I love studying safety becuase it shows that evolution is a total lie! And nothing highlights the lie of evolution more than the human macrophage system.
I will write more on the macrophage system for those Safety Insitute people that haven't the knowledge to get a qualification.
Macrophages are cells within the tissues that originate from specific white blood cells called monocytes. Monocytes and macrophages are phagocytes, acting in both nonspecific defence (or innate immunity) as well as specific defense (or cell-mediated immunity) of vertebrate animals. Their role is to phagocytize (engulf and then digest) cellular debris and pathogens either as stationary or mobile cells, and to stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cells to respond to the pathogen
My main studies were the macrophage system of the lungs and especially how our lungs are protected from toxins and foreign particles by the macrophage system.
But when we look more deeply into macrophages we find they are prevalent in the bodies entire immune system, to the point where they even play a big part in the development of diseases such as HIV and cancer.
Due to their role in phagocytosis, macrophages are involved in many diseases of the immune system. For example, they participate in the formation of granulomas, inflammatory lesions that may be caused by a large number of diseases.
Some disorders, mostly rare, of ineffective phagocytosis and macrophage function have been described.
Macrophages are the predominant cells involved in creating the progressive plaque lesions of atherosclerosis.
When fighting influenza, macrophages are dispatched to the throat. However, until the killer T cells for the flu virus are found, the macrophages do more damage than help. They not only destroy throat cells infected with the flu virus but also destroy several surrounding non-infected cells.
Macrophages also play a role in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. Like T cells, macrophages can be infected with HIV, and even become a reservoir of ongoing virus replication throughout the body.
Macrophages are versatile cells that play many roles. As scavengers, they rid the body of worn-out cells and other debris. Foremost among the cells that "present" crucial role in initiating the immune response. As secretory cells, monocytes and macrophages are vital to the regulation of immune responses and the development of inflammation; they churn out an amazing array of powerful chemical substances (monokines) including enzymes, complement proteins, and regulatory factors such as interleukin-1. At the same time, they carry receptors for lymphokines that allow them to be "activated" into single-minded pursuit of microbes and tumor cells
And hence the proof of God as the creator! How do I come to this conclusion you may ask?
God designed our bodies to protect themselves from illness and he did it perfect as we can see in the bible people lived to 800 years or more before sin became so prevalent.
And the creation of the macrophage system is no accident as claimed by evolutionists and their crap theories about the big bang and evolution.
If there was such a thing as evolution, the macrophage system would have continued to evolve we would be living longer and longer with less and less illness and disease.
But as can be seen with the increase in cancer for one that the macrophage system is not evolving but de-evolving and when we look at illness such as HIV, SARS and hundreds of other illness and disease we can be totally sure that the macrophage system is de-evolving, not evolving as the evolutionists suggest.
And becuase of sin and the turning away from God the human body will continue to de-evolve!
Proof of God's creation is everywhere we just have to open our eyes.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Road Safety - Statistics.
Again we find the news services have better statistics on road fatalities than the law enforcement bodies.
How pathetic is that? I would believe a big part is due to the police and law makers incompetence with focussing on behavioural change instead of designing safer roads!
And you look at the statistics that are published, their only criteria for causing accidents is Speed, Alcohol, lack of concetration and tiredness! Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, What about unroadworthy vehicles, including worn tyres and brakes, trees placed on outsides of corners, poles placed on the sides of roads (including speed cameras), road conditions, weather conditions (black ice is deadly), to things like wearing thongs when driving and the reduction in reaction times from poor footwear, etc etc etc etc etc etc
Yep there are many factors but the statistics are in place to cover the incompetence of those leading safety, not only in this country but accross the world. I guess I'll never get a job again in safety becuase I will speak the truth, instead of these blatant lies and as we know someone who is in a responsible postion in safety without a qualification must definately be a liar, how else do they get the job becuase they aren't good enough to get a qualification but good enough to lead the SIA. Pfffftttt
Victoria is a great example with it's drug testing for marijuana, there is no evidence to suggest that marijuana presents any increase in risk for drivers yet the safety people in that state and accross Australia continue to focuss on something that is politically motivated and will not save lives, just make revenue for the government.
