Tuesday, December 12, 2006

More Lies by power companies highlight the risks faced by nuclear power

Just to highlight how power companies and governments will lie about risks to make money can be demonstrated with John Howard proposing Nuclear Power for Australia yet there is no way of disposing of nuclear waste effectively!

And just to highlight the lengths these lies will go to for a profit can be seen in a recent experiment in Switzerland. Managers of this experiment claim there is no danger!!

They injected water at high pressure into the earths crust 5 km down and caused an earthquake of 3.4 on the ricter scale.

Now if a earthquake presents no danger, I'll go he! Typical of safety and science at the moment deny all risk if there is a profit to be made.

But I say an earthquake presents a huge risk and if this small scale experiment is escalated then they could potentially destabalise the entire earths crust.


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