Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Come to Nambour QLD to see corruption in Safety Enforcement

Well it's clear after applying for inspectors positions in the Nambour Region that the enforcement of health and safety is corrupt! No response whatsoever! Even worse when a complaint is made they will pass the complaint to a non government agency and wipe their hands of it.

And to highlight the fact a relatively new shopping development ended in the death of a person working in sales! A gate fell on this person and she was killed as most would be aware of, yet this gate had malfunctioned for months before and because of the lack of enforcement there were no systems for this to be reported and further repaired.

But then you look around the area and see the failure of enforcement everywhere, people working on roads with no road management (my house), people dying and being trapped in trench collapses and many other easily preventable deaths.

It's pathetic but when the enforcement arm has jobs for mates and doesn't even respond to those that make the effort to apply for the positions it highlights the failures of this government department.


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