funding for those dying of asbestos related disease.
I wonder how much James Hardie is tipping into political funds to allow all these extensions and the Unions must be getting kickbacks as well for them to keep protecting these murdering criminals!
Lets think about a fund worth over $4 Billion! with payments being delayed again and again the interest being generated will leave James Hardie with a profit out of a fund set up to help dying victims that would be enormous, it's no wonder they can afford to keep the polititians and unions quiet about non payment to those who most need it.
If unions were fair dinkum about protecting workers they would have moved internationally to shut down James Hardie and force them to support those they have maimed and killed and their families before the sufferers died. They would also be putting enormous pressure on governments to persue these murderers in court and have them thrown in jail at the very least for industrial manslaughter or if serious for murder becuase deliberately killing people for money is murder.
But again they must be getting some kickbacks becuase everything is quiet and all is positive about James Hardie even though they keep delaying the funds and the more people that die before they implement this fund the less they have to pay out.
And when we look at this hypocritical world where it moves to hang a leader of a country like Iraq for killing 148 people because they were considered enemies, then James Hardies entire board of directors should be hanged for killing millions around the world for nothing more than profits.
But I guess that's the corrupt world we live in, if you have the money to pay of polititians and unions you can kill whoever you want and if your the U.S. and want control of oil in Iraq you can kill off hundreds of thousands of civilians and get away with it.
Yet some poor aboriginal kid who is hungry in the Northern Territory will go to jail for stealing some food so they can live.
I wonder how much James Hardie is tipping into political funds to allow all these extensions and the Unions must be getting kickbacks as well for them to keep protecting these murdering criminals!
Lets think about a fund worth over $4 Billion! with payments being delayed again and again the interest being generated will leave James Hardie with a profit out of a fund set up to help dying victims that would be enormous, it's no wonder they can afford to keep the polititians and unions quiet about non payment to those who most need it.
If unions were fair dinkum about protecting workers they would have moved internationally to shut down James Hardie and force them to support those they have maimed and killed and their families before the sufferers died. They would also be putting enormous pressure on governments to persue these murderers in court and have them thrown in jail at the very least for industrial manslaughter or if serious for murder becuase deliberately killing people for money is murder.
But again they must be getting some kickbacks becuase everything is quiet and all is positive about James Hardie even though they keep delaying the funds and the more people that die before they implement this fund the less they have to pay out.
And when we look at this hypocritical world where it moves to hang a leader of a country like Iraq for killing 148 people because they were considered enemies, then James Hardies entire board of directors should be hanged for killing millions around the world for nothing more than profits.
But I guess that's the corrupt world we live in, if you have the money to pay of polititians and unions you can kill whoever you want and if your the U.S. and want control of oil in Iraq you can kill off hundreds of thousands of civilians and get away with it.
Yet some poor aboriginal kid who is hungry in the Northern Territory will go to jail for stealing some food so they can live.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Enouraged to suicide Australia does it more discretely but does it!
I have seen first hand how Australia pushes hard to get the poor and ill to suicide! We can take the Safety Institute of Australia as a starting point, an organisation that is suppose to be supporting health in this country but bans people with an illness that prevents them from working. Their one intent is to get me to suicide and leave them alone, but Jesus prevents that in my life.
Insurance companies were the same and after 3 years of battling their corruption the Lord had me walk away and put my trust in him to provide my and my families needs but these insurance comapanies and the Victorian Workcover Authority would have rather me suicide than highlight to the public the cruel, corrupt organisations they are.
The only people that have any empathy for the poor and ill are those who are suffering alongside us as the following article highlights. Australia is no better, just look at the suicide rates and when you have been homeless with a family and ripped off by insurance comapanies, trampled by a Safety Institute of Australia that is suppose to care about health, including mental health, you realise it's just a image that the SIA and the rest care, they don't care they just want to look after themselves and make money.
All I pray now is for Jesus to return quickly so this corrupt uncaring world will be judged!
Suicide bid sparks punch-up
From correspondents in Berlin
November 08, 2006 05:21am
Article from: Reuters
A YOUNG woman's rooftop suicide bid in Germany sparked a mass brawl between spectators encouraging the 21-year-old to jump and a group of homeless people trying to protect her.
The homeless people were angered when some teenagers in the crowd of hundreds started yelling to the woman she should throw herself from the roof of the town hall of the southwestern town of Loerrach, said police spokesman Dietmar Ernst.
"The homeless people started shouting at the kids not to say that, using some strong language," Mr Ernst said. "Morally speaking though, the homeless people were in the right."
A punch-up involving around 40 people then ensued, during which time police managed to coax the woman back indoors - three and a half hours after her ordeal began.
Some 35 officers, six of whom were injured during the fight, were needed to break it up. Eight participants were arrested, most of them school children aged between 16 and 19.
Mr Ernst said he was doubtful that the brawl, which involved at least one girl, had stopped the woman from jumping.
"She was about 70m up and probably wouldn't have seen much of what was going on," he said.
Insurance companies were the same and after 3 years of battling their corruption the Lord had me walk away and put my trust in him to provide my and my families needs but these insurance comapanies and the Victorian Workcover Authority would have rather me suicide than highlight to the public the cruel, corrupt organisations they are.
The only people that have any empathy for the poor and ill are those who are suffering alongside us as the following article highlights. Australia is no better, just look at the suicide rates and when you have been homeless with a family and ripped off by insurance comapanies, trampled by a Safety Institute of Australia that is suppose to care about health, including mental health, you realise it's just a image that the SIA and the rest care, they don't care they just want to look after themselves and make money.
All I pray now is for Jesus to return quickly so this corrupt uncaring world will be judged!
Suicide bid sparks punch-up
From correspondents in Berlin
November 08, 2006 05:21am
Article from: Reuters
A YOUNG woman's rooftop suicide bid in Germany sparked a mass brawl between spectators encouraging the 21-year-old to jump and a group of homeless people trying to protect her.
The homeless people were angered when some teenagers in the crowd of hundreds started yelling to the woman she should throw herself from the roof of the town hall of the southwestern town of Loerrach, said police spokesman Dietmar Ernst.
"The homeless people started shouting at the kids not to say that, using some strong language," Mr Ernst said. "Morally speaking though, the homeless people were in the right."
A punch-up involving around 40 people then ensued, during which time police managed to coax the woman back indoors - three and a half hours after her ordeal began.
Some 35 officers, six of whom were injured during the fight, were needed to break it up. Eight participants were arrested, most of them school children aged between 16 and 19.
Mr Ernst said he was doubtful that the brawl, which involved at least one girl, had stopped the woman from jumping.
"She was about 70m up and probably wouldn't have seen much of what was going on," he said.
Australian Senate moves to legalise murder of babies for profits of the pharmacutical companies.
Now I feel I am one who would benefit health wise with stem cell research but to kill babies to do it is beyond logic.
God makes it clear that life starts at the moment of first conception, the moment the sperm enters the egg!
But Australians have moved that far away from God that they now consider murdering babies acceptable so that pharmacutical companies can make huge profits out of any treatments that can be derived.
This is disgusting! And highlights just how acceptable murder is these days as long as it makes a profit, just look at James Hardie as an example.
But killing workers for profits is one thing, killing inocent babies is just beyond reason, even if they make heaps of money out of it.
God makes it clear that life starts at the moment of first conception, the moment the sperm enters the egg!
But Australians have moved that far away from God that they now consider murdering babies acceptable so that pharmacutical companies can make huge profits out of any treatments that can be derived.
This is disgusting! And highlights just how acceptable murder is these days as long as it makes a profit, just look at James Hardie as an example.
But killing workers for profits is one thing, killing inocent babies is just beyond reason, even if they make heaps of money out of it.
Tower Life Insurance will rip you off and spit you out!
I feel it necessary to warn all about Tower Life Insurance as they are spending heaps on advertising these days. You don't see a day of television where they are not advertising one of their products in some way or the other.
This insurance company is a rip off and will not pay you out and support you like they make out they will, so don't insure with them!
I was in hospital undergoing a bladder neck incision to urinate again, when the Victorian Workcover Authority sacked me becuase as I was in hospital then recovering there was no way I could reapply for my position.
I have described workcover and TAC before so will not go on how they all claimed each other was responsible for my condition and none paid anything saying it was the other insurance companies responsibilty. None of them claimed I didn't have injury/illness that prevented me from working they just claimed it was the other insurance companies responsibility.
But I had income protection insurance and permanent dissability insurance with Tower Life.
Now I know from experience that Tower Life Insurance will not support and provide the security they claim!
Tower Life refused to pay out on permanent dissability, even though to this day I still not able to work in any gainful way.
But the worse part is that I had income protection insurance, which if they paid like they claim would have allowed me to keep the house and probably prevented a seperation from my family.
Sure Three Years after I was off work they paid me 3 months worth of income protection but that was 3 years later and they wouldn't pay anymore becuase Workcover had sacked me so they only paid to the date of my dissmissal.
They are a sick money hungry organisation that will not support you or provide the income protection they claim. In the 3 years the bank had taken the house and sold it out for a pitance, we had seperated, and I had treatments I could not afford. Everything they paid out 3 years later went to solicitors payments, which I probably wouldn't have needed if they paid when they stated they would.