I guess if they make enough crap laws they will remove enough drivers to show a slight reduction in the road toll due to less drivers, but they will not save lives untill they start focussing on the objects that release the energy as anybody who had a little committment and a fair knowledge of safety would know.. But as we know with the SAfety Institute of Australia you don't need to know anything and show competence with a qualification becuase the SIA is not about saving lives but ensuring they get good paying jobs at the expense of those with knowledge and have proved their competence.
Safety is sooooooo corrupt in this country, those leading the Safety Institute of Australia claim they haven't had time to get a qualification becuase qualifications have only been around 30 years, well I say that 30 years is time aplenty to get a qualification and it just proves those without qualifications have been running and hiding so no one finds out they know nothing about safety and have never done anything to save lives.
How pathetic is that? I would believe a big part is due to the police and law makers incompetence with focussing on behavioural change instead of designing safer roads!
And you look at the statistics that are published, their only criteria for causing accidents is Speed, Alcohol, lack of concetration and tiredness! Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, What about unroadworthy vehicles, including worn tyres and brakes, trees placed on outsides of corners, poles placed on the sides of roads (including speed cameras), road conditions, weather conditions (black ice is deadly), to things like wearing thongs when driving and the reduction in reaction times from poor footwear, etc etc etc etc etc etc
Yep there are many factors but the statistics are in place to cover the incompetence of those leading safety, not only in this country but accross the world. I guess I'll never get a job again in safety becuase I will speak the truth, instead of these blatant lies and as we know someone who is in a responsible postion in safety without a qualification must definately be a liar, how else do they get the job becuase they aren't good enough to get a qualification but good enough to lead the SIA. Pfffftttt
Victoria is a great example with it's drug testing for marijuana, there is no evidence to suggest that marijuana presents any increase in risk for drivers yet the safety people in that state and accross Australia continue to focuss on something that is politically motivated and will not save lives, just make revenue for the government.
I guess if they make enough crap laws they will remove enough drivers to show a slight reduction in the road toll due to less drivers, but they will not save lives untill they start focussing on the objects that release the energy as anybody who had a little committment and a fair knowledge of safety would know.. But as we know with the SAfety Institute of Australia you don't need to know anything and show competence with a qualification becuase the SIA is not about saving lives but ensuring they get good paying jobs at the expense of those with knowledge and have proved their competence.
Safety is sooooooo corrupt in this country, those leading the Safety Institute of Australia claim they haven't had time to get a qualification becuase qualifications have only been around 30 years, well I say that 30 years is time aplenty to get a qualification and it just proves those without qualifications have been running and hiding so no one finds out they know nothing about safety and have never done anything to save lives.
Road Safety - ........
Seems the Safety Experts? have decided to cover up their blatant lack of knowledge in safety by focussing on in Car DVD Players! While I'm not going to debate the merit as I believe they are a distraction, I want to highlight the total hypocrasy of these uneducated and unknowledgeable safety people.
Just look at mobile phones they present the major distraction to drivers, yet nothing is done! It would be easy to have mobiles not accept or make calls when travelling over 15km/h but becuase these safety experts lack knowledge or any guts to present the honest truth mobile phones will continue to distract.
And the latest expert on the T.V. is claiming it is more important for young drivers to have 100% concentration when driving, while commenting on DVD players. Well that just shows how arrogant these safety experts are, especially the SIA leaders who fail to keep these comments in check but ban those that have the committment to get a qualification.
Well I tell this expert that it is important that all drivers commit 100% concentration to driving, not as he says young drivers. But that is a reflection of the Safety Institute of Australia's attitude, they believe when they are experienced they are good at something, to the extent they don't think they need to concentrate as hard as a young driver.