Don't waste your money with this or any other income protection or life insurance becuase they will keep it and watch your life self destruct hoping you will drop the claim and in the end for you sanity and family health you will have too.
This insurance company is a rip off and will not pay you out and support you like they make out they will, so don't insure with them!
I was in hospital undergoing a bladder neck incision to urinate again, when the Victorian Workcover Authority sacked me becuase as I was in hospital then recovering there was no way I could reapply for my position.
I have described workcover and TAC before so will not go on how they all claimed each other was responsible for my condition and none paid anything saying it was the other insurance companies responsibilty. None of them claimed I didn't have injury/illness that prevented me from working they just claimed it was the other insurance companies responsibility.
But I had income protection insurance and permanent dissability insurance with Tower Life.
Now I know from experience that Tower Life Insurance will not support and provide the security they claim!
Tower Life refused to pay out on permanent dissability, even though to this day I still not able to work in any gainful way.
But the worse part is that I had income protection insurance, which if they paid like they claim would have allowed me to keep the house and probably prevented a seperation from my family.
Sure Three Years after I was off work they paid me 3 months worth of income protection but that was 3 years later and they wouldn't pay anymore becuase Workcover had sacked me so they only paid to the date of my dissmissal.
They are a sick money hungry organisation that will not support you or provide the income protection they claim. In the 3 years the bank had taken the house and sold it out for a pitance, we had seperated, and I had treatments I could not afford. Everything they paid out 3 years later went to solicitors payments, which I probably wouldn't have needed if they paid when they stated they would.
Don't waste your money with this or any other income protection or life insurance becuase they will keep it and watch your life self destruct hoping you will drop the claim and in the end for you sanity and family health you will have too.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Drug Free week what a load of crap
Widespread Participation Makes First Drug-Free Work Week a Success
The first-ever Drug-Free Work Week (October 16-22, 2006) was a big success, with organizations across the country implementing innovative ideas to help reinforce to workers the importance of being drug free to improving workplace safety and health.
Drug-Free Work Week was a collaborative effort led by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the members of its Drug-Free Workplace Alliance, a cooperative program focused on improving safety and health in the construction and mining industries through drug-free workplace programs. Alliance members helped with the distribution of Drug-Free Work Week materials, published articles in their member publications, and helped facilitate local-level training and educational activities. During the week, they also convened at DOL’s National Office to renew the Alliance agreement and set priorities for the coming year.
Employers and employees in all industries, not just construction and mining, were also invited—and answered the call—to participate in Drug-Free Work Week. Individual organizations conducted a range of activities, ranging from simple, such as putting up a workplace display, to more comprehensive, such as implementing a drug-free workplace program.
What a load of crap! Displays make for a drug free week! Imagine if they spent the money wasted on this crap on actually engineering out risks in the workplace!
Oh that's right their not really interested in saving lives and preventing injuries, they only want to win votes and blame workers.
All the time the pollies and managers are sitting there drinking their alcohol, drinking their coffee and the like, no such thing as a drug free week and they know it!
Lets call it a pick on certain drugs week!
The first-ever Drug-Free Work Week (October 16-22, 2006) was a big success, with organizations across the country implementing innovative ideas to help reinforce to workers the importance of being drug free to improving workplace safety and health.
Drug-Free Work Week was a collaborative effort led by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the members of its Drug-Free Workplace Alliance, a cooperative program focused on improving safety and health in the construction and mining industries through drug-free workplace programs. Alliance members helped with the distribution of Drug-Free Work Week materials, published articles in their member publications, and helped facilitate local-level training and educational activities. During the week, they also convened at DOL’s National Office to renew the Alliance agreement and set priorities for the coming year.
Employers and employees in all industries, not just construction and mining, were also invited—and answered the call—to participate in Drug-Free Work Week. Individual organizations conducted a range of activities, ranging from simple, such as putting up a workplace display, to more comprehensive, such as implementing a drug-free workplace program.
What a load of crap! Displays make for a drug free week! Imagine if they spent the money wasted on this crap on actually engineering out risks in the workplace!
Oh that's right their not really interested in saving lives and preventing injuries, they only want to win votes and blame workers.
All the time the pollies and managers are sitting there drinking their alcohol, drinking their coffee and the like, no such thing as a drug free week and they know it!
Lets call it a pick on certain drugs week!
Water summit 'appallingly weak'
I have to agree with the following article, the water summit was certainly a junket with it finishing in time for the Melbourne Cup. Highlights it was just a get together so they could party together for the Cup.
I challenge any of the ministers there to prove they weren't drinking alcohol! And the hypocrits would sack any worker doing the same!
Water summit 'appallingly weak'
November 07, 2006 02:16pm
Article from: AAP
THE Greens and the Australian Democrats have dismissed today's water crisis summit as an "appalling" talkfest that will do nothing to solve the problem.
The summit agreed to draw up contingency plans to secure water supplies for the next water year, beginning on June 1, with a working group of state and federal public servants to report back by December 15.
The Commonwealth has also agreed to speed up the implementation of proposals under the National Water Initiative, with permanent interstate trading to begin between NSW and Victoria on January 1 next year.
CSIRO has been asked to report progressively by the end of next year on sustainable yields of surface and groundwater systems within the Murray-Darling basin.
Water and climate change issues already are on the agenda for the next Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting next April.
The summit's outcome was weak, even appalling, and would do nothing to address the crisis, Greens senator Rachel Siewert said.
"What we've seen today is a talkfest by the governments of Australia with no real commitment to action on water," Senator Siewert said.
I challenge any of the ministers there to prove they weren't drinking alcohol! And the hypocrits would sack any worker doing the same!
Water summit 'appallingly weak'
November 07, 2006 02:16pm
Article from: AAP
THE Greens and the Australian Democrats have dismissed today's water crisis summit as an "appalling" talkfest that will do nothing to solve the problem.
The summit agreed to draw up contingency plans to secure water supplies for the next water year, beginning on June 1, with a working group of state and federal public servants to report back by December 15.
The Commonwealth has also agreed to speed up the implementation of proposals under the National Water Initiative, with permanent interstate trading to begin between NSW and Victoria on January 1 next year.
CSIRO has been asked to report progressively by the end of next year on sustainable yields of surface and groundwater systems within the Murray-Darling basin.
Water and climate change issues already are on the agenda for the next Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting next April.
The summit's outcome was weak, even appalling, and would do nothing to address the crisis, Greens senator Rachel Siewert said.
"What we've seen today is a talkfest by the governments of Australia with no real commitment to action on water," Senator Siewert said.
Road Safety - Police Investigations Floored
Again we see the police corrupting investigations with preconceived findings before an investigation!
No wonder we can't reduce the road toll when all the investigators focuss on is speed! For one speed alone doesn't cause road accidents in the vast majority of cases, the only thing speed contributes is an increase in energy that wouldn't be released if there wasn't a tree or pole or other objects. In the second incident a rock wall.
Speed blamed for fatal P-plater crash
November 07, 2006 05:36pm
Article from: AAP
POLICE have blamed speed for a car crash which killed a 16-year-old boy and seriously injured three other youths.
The crash happened near Newcastle, just two weeks after the horrific crash near Byron Bay on the NSW north coast that claimed the lives of four teenagers.
In the latest crash, the 16-year-old boy, a rear-seat passenger, died when the car hit a power pole at Tingara Heights, south of Newcastle, about 2.45am (AEDT) today and split in two, police said.
Two 17-year-old boys and a 17-year-old girl - all three from Windale - were taken to John Hunter Hospital with head injuries.
Two of the teenagers were thrown from the vehicle on impact.
Police say they are unsure who was driving the car and are investigating whether the driver was licensed.
One report has said the dead youth was joyriding with three other teenagers before the crash at the intersection of Violet Town Road and Regent Street.
His grandmother has said she is devastated by his death.
"I just feel so lost. I just was hoping he'd walk back through the door (and that) it's all been a mistake, but it's not going to happen," she said on Channel 10.
"I don't know how anyone survived it, they must have been going at one hell of a speed because it (the wreckage) was mangled."
Police said the Newcastle Crash Investigation Unit was investigating the incident but that "early inquiries indicate speed was a factor in the crash".
It follows the deaths of Corey New, Bryce Wells, Paul Morris, all aged 16, and Mitch Eveleigh, 17, on October 22.
The four were killed when the car left a straight stretch of the Coast Road and struck trees at Broken Head.
Meanwhile, a 61-year-old man died when the car he was driving left the road and crashed into a rock wall near Singleton, north-west of Newcastle.
The crash happened at 5.45pm (AEDT) yesterday on the Putty Road.
Two small dogs travelling in the car suffered minor injuries and were taken to an animal hospital for treatment.
No wonder we can't reduce the road toll when all the investigators focuss on is speed! For one speed alone doesn't cause road accidents in the vast majority of cases, the only thing speed contributes is an increase in energy that wouldn't be released if there wasn't a tree or pole or other objects. In the second incident a rock wall.
Speed blamed for fatal P-plater crash
November 07, 2006 05:36pm
Article from: AAP
POLICE have blamed speed for a car crash which killed a 16-year-old boy and seriously injured three other youths.
The crash happened near Newcastle, just two weeks after the horrific crash near Byron Bay on the NSW north coast that claimed the lives of four teenagers.
In the latest crash, the 16-year-old boy, a rear-seat passenger, died when the car hit a power pole at Tingara Heights, south of Newcastle, about 2.45am (AEDT) today and split in two, police said.
Two 17-year-old boys and a 17-year-old girl - all three from Windale - were taken to John Hunter Hospital with head injuries.
Two of the teenagers were thrown from the vehicle on impact.
Police say they are unsure who was driving the car and are investigating whether the driver was licensed.
One report has said the dead youth was joyriding with three other teenagers before the crash at the intersection of Violet Town Road and Regent Street.
His grandmother has said she is devastated by his death.
"I just feel so lost. I just was hoping he'd walk back through the door (and that) it's all been a mistake, but it's not going to happen," she said on Channel 10.
"I don't know how anyone survived it, they must have been going at one hell of a speed because it (the wreckage) was mangled."
Police said the Newcastle Crash Investigation Unit was investigating the incident but that "early inquiries indicate speed was a factor in the crash".
It follows the deaths of Corey New, Bryce Wells, Paul Morris, all aged 16, and Mitch Eveleigh, 17, on October 22.
The four were killed when the car left a straight stretch of the Coast Road and struck trees at Broken Head.
Meanwhile, a 61-year-old man died when the car he was driving left the road and crashed into a rock wall near Singleton, north-west of Newcastle.
The crash happened at 5.45pm (AEDT) yesterday on the Putty Road.
Two small dogs travelling in the car suffered minor injuries and were taken to an animal hospital for treatment.
Water Crisis!
Seems to me that there is a simple answer to providing more water!
With industry making up the biggest users of water and drinking water making a extremely small percentage of our water supplies there is a simple answer.
Capture the water in our cities that fall on concrete buildings, footpaths and roadways! New buildings could be constructed to use the water as ballast below car parks.
While the contamination of the water by pollution, epecially from motor vehicles would make it unsuitable for drinking it would be perfect for industrial uses and in cooling towers!
There is that much water running off from our cities that I'm sure industry surrounding the cities could be adequately supplied with catchments under our cities, maybe we could strengthen current underground car parks and turn them into dams at not to much time and cost.
This could prevent the need to dam our beautiful rivers and flood people's households.
It would surely go a long way to evening up the responsiblities between country and cities with cities having to catch water as well as those in the country.
With industry making up the biggest users of water and drinking water making a extremely small percentage of our water supplies there is a simple answer.
Capture the water in our cities that fall on concrete buildings, footpaths and roadways! New buildings could be constructed to use the water as ballast below car parks.
While the contamination of the water by pollution, epecially from motor vehicles would make it unsuitable for drinking it would be perfect for industrial uses and in cooling towers!
There is that much water running off from our cities that I'm sure industry surrounding the cities could be adequately supplied with catchments under our cities, maybe we could strengthen current underground car parks and turn them into dams at not to much time and cost.
This could prevent the need to dam our beautiful rivers and flood people's households.
It would surely go a long way to evening up the responsiblities between country and cities with cities having to catch water as well as those in the country.
Circumcision the truth!
Circumcision 'reduces STD risk'
From correspondents in New York
November 07, 2006 04:25am
Article from: Reuters
CIRCUMCISED males are less likely than their uncircumcised peers to acquire a sexually transmitted infection, the findings of a 25-year study suggest.
According to the report in the November issue of Pediatrics, circumcision may reduce the risk of acquiring and spreading such infections by up to 50 per cent, which suggests "substantial benefits" for routine neonatal circumcision.
The current study is just one of many that have looked at this controversial topic. While most research has found that circumcision reduces the rates of HIV (the virus that causes AIDS), syphilis and genital ulcers, the results are more mixed for other STDs.
While these researchers refuse to look for God for answers they will never understand the stupidity of their statements!
The STD rates do not drop becuase of circumcision!!!!!!!!! They drop becuase the people who are circumcised have usually had this done so becuase their parents had faith in God and so these men have been brought up with strong moral and ethical foundations based on Gods word!
Uncircumsized men are usually because the parents were angry with God or didn't believe in Gods word and as such have a poor grounding in valuable moral and ethical responsiblities.
From correspondents in New York
November 07, 2006 04:25am
Article from: Reuters
CIRCUMCISED males are less likely than their uncircumcised peers to acquire a sexually transmitted infection, the findings of a 25-year study suggest.
According to the report in the November issue of Pediatrics, circumcision may reduce the risk of acquiring and spreading such infections by up to 50 per cent, which suggests "substantial benefits" for routine neonatal circumcision.
The current study is just one of many that have looked at this controversial topic. While most research has found that circumcision reduces the rates of HIV (the virus that causes AIDS), syphilis and genital ulcers, the results are more mixed for other STDs.
While these researchers refuse to look for God for answers they will never understand the stupidity of their statements!
The STD rates do not drop becuase of circumcision!!!!!!!!! They drop becuase the people who are circumcised have usually had this done so becuase their parents had faith in God and so these men have been brought up with strong moral and ethical foundations based on Gods word!
Uncircumsized men are usually because the parents were angry with God or didn't believe in Gods word and as such have a poor grounding in valuable moral and ethical responsiblities.
Road Safety Something wrong with this scenario
One teen dead, three hurt in crash
November 07, 2006 06:11am
Article from:
ONE teenager was killed and three others critically injured when their car hit a power pole so hard the vehicle split apart on impact.
Emergency services were still at the crash site, south of Newcastle, this morning.
The 16-year-old boy, a rear seat passenger, died at the scene of the 2.45am (AEDT) crash at an intersection at Tingira Heights, police said.
Two other youths, aged about 17, and a teenage girl were thrown from the car by the force of the impact. They were taken to John Hunter Hospital with critical injuries.
I ask the question what is wrong with the statement that it hit a power pole so hard the car split in two?
Highlights to me that poles are not made to shear at the base as statements have been made before!
Second it highlights that the designers of roads are guilty of not removing or mitigating risks as far as possible by placing power poles where they can be hit by an out of control vehicle and release the energy needed to kill!
Third it seems they are designing poles stronger these days or making them out of stronger materials to save money on replacing poles at the expense of the motorists lives! They should shear off in a high speed impact.
Although if we comply with the hierachy of controls this is one risk that can be totally illiminated by placing the lines under ground! And as this is a workplace for many those that design, fund and manage our roads should be guilty of manslaughter for failing to comply with a simple principle in safety, the Hierachy of Control and instead focussing totally on behavioural controls.
November 07, 2006 06:11am
Article from:
ONE teenager was killed and three others critically injured when their car hit a power pole so hard the vehicle split apart on impact.
Emergency services were still at the crash site, south of Newcastle, this morning.
The 16-year-old boy, a rear seat passenger, died at the scene of the 2.45am (AEDT) crash at an intersection at Tingira Heights, police said.
Two other youths, aged about 17, and a teenage girl were thrown from the car by the force of the impact. They were taken to John Hunter Hospital with critical injuries.
I ask the question what is wrong with the statement that it hit a power pole so hard the car split in two?
Highlights to me that poles are not made to shear at the base as statements have been made before!
Second it highlights that the designers of roads are guilty of not removing or mitigating risks as far as possible by placing power poles where they can be hit by an out of control vehicle and release the energy needed to kill!
Third it seems they are designing poles stronger these days or making them out of stronger materials to save money on replacing poles at the expense of the motorists lives! They should shear off in a high speed impact.
Although if we comply with the hierachy of controls this is one risk that can be totally illiminated by placing the lines under ground! And as this is a workplace for many those that design, fund and manage our roads should be guilty of manslaughter for failing to comply with a simple principle in safety, the Hierachy of Control and instead focussing totally on behavioural controls.
Saddam to be hanged but who will judge George Bush?
I do not believe we are to kill, even if that is Saddam Hussein. I guess there is enough evidence to suggest he did kill 148 Shi ites but wasn't he sovereign over the country? If so how could he be breaking any laws?
World opinion seems to suggest that it is not acceptable what happened I'll grant that but if we hang him then are we not guilty of the same offences that Saddam committed?
And to see all these people jumping around in joy that a man will be hanged just highlights that many of us are just as hungry for blood as Saddam appears to have been although Saddam was responding to a cue.
But if Saddam is guilty of killing 148, what about George Bush and his coalition of the willing? And lets remember they invaded Iraq on a total lie based on weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist!
Lets look at the Death Toll from George Bush wanting to gain control of oil field in Iraq!
Civilian death toll in Iraq exceeds 100,000
* 13:05 29 October 2004
* news service
* Shaoni Bhattacharya
The invasion of Iraq in March 2003 by coalition forces has lead to the death of at least 100,000 civilians, reveals the first scientific study to examine the issue.
The majority of these deaths, which are in addition those normally expected from natural causes, illness and accidents, have been among women and children, finds the study, released early by The Lancet on Thursday.