Pathetic the lot of them! The Safety Institute of Australia believes that experience counts for everything, well I tell you I've seen scores of safety officers that have been doing the job for 20 years yet they have no idea about safety and saving lives.
The Safety Institute of Australia will go to extreme measures to protect their incompetence and anybody finding out how pathetic they are by banning those with qualifications that speak up! Instead of removing those that cannot get a qualification and show they are competent as they expect from the rest of the workforce.
Someone should start prosecuting unqualified safety people who claim they are professionals, we could start with fraud becuase we know you cannot be a professional at anything without a qualification but the SIA continues to protect it's club of sucks.
Just look at mobile phones they present the major distraction to drivers, yet nothing is done! It would be easy to have mobiles not accept or make calls when travelling over 15km/h but becuase these safety experts lack knowledge or any guts to present the honest truth mobile phones will continue to distract.
And the latest expert on the T.V. is claiming it is more important for young drivers to have 100% concentration when driving, while commenting on DVD players. Well that just shows how arrogant these safety experts are, especially the SIA leaders who fail to keep these comments in check but ban those that have the committment to get a qualification.
Well I tell this expert that it is important that all drivers commit 100% concentration to driving, not as he says young drivers. But that is a reflection of the Safety Institute of Australia's attitude, they believe when they are experienced they are good at something, to the extent they don't think they need to concentrate as hard as a young driver.
Pathetic the lot of them! The Safety Institute of Australia believes that experience counts for everything, well I tell you I've seen scores of safety officers that have been doing the job for 20 years yet they have no idea about safety and saving lives.
The Safety Institute of Australia will go to extreme measures to protect their incompetence and anybody finding out how pathetic they are by banning those with qualifications that speak up! Instead of removing those that cannot get a qualification and show they are competent as they expect from the rest of the workforce.
Someone should start prosecuting unqualified safety people who claim they are professionals, we could start with fraud becuase we know you cannot be a professional at anything without a qualification but the SIA continues to protect it's club of sucks.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
If we had a Real Safety Institute of Australia
We could have answers to questions like, what effect men clipping their nasal hairs for vanity purposes has on exposure to dusts especially toxic dusts such as asbestos, silica, ceramic fibres etc.
But we could also have detailed statistics on incidents in the workplace, giving useful information to identify risks. But not rely so heavily on lost time incidents and the like which is pretty useless information that only hides the truth.
We would have detailed road statistics that not focuss on a predertermained outcome such as speed but show every detail such as depth level of tyre tread at the time of loss of control, or the footwear someone was wearing, for example thongs I believe cause a great number of road accidents becuase of the dely in response time moving from accelarator to brake and even times they get caught on the base of the brake.
There are thousands of other factors that are not included in road statistics in an effort to justify the revenue being raised from speed camera's and drug testing and the like, some other examples would be the condition and wear level of brakes of vehicles involved in incidents, the condition of the stearing components, all the way to oil leaks that could have resulted in an unbalanced vehicle and contributing to the loss of control.
Not to mention the factos of trees, poles, other stationary objects, pedestrians and the ability to have head on's being responsible for the release of energy after a loss of control. But when people with ideas outside the norm are banned how can these questions even be investigated?
And when a predetermained outcome to accident investigations biased the findings we will never significantly reduce the road toll, even with the dramatic improvements to vehicle safety design.
But again without an educated Safety Institute of Australia there will never be the acceptance of knowledge that can save lives but only a power struggle and failure to take hold of the opportunity God has given to save lives.
But we could also have detailed statistics on incidents in the workplace, giving useful information to identify risks. But not rely so heavily on lost time incidents and the like which is pretty useless information that only hides the truth.
We would have detailed road statistics that not focuss on a predertermained outcome such as speed but show every detail such as depth level of tyre tread at the time of loss of control, or the footwear someone was wearing, for example thongs I believe cause a great number of road accidents becuase of the dely in response time moving from accelarator to brake and even times they get caught on the base of the brake.