The most common cause of death is as a direct result of violence, mostly caused by coalition air strikes, reveals the study of almost 1000 households scattered across Iraq. And the risk of violent death just after the invasion was 58 times greater than before the war. The overall risk of death was 1.5 times more after the invasion than before.
The figure of 100,000 – estimated by extrapolating the surveyed households’ death toll to the whole population - is based on "conservative assumptions", notes Les Roberts at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, US, who led the study.
That estimate excludes Falluja, a hotspot for violence. If the data from this town is included, the study points to about 200,000 excess deaths since the outbreak of war.
If you click on the above you can read the entire article from New Scientist
Now given that George Bush, John Howard, Tony Blair and mates have directly killed over 100,000 civilians to gain control of oil and capture Saddam who wasn't found guilty of anything at the time, shouldn't they face the same prosecution as Saddam as their crime was far greater than 148 percieved enemies of the then state, their crime is against civilians! And we can then add military deaths estimated at 2835 U.S. soldiers.
Seems the richest country can get away with murder, just as the richest organisations can get away with killing their workers.
What is meant to be is meant to be and the time will come when all will know the truth.
World opinion seems to suggest that it is not acceptable what happened I'll grant that but if we hang him then are we not guilty of the same offences that Saddam committed?
And to see all these people jumping around in joy that a man will be hanged just highlights that many of us are just as hungry for blood as Saddam appears to have been although Saddam was responding to a cue.
But if Saddam is guilty of killing 148, what about George Bush and his coalition of the willing? And lets remember they invaded Iraq on a total lie based on weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist!
Lets look at the Death Toll from George Bush wanting to gain control of oil field in Iraq!
Civilian death toll in Iraq exceeds 100,000
* 13:05 29 October 2004
* news service
* Shaoni Bhattacharya
The invasion of Iraq in March 2003 by coalition forces has lead to the death of at least 100,000 civilians, reveals the first scientific study to examine the issue.
The majority of these deaths, which are in addition those normally expected from natural causes, illness and accidents, have been among women and children, finds the study, released early by The Lancet on Thursday.
The most common cause of death is as a direct result of violence, mostly caused by coalition air strikes, reveals the study of almost 1000 households scattered across Iraq. And the risk of violent death just after the invasion was 58 times greater than before the war. The overall risk of death was 1.5 times more after the invasion than before.
The figure of 100,000 – estimated by extrapolating the surveyed households’ death toll to the whole population - is based on "conservative assumptions", notes Les Roberts at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, US, who led the study.
That estimate excludes Falluja, a hotspot for violence. If the data from this town is included, the study points to about 200,000 excess deaths since the outbreak of war.
If you click on the above you can read the entire article from New Scientist
Now given that George Bush, John Howard, Tony Blair and mates have directly killed over 100,000 civilians to gain control of oil and capture Saddam who wasn't found guilty of anything at the time, shouldn't they face the same prosecution as Saddam as their crime was far greater than 148 percieved enemies of the then state, their crime is against civilians! And we can then add military deaths estimated at 2835 U.S. soldiers.
Seems the richest country can get away with murder, just as the richest organisations can get away with killing their workers.
What is meant to be is meant to be and the time will come when all will know the truth.
Monday, November 06, 2006
How to tell if a Safety Institute of Australia member, fellow or Chartered Fellow is incompetent?
That's easy! They will purchase a safety management system instead of developing one that suits their organisation! They will also focuss on controlling behaviour, instead of mitigating risks!
And it makes it even easier when their lack of knowledge and education allows them to believe the hype and purchase the Du Pont crap safety management system that focusses on behaviour.
And the enforcement agencies are in the same boat as they cannot recognise that the DuPont System and others that focuss on behavioural control DO NOT COMPLY WITH LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS TO CONTROL RISKS USING A HIERACHY!
Hopefully one day Safety Institute Members will be prosecuted for impersonating a professional!
To highlight the corruption in the Safety Industry I will reproduce some of the Safety Solutions Group Newsletter click here to sign up With DuPont rating at number three becuase of it's failure in protecting the workers, interesting that Safety Bingo is also selling fast highlighting just how much knowledge people leading organisations such as the Safety Institute of Australia have.
The National Council for Occupational Safety and Health - America’s Dangerous Employers
This report describes 12 cases of companies whose reckless disregard for their employees’ safety and health has had tragic consequences.
These companies have been able to act with such negligence due to a lack of adequate sanctions from governmental regulations or public oversight.
With the goal of preventing future tragedies, this report announces a new National COSH campaign, “Stop Corporate Killers” which will call for an overhaul of the regulatory system to ensure that workers realize the right to a safe and healthy workplace that the Occupational Safety and Health Act promised.
Each year workers in the U.S. suffer tragic consequences from workplace injuries
and illnesses. Current data from the federal agencies directed to track workplace injury and illness tell a grueling tale: Federal sources document that an average of more than 16 worker deaths occur each day. In addition, roughly four million workers are seriously injured each year. Another 60,000 workers are estimated to die each year as result of exposure to hazardous materials in the workplace.
Most of this toll of death and injury and illness is preventable.
Particularly alarming is the data related to the most vulnerable people in the
workplace – youth and immigrant workers. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health [NIOSH] estimates 70 youth [less than 18 years old] are killed each year at work, while the rate of workplace fatalities for workers of foreign descent has increased steadily for the last five years.
Each case of workplace death or injury needs its own analysis to determine the
exact causes and prevention methods. We do know some companies that have
particularly bad track records in health and safety. This list is meant to create public
accountability for worker health and safety.
Unfortunately, there are more offenders that space can provide on this list but these cases can serve as examples for the need to make companies more accountable in our society.
3. DuPont Corp. – The DuPont Corporation, a worldwide manufacturer of chemicals, has carefully crafted a public relations image as being the “benchmark” for safety in industry.
They sell their trademark “STOP” safety program to other companies reaping over $100 million in revenues from their misdirected program.
The STOP program is a behavior-based program founded on the theory that almost all injuries are caused by worker unsafe acts. This contradicts the current approach of health and safety professionals that identifies hazards and unsafe conditions as the principle causes of workplace injuries and illnesses.
In fact, DuPont has achieved such record breaking numbers in safety by a
coordinated program of intimidation and underreporting of injuries and illnesses. A long history of citations by OSHA and EPA has dogged the company reputation.
OSHA cited DuPont for record keeping violations in a landmark case in 1998 for not reporting 117 occupational injuries and illnesses at their Delaware facility.
They have continued to build this legacy by getting cited by OSHA again for recordkeeping violations [July 2004] and violation of federal law for not providing health and safety information to the union under the National Labor Relations Act [June, 2004].
And it makes it even easier when their lack of knowledge and education allows them to believe the hype and purchase the Du Pont crap safety management system that focusses on behaviour.
And the enforcement agencies are in the same boat as they cannot recognise that the DuPont System and others that focuss on behavioural control DO NOT COMPLY WITH LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS TO CONTROL RISKS USING A HIERACHY!
Hopefully one day Safety Institute Members will be prosecuted for impersonating a professional!
To highlight the corruption in the Safety Industry I will reproduce some of the Safety Solutions Group Newsletter click here to sign up With DuPont rating at number three becuase of it's failure in protecting the workers, interesting that Safety Bingo is also selling fast highlighting just how much knowledge people leading organisations such as the Safety Institute of Australia have.
The National Council for Occupational Safety and Health - America’s Dangerous Employers
This report describes 12 cases of companies whose reckless disregard for their employees’ safety and health has had tragic consequences.
These companies have been able to act with such negligence due to a lack of adequate sanctions from governmental regulations or public oversight.
With the goal of preventing future tragedies, this report announces a new National COSH campaign, “Stop Corporate Killers” which will call for an overhaul of the regulatory system to ensure that workers realize the right to a safe and healthy workplace that the Occupational Safety and Health Act promised.
Each year workers in the U.S. suffer tragic consequences from workplace injuries
and illnesses. Current data from the federal agencies directed to track workplace injury and illness tell a grueling tale: Federal sources document that an average of more than 16 worker deaths occur each day. In addition, roughly four million workers are seriously injured each year. Another 60,000 workers are estimated to die each year as result of exposure to hazardous materials in the workplace.
Most of this toll of death and injury and illness is preventable.
Particularly alarming is the data related to the most vulnerable people in the
workplace – youth and immigrant workers. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health [NIOSH] estimates 70 youth [less than 18 years old] are killed each year at work, while the rate of workplace fatalities for workers of foreign descent has increased steadily for the last five years.
Each case of workplace death or injury needs its own analysis to determine the
exact causes and prevention methods. We do know some companies that have
particularly bad track records in health and safety. This list is meant to create public
accountability for worker health and safety.
Unfortunately, there are more offenders that space can provide on this list but these cases can serve as examples for the need to make companies more accountable in our society.
3. DuPont Corp. – The DuPont Corporation, a worldwide manufacturer of chemicals, has carefully crafted a public relations image as being the “benchmark” for safety in industry.
They sell their trademark “STOP” safety program to other companies reaping over $100 million in revenues from their misdirected program.
The STOP program is a behavior-based program founded on the theory that almost all injuries are caused by worker unsafe acts. This contradicts the current approach of health and safety professionals that identifies hazards and unsafe conditions as the principle causes of workplace injuries and illnesses.
In fact, DuPont has achieved such record breaking numbers in safety by a
coordinated program of intimidation and underreporting of injuries and illnesses. A long history of citations by OSHA and EPA has dogged the company reputation.
OSHA cited DuPont for record keeping violations in a landmark case in 1998 for not reporting 117 occupational injuries and illnesses at their Delaware facility.
They have continued to build this legacy by getting cited by OSHA again for recordkeeping violations [July 2004] and violation of federal law for not providing health and safety information to the union under the National Labor Relations Act [June, 2004].
What needs to be done in the Safety Institute of Australia so we may be a recognised Proffesion!
just to express why the need for critical analysis a lot of the time. There are a number of needs for this approach no matter how unpopular,
• one being the need for accountability, without critical analysis weaknesses cannot be examined to become strengths. Those things that stand up to critisim’s are worth continuing with, those that fall down with criticism or are found to be weak, need to be examined and built up.
• Another weakness in the health and safety field is the inability to allow creative expression of thought. There are so many ideas and experiences out there that they need to be shared, not only to the safety profession but the workforce as a whole. The ideal of consultation is just that at this time with the workers and at times managers kept in the dark in regard to incidents that if allowed to be shared can be examined and future leaders in safety gain valuable experience from. But also the informed workforce can also be a far greater influence on their own and those around them, health and safety.
From those experiences being shared creative solutions to health and safety can be developed. Creative ideas can be far from the norm but serve a valuable purpose as the then allow the norm to be expanded.
But I believe health and safety is being held back by the lack of courage and confidence by the profession and the professional body as a whole to enhance the concept that Health and Safety is far bigger than is currently the paradigm and until the profession and especially the professional body the SIA radically shift the paradigm occupational health and safety will always remain considered by the majority as a small part of Human Resources, which I believe it is far more important than that.
Currently OHS is restrained in most organisation
By nearly all departments that fall under the guise
Of Human Resources, you can even add recruitment
The CEO, Board of management, shareholders
And a few other departments that restrain OHS in the
Importance stakes when it comes to priority. I have
Even seen health and safety be drawn up as a small part
Of emergency management.. Will show one day when
It’s long enough.

Sure there are some organisations that claim they see OHS more progressively and have it higher in the importance stakes. If we are really going to move health and safety into a true profession we need to change the paradigm.
First we need to understand and believe that health and safety is far bigger than it currently is.
• If we just look at the Occupational health and start to understand the scope of what that means we can see it just doesn’t mean exposure to some substance, or repetitive injury or the like but it encompasses:
o The physical – that is the exposure or repetitive injury. And even when we break down exposure we see limitless branches we can take for exaple. Exposure can be to a substance, which can also be classed as an exposure to an energy if we focuss on the physics of it all. Or it can be an exposure to fibre such as asbestos, which most of us are familiar with. It can be exposure to a impact but I don’t want to go into the science of it all. I want to focuss on the scope of what health means and that can also mean psychological again that can be an exposure if we look at it in detail and spiritual and many more aspects of the health field.
And what is occupational? Is it just what happens in the workplace or does it also include what happens outside the workplace that can effect the person in their occupation?
Then we come to safety and would could expand even further. And so because this is a blog not a funded research paper I have to leave it short of all that good research stuff and show what the paradigm of vision of a safety profession should be in my eyes.

How can this be achieved???
I haven’t all the answers that’s why we need to think out aloud together to critically analysis all thoughts and have input. But with international communication in the Safety field stifled by behavioural control advocates making too many rules and policies to stop creative thought and ideas, also political correctness gets in the way a lot.
But I do believe we first need to work hard to become recognised as a true profession and how to do that is clear to me looking at other professions and that is to prove our competence and raise the minimum level of the health and safety industry to a recognised standard.
That being a tertiary education for any member of the Safety Institute of Australia. But further for Safety to actually have the standing and the recognised competence to achieve what I believe to be it’s rightful importance in the workplace with life being the main reason we have industry. (I believe God gave us that industry to help us) We need to then recognise that life is what we need to protect. Therefore we need the Safety Institute of Australia to take the strong stand and bring health and safety into a recognised profession by:
• Members - Need to have at least a Diploma in a Occupational Health and Safety Field, not just health such as a nurse or doctor. And demonstrated 2 years experience in the field of OHS. Or a Postgraduate Diploma.
• Fellows – Need to have at least a Masters or Postgraduate Diploma and at least 10 years OHS experience. No way should Fellows be allowed to be there just on experience as they haven’t demonstrated competence in the field as would be the understood definition in the English dictionaries.
• Chartered Fellows - Should reflect the standing of what it means and be PhD in the field of OHS! Or have a masters and be working towards a PhD with demonstrated skills in leading OHS towards a truly respected profession.
And for those that say it has only been 30 years since Australia had a recognised qualification is a cop out!!! Most of those guys with there experience would have received a very easy passage through those qualifications!!! There could also be a student recognised entry to the SIA with an Ass/Student membership that allowed those without a qualification but years of experience to still be a part of the organisation and those studying in the field to also be an active part even though they haven’t the experience.
Untill the leadership of the Safety Institute of Australian stands up and shows commitment to make the safety field a profession, then it’s importance won’t be recognised as it should be.
But this won't happen becuase those that cannot be bothered are protecting their positions in the SIA at the expense of the profession and those that have the committment to gain qualifications with their experience.
To highlight this just look in the right hand side corner of this blog and you will see a brief of my qualifications and experience, It is only a brief becuase I have be provided with far more than what I can list on this blog!
But unqualified, corrupt (having husbands and wives or dads and sons running the organisation is corrupt as well as claiming you are a professional with out qualfications), slack and unprofessional people banned someone that has committed their life to Health and Safety and made the effort to prove competence.
Highlighting just how corrupt the Safety Insititute of Australia is! And this is reflected in the ever increasing death and injury rates in our workplaces. They haven't the courage or committment to get a qualification and that reflects in their lack of ability and committment to stand up for what is right and protect the workers and community.
• one being the need for accountability, without critical analysis weaknesses cannot be examined to become strengths. Those things that stand up to critisim’s are worth continuing with, those that fall down with criticism or are found to be weak, need to be examined and built up.
• Another weakness in the health and safety field is the inability to allow creative expression of thought. There are so many ideas and experiences out there that they need to be shared, not only to the safety profession but the workforce as a whole. The ideal of consultation is just that at this time with the workers and at times managers kept in the dark in regard to incidents that if allowed to be shared can be examined and future leaders in safety gain valuable experience from. But also the informed workforce can also be a far greater influence on their own and those around them, health and safety.
From those experiences being shared creative solutions to health and safety can be developed. Creative ideas can be far from the norm but serve a valuable purpose as the then allow the norm to be expanded.
But I believe health and safety is being held back by the lack of courage and confidence by the profession and the professional body as a whole to enhance the concept that Health and Safety is far bigger than is currently the paradigm and until the profession and especially the professional body the SIA radically shift the paradigm occupational health and safety will always remain considered by the majority as a small part of Human Resources, which I believe it is far more important than that.
Currently OHS is restrained in most organisation
By nearly all departments that fall under the guise
Of Human Resources, you can even add recruitment
The CEO, Board of management, shareholders
And a few other departments that restrain OHS in the
Importance stakes when it comes to priority. I have
Even seen health and safety be drawn up as a small part
Of emergency management.. Will show one day when
It’s long enough.

Sure there are some organisations that claim they see OHS more progressively and have it higher in the importance stakes. If we are really going to move health and safety into a true profession we need to change the paradigm.
First we need to understand and believe that health and safety is far bigger than it currently is.
• If we just look at the Occupational health and start to understand the scope of what that means we can see it just doesn’t mean exposure to some substance, or repetitive injury or the like but it encompasses:
o The physical – that is the exposure or repetitive injury. And even when we break down exposure we see limitless branches we can take for exaple. Exposure can be to a substance, which can also be classed as an exposure to an energy if we focuss on the physics of it all. Or it can be an exposure to fibre such as asbestos, which most of us are familiar with. It can be exposure to a impact but I don’t want to go into the science of it all. I want to focuss on the scope of what health means and that can also mean psychological again that can be an exposure if we look at it in detail and spiritual and many more aspects of the health field.
And what is occupational? Is it just what happens in the workplace or does it also include what happens outside the workplace that can effect the person in their occupation?
Then we come to safety and would could expand even further. And so because this is a blog not a funded research paper I have to leave it short of all that good research stuff and show what the paradigm of vision of a safety profession should be in my eyes.

How can this be achieved???
I haven’t all the answers that’s why we need to think out aloud together to critically analysis all thoughts and have input. But with international communication in the Safety field stifled by behavioural control advocates making too many rules and policies to stop creative thought and ideas, also political correctness gets in the way a lot.
But I do believe we first need to work hard to become recognised as a true profession and how to do that is clear to me looking at other professions and that is to prove our competence and raise the minimum level of the health and safety industry to a recognised standard.
That being a tertiary education for any member of the Safety Institute of Australia. But further for Safety to actually have the standing and the recognised competence to achieve what I believe to be it’s rightful importance in the workplace with life being the main reason we have industry. (I believe God gave us that industry to help us) We need to then recognise that life is what we need to protect. Therefore we need the Safety Institute of Australia to take the strong stand and bring health and safety into a recognised profession by:
• Members - Need to have at least a Diploma in a Occupational Health and Safety Field, not just health such as a nurse or doctor. And demonstrated 2 years experience in the field of OHS. Or a Postgraduate Diploma.
• Fellows – Need to have at least a Masters or Postgraduate Diploma and at least 10 years OHS experience. No way should Fellows be allowed to be there just on experience as they haven’t demonstrated competence in the field as would be the understood definition in the English dictionaries.
• Chartered Fellows - Should reflect the standing of what it means and be PhD in the field of OHS! Or have a masters and be working towards a PhD with demonstrated skills in leading OHS towards a truly respected profession.
And for those that say it has only been 30 years since Australia had a recognised qualification is a cop out!!! Most of those guys with there experience would have received a very easy passage through those qualifications!!! There could also be a student recognised entry to the SIA with an Ass/Student membership that allowed those without a qualification but years of experience to still be a part of the organisation and those studying in the field to also be an active part even though they haven’t the experience.
Untill the leadership of the Safety Institute of Australian stands up and shows commitment to make the safety field a profession, then it’s importance won’t be recognised as it should be.
But this won't happen becuase those that cannot be bothered are protecting their positions in the SIA at the expense of the profession and those that have the committment to gain qualifications with their experience.
To highlight this just look in the right hand side corner of this blog and you will see a brief of my qualifications and experience, It is only a brief becuase I have be provided with far more than what I can list on this blog!
But unqualified, corrupt (having husbands and wives or dads and sons running the organisation is corrupt as well as claiming you are a professional with out qualfications), slack and unprofessional people banned someone that has committed their life to Health and Safety and made the effort to prove competence.
Highlighting just how corrupt the Safety Insititute of Australia is! And this is reflected in the ever increasing death and injury rates in our workplaces. They haven't the courage or committment to get a qualification and that reflects in their lack of ability and committment to stand up for what is right and protect the workers and community.
Friday, November 03, 2006
BHP Should Be Prosecuted
Death shuts BHP mine for 24 hours
From correspondents in Santiago
November 03, 2006 09:53am
Article from: Reuters
THE world's largest coppoer mine, Escondida, has suspended operations for 24 hours due to an accident that killed one worker.
"(The accident) happened yesterday at 8:45am (2145 AEDT) and activities resumed today at 8am (2100 AEDT)," said Pedro Correa, a spokesman for Escondida.
He did not say whether the suspension had affected production at Escondida, which is controlled by Anglo-Australian miner BHP Billiton and was affected by a 25-day strike in August.
Now if BHP has an unqualified person in safety they should be prosecuted for manslaughter as they haven't cared enough about their employees to employee someone that has shown they are competent!
And if there is an unqualified safety person in BHP that person should also be prosecuted for claiming they are a professional when clearly they are not and haven't the dedication to actually go out and get qualified to become by definition a professional!
And if that safety person was a member of the Safety Institute of Australia, or any other safety body representing professionals in the field that institute should also be prosecuted for bringing the profession into disrepute by having unqualified people posing as professionals under the guise of the professional body.
The worst part is these unqualified safety personal cannot develop a safety management system and choose to go out and purchase a DuPont system or the like, which is a total failure in the workplace.
Saddens me when I see Safety Institute of Australia members, Fellows and Chartered Fellows going out and purchasing safety management systems but then that highlights the lack of knowledge from lacking the dedication and committment to safety to prove they are competent and get educated.
From correspondents in Santiago
November 03, 2006 09:53am
Article from: Reuters
THE world's largest coppoer mine, Escondida, has suspended operations for 24 hours due to an accident that killed one worker.
"(The accident) happened yesterday at 8:45am (2145 AEDT) and activities resumed today at 8am (2100 AEDT)," said Pedro Correa, a spokesman for Escondida.
He did not say whether the suspension had affected production at Escondida, which is controlled by Anglo-Australian miner BHP Billiton and was affected by a 25-day strike in August.
Now if BHP has an unqualified person in safety they should be prosecuted for manslaughter as they haven't cared enough about their employees to employee someone that has shown they are competent!
And if there is an unqualified safety person in BHP that person should also be prosecuted for claiming they are a professional when clearly they are not and haven't the dedication to actually go out and get qualified to become by definition a professional!
And if that safety person was a member of the Safety Institute of Australia, or any other safety body representing professionals in the field that institute should also be prosecuted for bringing the profession into disrepute by having unqualified people posing as professionals under the guise of the professional body.
The worst part is these unqualified safety personal cannot develop a safety management system and choose to go out and purchase a DuPont system or the like, which is a total failure in the workplace.
Saddens me when I see Safety Institute of Australia members, Fellows and Chartered Fellows going out and purchasing safety management systems but then that highlights the lack of knowledge from lacking the dedication and committment to safety to prove they are competent and get educated.
Homosexuals ordained in church - It's not Gods church then!
It sickens me to see that homosexuals are being ordained in churchs and the Angligan church seems to be leading the way for these immoral people to be spokesmen for Gods morals and values.
It's hypocritical to say the least as Jesus and God both highlighted the detestibility of the sins of those that poo jab each other.
It doesn't mean they can't be saved and forgiven for their sins! They have just as much ability and love from God to turn from their detestible behaviour and then ask forgiveness as I or anyone else has in this world.
But to say they are men of God when still undertaking this sort of behaviour and having no repentance from the sin, then they are liars as well!
A poo hole was created to extract the waste products from the body not have a penis shoved up it! A vagina was created to create life and in a marriage before God was designed to be pleasurable creating that life.
A dog will stick his penis in anything or rub up against anything to get his rocks off and that's what these homosexuals are doing, whats worse they corrupt a beautiful word like Gay in the process as the only time I see them gay is when they are in the mardi grass running around like perverts naked.
Just in case they are confused!
Gay ordination threatens to split church
From correspondents in Wellington
November 03, 2006 06:28am
Article from: Agence France-Presse
PLANS to ordain a gay man threaten to split the Church of England in New Zealand, clergy were reported saying today.
The conservative group, Anglican Mainstream, is opposing the ordination of Juan Kinnear as a deacon in the southern city of Dunedin on Saturday.
Christchurch clergyman Reverend Malcolm Falloon told the Otago Daily Times the ordination could split the church and the group had written to the country's archbishops to have it stopped or postponed.
Bishop George Connor, who will conduct the ordination, accepted the move would be controversial, but said the Dunedin diocesan council were satisfied it was in line with past practice and the rules of the church.
Rev Kinnear was in a "committed same-sex relationship", he said.
The bishop said the issue of sexuality was currently being debated by the Church of England and "people of goodwill and deeply reasoned faith stand on both sides of the argument".
In September, members of the Presbyterian assembly in New Zealand voted to exclude homosexuals from becoming ministers or church elders.
It's hypocritical to say the least as Jesus and God both highlighted the detestibility of the sins of those that poo jab each other.
It doesn't mean they can't be saved and forgiven for their sins! They have just as much ability and love from God to turn from their detestible behaviour and then ask forgiveness as I or anyone else has in this world.
But to say they are men of God when still undertaking this sort of behaviour and having no repentance from the sin, then they are liars as well!
A poo hole was created to extract the waste products from the body not have a penis shoved up it! A vagina was created to create life and in a marriage before God was designed to be pleasurable creating that life.
A dog will stick his penis in anything or rub up against anything to get his rocks off and that's what these homosexuals are doing, whats worse they corrupt a beautiful word like Gay in the process as the only time I see them gay is when they are in the mardi grass running around like perverts naked.
Just in case they are confused!
Gay ordination threatens to split church
From correspondents in Wellington
November 03, 2006 06:28am
Article from: Agence France-Presse
PLANS to ordain a gay man threaten to split the Church of England in New Zealand, clergy were reported saying today.
The conservative group, Anglican Mainstream, is opposing the ordination of Juan Kinnear as a deacon in the southern city of Dunedin on Saturday.
Christchurch clergyman Reverend Malcolm Falloon told the Otago Daily Times the ordination could split the church and the group had written to the country's archbishops to have it stopped or postponed.
Bishop George Connor, who will conduct the ordination, accepted the move would be controversial, but said the Dunedin diocesan council were satisfied it was in line with past practice and the rules of the church.
Rev Kinnear was in a "committed same-sex relationship", he said.
The bishop said the issue of sexuality was currently being debated by the Church of England and "people of goodwill and deeply reasoned faith stand on both sides of the argument".
In September, members of the Presbyterian assembly in New Zealand voted to exclude homosexuals from becoming ministers or church elders.
NT Faces Speed Limits for the first time
With an Australian report in 2000 putting the cost of road crashes at $15 Billion approx each year (Road Crash Costs in Australia Report 2000) and the Northern Territory having unacceptably high death and accident rates something needed to be done to curb the road toll in the NT.
I am totally opossed to the ridiculously low speed limits being applied accross the country reducing the productivity of the country and costing $billions in lost productivity being used along with low tolerence to raise revenue without any real decrease in the road toll.
However I also do not believe that open speed limits are the answer as someone doing 250 km/h or greater not on a well designed race track is a risk far too high to accept.
As I commented and produced a report on the Workplace Health and Safety Forum I will not post it again but just raise some useful points for which I believe the NT government has based their speed limits on.
The first was that the most productive speed limit on our open roads in this report was 130km/h, where this speed was shown to not increase the accident or death rates but increase the productivity of the country by $billions. Over 130km/h accident rates were found to increase dramatically!
Well done to the NT government for focussing on what was the safest most efficient speed and not having the ridiculously low 100km/h speed limits of other states.
It would be good to see the NT government design a road with objects removed from the sides and sand traps or the like to slow speed/energy if a vehicle does loose control and have a main road through the middle of the state that could handle 160km/h with limited risks. As this is a large state/territory that is isolated this would seem to be of great benefit to people in that state.
It was also good to see the focuss shift to alcohol with drink drivers not automatically loosing their license until these changes! I'm sure that will have a major impact on reducing the road toll.
Demerit points are also another positive allowing repeat abusers of the law to be penalised in a severe manor (loosing license) while those that make a simple mistake can keep driving and learn.
I am spewing though I always looked forward to going for a visit to the NT and enjoying driving at a speed that was comfortable and fast, focussing only on the road ahead and not on my speedometer. Now there is no reason to visit the NT, although I hope one day that they design a road that allows for far greater speed than 130 km/h which would allow the enjoyment of driving again. But if it saves a heap of lives then I cannot complain.
Overall a big well done to the NT government for having a realistic speed limit and making an effort to remove drunks from the roads. I suspect the removing of drink drivers will have the major impact on the road toll but we will never know as all the changes will be introduced at the same time.
Maybe they could stagger the introduction of the new laws, with a 6 month or 12 month period between each to evaluate their effectiveness and if we found it was alcohol that was the dramatic factor in road crash reductions and speed had little effect we could reintroduce open limits in some areas.
I am totally opossed to the ridiculously low speed limits being applied accross the country reducing the productivity of the country and costing $billions in lost productivity being used along with low tolerence to raise revenue without any real decrease in the road toll.
However I also do not believe that open speed limits are the answer as someone doing 250 km/h or greater not on a well designed race track is a risk far too high to accept.
As I commented and produced a report on the Workplace Health and Safety Forum I will not post it again but just raise some useful points for which I believe the NT government has based their speed limits on.
The first was that the most productive speed limit on our open roads in this report was 130km/h, where this speed was shown to not increase the accident or death rates but increase the productivity of the country by $billions. Over 130km/h accident rates were found to increase dramatically!
Well done to the NT government for focussing on what was the safest most efficient speed and not having the ridiculously low 100km/h speed limits of other states.
It would be good to see the NT government design a road with objects removed from the sides and sand traps or the like to slow speed/energy if a vehicle does loose control and have a main road through the middle of the state that could handle 160km/h with limited risks. As this is a large state/territory that is isolated this would seem to be of great benefit to people in that state.
It was also good to see the focuss shift to alcohol with drink drivers not automatically loosing their license until these changes! I'm sure that will have a major impact on reducing the road toll.
Demerit points are also another positive allowing repeat abusers of the law to be penalised in a severe manor (loosing license) while those that make a simple mistake can keep driving and learn.
I am spewing though I always looked forward to going for a visit to the NT and enjoying driving at a speed that was comfortable and fast, focussing only on the road ahead and not on my speedometer. Now there is no reason to visit the NT, although I hope one day that they design a road that allows for far greater speed than 130 km/h which would allow the enjoyment of driving again. But if it saves a heap of lives then I cannot complain.
Overall a big well done to the NT government for having a realistic speed limit and making an effort to remove drunks from the roads. I suspect the removing of drink drivers will have the major impact on the road toll but we will never know as all the changes will be introduced at the same time.
Maybe they could stagger the introduction of the new laws, with a 6 month or 12 month period between each to evaluate their effectiveness and if we found it was alcohol that was the dramatic factor in road crash reductions and speed had little effect we could reintroduce open limits in some areas.
Road Safety - Daylight Savings and Mr Beattie
Mr Beattie has highlighted how polititians will lie to win votes.
Having been a surfer all my life I actually preferred not having daylight savings so I could get a surf in before work and still make it to work on time.
However with small to medium business in Queensland at a distinct dissadvantage to the majority of states it is time to have a look at the lies keeping Queensland from having daylight savings.
But when it comes to really saving lives Mr Beattie ignores the truth for lies that will keep the votes of the farmers.
Studies have shown that daylight savings can reduce significantly pedestrian fatalities!!!! And also reduce vehicle occupant injuries!!!!
In a paper published in 2004 The effects of daylight and daylight saving time on US pedestrian fatalities and motor vehicle occupant fatalities. Coate D, Markowitz S. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2004 May;36(3):351-7.
Department of Economics, Rutgers University, 360 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102, USA.
This paper analyzes the effects of daylight and daylight saving time (DST) on pedestrian and motor vehicle occupant fatalities in the United States. Multivariate analyses of county level data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System for 2-week periods in 1998 and 1999 are used. Results show that full year daylight saving time would reduce pedestrian fatalities by 171 per year, or by 13% of all pedestrian fatalities in the 5:00-10.00 a.m. and in the 4:00-9:00 p.m. time periods. Motor vehicle occupant fatalities would be reduced by 195 per year, or 3%, during the same time periods.
An earlier study in 1995 in the American Journel of Health Daylight saving time and motor vehicle crashes: the reduction in pedestrian and vehicle occupant fatalities.
Ferguson SA, Preusser DF, Lund AK, Zador PL, Ulmer RG. American Journal of Public Health. 1995 Jan;85(1):92-5.
To highlight the dramatic decrease in pedestrian fatalities I have copied the graph below

Highlighting that the ability to see the pedestrian during these crucial drive home hours makes a huge reduction in the probability of being hit by a car!
I'll keep it simple for Mr Beattie as it's quite obvious he isn't very intelligent if he believes the skin cancer argument.
Having been a surfer all my life I actually preferred not having daylight savings so I could get a surf in before work and still make it to work on time.
However with small to medium business in Queensland at a distinct dissadvantage to the majority of states it is time to have a look at the lies keeping Queensland from having daylight savings.
- Curtains will fade - Cracks me up everytime, the polititians are calling people dumb. And if they don't realise the curtains are exposed to just as much sunlight no matter what time they want to make it, then maybe they are.
- Children can't sleep - My experience is that the children can play outdoors later in the day, enabling dinner to be cooked without interuption and the children being more worn out, hence sleeping far better.
But when it comes to really saving lives Mr Beattie ignores the truth for lies that will keep the votes of the farmers.
Studies have shown that daylight savings can reduce significantly pedestrian fatalities!!!! And also reduce vehicle occupant injuries!!!!
In a paper published in 2004 The effects of daylight and daylight saving time on US pedestrian fatalities and motor vehicle occupant fatalities. Coate D, Markowitz S. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2004 May;36(3):351-7.
Department of Economics, Rutgers University, 360 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102, USA.
This paper analyzes the effects of daylight and daylight saving time (DST) on pedestrian and motor vehicle occupant fatalities in the United States. Multivariate analyses of county level data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System for 2-week periods in 1998 and 1999 are used. Results show that full year daylight saving time would reduce pedestrian fatalities by 171 per year, or by 13% of all pedestrian fatalities in the 5:00-10.00 a.m. and in the 4:00-9:00 p.m. time periods. Motor vehicle occupant fatalities would be reduced by 195 per year, or 3%, during the same time periods.
An earlier study in 1995 in the American Journel of Health Daylight saving time and motor vehicle crashes: the reduction in pedestrian and vehicle occupant fatalities.
Ferguson SA, Preusser DF, Lund AK, Zador PL, Ulmer RG. American Journal of Public Health. 1995 Jan;85(1):92-5.
To highlight the dramatic decrease in pedestrian fatalities I have copied the graph below
Highlighting that the ability to see the pedestrian during these crucial drive home hours makes a huge reduction in the probability of being hit by a car!
I'll keep it simple for Mr Beattie as it's quite obvious he isn't very intelligent if he believes the skin cancer argument.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Well Done Safeway/Woolworths
I am impressed with the quick action that Safeway has undertaken in regards to food contamination. Not often I would say well done but in this case it was a very quick response and the reaction in recalling all products and removing the rest from sale is impressive putting peoples health and safety above profits.
Well done.
Safeway store closes after contamination
October 31, 2006 09:56pm
Article from: AAP
POLICE are investigating a contamination scare at a Safeway supermarket in suburban Bayswater in Melbourne after staff discovered some fresh produce contained foreign objects.
The store has issued a product recall where customers who bought fresh fruit or vegetables from the store today can return their goods for a full refund.
Safeway spokesman Clare Buchanan would not specify what the foreign objects were or the products affected.
“We're not in a position to discuss what the product is,” she said.
Woolworths Limited said in a statement tonight that the incident was believed to be isolated, affecting the Bayswater store only.
Well done.
Safeway store closes after contamination
October 31, 2006 09:56pm
Article from: AAP
POLICE are investigating a contamination scare at a Safeway supermarket in suburban Bayswater in Melbourne after staff discovered some fresh produce contained foreign objects.
The store has issued a product recall where customers who bought fresh fruit or vegetables from the store today can return their goods for a full refund.
Safeway spokesman Clare Buchanan would not specify what the foreign objects were or the products affected.
“We're not in a position to discuss what the product is,” she said.
Woolworths Limited said in a statement tonight that the incident was believed to be isolated, affecting the Bayswater store only.
Unqualified Safety Practitioners
The cost of unqualified safety practitioners being recognised as competent by the Safety Institute of Australia continues to soar! Simple things like chemical fires would not occur if these people had the committment to safety to get themselves educated and qualified.
But becuase of the Safety Institute of Australia not requiring members to be professional enough to get a qualification we see incidents occuring that would be simple to control and prevent with a tiny little bit of education. But then I suppose they wouldn't ban those with qualifications and dedication to protect those unqualified people that stop safety being recognised as a profession.
Chemical factory catches fire
October 31, 2006 11:13pm
Article from: AAP
A BLAZE last night at a chemical factory north of Melbourne has been brought under control.
About 60 firefighters took about an hour-and-a-half to bring the blaze at JAL Chemicals in Raglan Street, Preston, under control.
The Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) was called to the fire at the two-storey factory at 9.50pm (AEDT).
An MFB spokesman said crews were supported by aerial appliances, including ladder platforms, to attack the flames from above.
The fire was contained to the rear section of the factory, he said.
The spokesman said it was believed some people were in the factory at the time but no-one were injured.
Fire investigators were on their way to the scene to determine the cause but at this stage it is not deemed suspicious.
The cost of the damage is not yet known.
But becuase of the Safety Institute of Australia not requiring members to be professional enough to get a qualification we see incidents occuring that would be simple to control and prevent with a tiny little bit of education. But then I suppose they wouldn't ban those with qualifications and dedication to protect those unqualified people that stop safety being recognised as a profession.
Chemical factory catches fire
October 31, 2006 11:13pm
Article from: AAP
A BLAZE last night at a chemical factory north of Melbourne has been brought under control.
About 60 firefighters took about an hour-and-a-half to bring the blaze at JAL Chemicals in Raglan Street, Preston, under control.
The Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) was called to the fire at the two-storey factory at 9.50pm (AEDT).
An MFB spokesman said crews were supported by aerial appliances, including ladder platforms, to attack the flames from above.
The fire was contained to the rear section of the factory, he said.
The spokesman said it was believed some people were in the factory at the time but no-one were injured.
Fire investigators were on their way to the scene to determine the cause but at this stage it is not deemed suspicious.
The cost of the damage is not yet known.
Climate Change
Just to highlight the pathetic nature of the Prime Minister of this country in regards to global warming and not signing the Kyoto agreement (setting an example to the U.S. instead of following the U.S. like dumb sheep) he has announced a $60 Million clean energy grant.
What a pathetic waste of money, consider the Prime Minister lies and decieves his way to spending $208 Million on advertising how good he is, $60 Million is an absolute joke!
It would be in the best interests of our children and childrens children to spend $Billions cleaning up the enviroment, $60 Million will just go to consultants and nothing will be done.
PM to announce $60m in clean energy grants
November 01, 2006 07:00am
Article from: AAP
PRIME Minister John Howard is due to announce $60 million in clean energy grants today, but the Government said the announcement a day after the controversial Stern climate report is coincidental.
The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, released in London, warns of economic and climatic disaster if urgent action is not taken to tackle global warming.
Mr Howard has told MPs not to be mesmerised by the report and said what is needed is a long-term approach with cleaner use of fossil fuels, and employing nuclear and renewable energies.
Today Mr Howard is due to hand out $60 million for 42 clean energy projects across Australia.
What a pathetic waste of money, consider the Prime Minister lies and decieves his way to spending $208 Million on advertising how good he is, $60 Million is an absolute joke!
It would be in the best interests of our children and childrens children to spend $Billions cleaning up the enviroment, $60 Million will just go to consultants and nothing will be done.
PM to announce $60m in clean energy grants
November 01, 2006 07:00am
Article from: AAP
PRIME Minister John Howard is due to announce $60 million in clean energy grants today, but the Government said the announcement a day after the controversial Stern climate report is coincidental.
The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, released in London, warns of economic and climatic disaster if urgent action is not taken to tackle global warming.
Mr Howard has told MPs not to be mesmerised by the report and said what is needed is a long-term approach with cleaner use of fossil fuels, and employing nuclear and renewable energies.
Today Mr Howard is due to hand out $60 million for 42 clean energy projects across Australia.
James Hardie I told you so! And the polititians are in bed with them
Seems James Hardie has paid out some more huge bribes to polititians to protect them even further. It's sad that these executives killed hundreds of thousands of people and get off without any sort of prison term.
Killing people for profits is murder in my book and these people haven't had to face any prosecutions and the poor people left ill and dying are not protected at all by the governments of this country.
There can only be one reason they are not prosecuted and funds are not given immediately to the ill and injured that are still alive! Becuase the polititians take bribes of huge amounts.
Now polies aren't stupid, well they have people advising them anyway and the way these bribes would be given are hidden in ways such as making large party donations to the government in power!
Disgusting behaviour! Not only should the Executives of this organisation face prosecution for murder under criminal law, the shareholders should face huge penalities so that people start investing in companies that provide safe work environments instead of seeing huge profits obtained from killing people and getting away with it but the polititians need to also be prosecuted to for allowing this to happen and protecting the company that will kill up to 60,000 Australians.
Some blame also needs to placed on the Safety Institute of Australia for not requiring it's members to be qualified in the field, which is reflected in the safety practices of Australia's largest companies. If they had committment to get qualified then they might also have the committment to stand up for what is right.
But as is the case the SIA hasn't even the balls to remove all unqualified people from it's ranks and bring health and safety to the profession it truly deserves.
Hardie asbestos deadline extended again
November 01, 2006 09:20am
Article from: AAP
THE NSW Government has extended until November 14 the deadline for James Hardie to finalise the funding deal for compensation for victims of its asbestos products.
The previous deadline expired yesterday with the building products company still to reach an agreement with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) over the status of the compensation fund.
The deal was thrown into doubt after a tax office ruling in June this year that the fund, worth up to $4.5 billion over 40 years, could not be treated as a charity for tax purposes.
The deadline for finalising the fund has been repeatedly pushed back from its original date of July 31.
Asbestos Diseases Foundation president Barry Robson today branded the two-week extension as "another rabbit out of the hat" and said he had little hope the deal would be finalised in a fortnight.
"I'm never hopeful dealing with Hardie. We've been down this road so many times over the last three years, we just don't believe them in anything they say or do."
Killing people for profits is murder in my book and these people haven't had to face any prosecutions and the poor people left ill and dying are not protected at all by the governments of this country.
There can only be one reason they are not prosecuted and funds are not given immediately to the ill and injured that are still alive! Becuase the polititians take bribes of huge amounts.
Now polies aren't stupid, well they have people advising them anyway and the way these bribes would be given are hidden in ways such as making large party donations to the government in power!
Disgusting behaviour! Not only should the Executives of this organisation face prosecution for murder under criminal law, the shareholders should face huge penalities so that people start investing in companies that provide safe work environments instead of seeing huge profits obtained from killing people and getting away with it but the polititians need to also be prosecuted to for allowing this to happen and protecting the company that will kill up to 60,000 Australians.
Some blame also needs to placed on the Safety Institute of Australia for not requiring it's members to be qualified in the field, which is reflected in the safety practices of Australia's largest companies. If they had committment to get qualified then they might also have the committment to stand up for what is right.
But as is the case the SIA hasn't even the balls to remove all unqualified people from it's ranks and bring health and safety to the profession it truly deserves.
Hardie asbestos deadline extended again
November 01, 2006 09:20am
Article from: AAP
THE NSW Government has extended until November 14 the deadline for James Hardie to finalise the funding deal for compensation for victims of its asbestos products.
The previous deadline expired yesterday with the building products company still to reach an agreement with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) over the status of the compensation fund.
The deal was thrown into doubt after a tax office ruling in June this year that the fund, worth up to $4.5 billion over 40 years, could not be treated as a charity for tax purposes.
The deadline for finalising the fund has been repeatedly pushed back from its original date of July 31.
Asbestos Diseases Foundation president Barry Robson today branded the two-week extension as "another rabbit out of the hat" and said he had little hope the deal would be finalised in a fortnight.
"I'm never hopeful dealing with Hardie. We've been down this road so many times over the last three years, we just don't believe them in anything they say or do."
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