There are thousands of other factors that are not included in road statistics in an effort to justify the revenue being raised from speed camera's and drug testing and the like, some other examples would be the condition and wear level of brakes of vehicles involved in incidents, the condition of the stearing components, all the way to oil leaks that could have resulted in an unbalanced vehicle and contributing to the loss of control.
Not to mention the factos of trees, poles, other stationary objects, pedestrians and the ability to have head on's being responsible for the release of energy after a loss of control. But when people with ideas outside the norm are banned how can these questions even be investigated?
And when a predetermained outcome to accident investigations biased the findings we will never significantly reduce the road toll, even with the dramatic improvements to vehicle safety design.
But again without an educated Safety Institute of Australia there will never be the acceptance of knowledge that can save lives but only a power struggle and failure to take hold of the opportunity God has given to save lives.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
And orgnaised crime benefits from the polititians stance on Marijuana
You have to wonder just how much people like Peter Costello recieve from organised crime to continue their attack on marijuana, given it's relative low risk in our society! But organised crime is certainly reaping the benefits of people self medicating becuase the legal alternatives are addictive and harmful to health.
I'm sure this organised crime is funding political parties apposed to it's decriminalisation! And polititians like Peter Costello know this clearly as they manage the parties funds and in a push for more funding for organised crime they come out before an election and campaing against marijuana!
Pot top crop in US, group claims
From correspondents in San Francisco
December 19, 2006 08:48am
Article from: Agence France-Presse
MARIJUANA is the most lucrative cash crop in the US according to a study by a group campaigning for the substance's decriminalisation.
The study by the Washington-based Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) argued that successive crackdowns against marijuana had been unsuccessful.
The report said using conservative price estimates, the marijuana crop was worth $US35.8 billion (45.9bn) this year - exceeding the combined value of corn ($US23.3bn) and wheat ($US7.45bn).
The report said that despite eradication campaigns which have seen 103 million marijuana plants seized and an average of nearly 36,000 cultivation sites per year destroyed, production increased tenfold between 1981 and 2006 from 1000 to 10,000 tonnes.
I'm sure this organised crime is funding political parties apposed to it's decriminalisation! And polititians like Peter Costello know this clearly as they manage the parties funds and in a push for more funding for organised crime they come out before an election and campaing against marijuana!
Pot top crop in US, group claims
From correspondents in San Francisco
December 19, 2006 08:48am
Article from: Agence France-Presse
MARIJUANA is the most lucrative cash crop in the US according to a study by a group campaigning for the substance's decriminalisation.
The study by the Washington-based Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) argued that successive crackdowns against marijuana had been unsuccessful.
The report said using conservative price estimates, the marijuana crop was worth $US35.8 billion (45.9bn) this year - exceeding the combined value of corn ($US23.3bn) and wheat ($US7.45bn).
The report said that despite eradication campaigns which have seen 103 million marijuana plants seized and an average of nearly 36,000 cultivation sites per year destroyed, production increased tenfold between 1981 and 2006 from 1000 to 10,000 tonnes.
Safety Institute of Australia needs to take responsibility for Coroner's ignorance
It totally disgusts me that a hugely profitable organisation such as Seahaven resorts gets away with manslaughter of a teenage girly with no one facing charges and a pathetic fine of $7500 being the only penalty!
The Safety Institute of Australia should take responsibility in failing to educate the coroners of this country in accepted practice and law but then if they are uneducated how can they educate the coroner's, things need to change at the SIA to remove all unqualified people from membership, fellowship and chartered fellowship immediately for Safety to be recognised as a profession and people to listen.
As an example the coroner called for Australian Standards to be adhered to! Well if he had any knowledge then he would understand that the Standards are a minimum and when our legislation calls for risks to be mitigated, it is practical when there is already documented evidence on how to do this and the coroner ignores this as a non compliance with the OHS legislation (in this case the WHS Legislation).
What makes this even more hypocritical is experience, the last prosecution I saw was a farmer that had run over his 7 year old and splattered her over the paddock, it's not enough that the farmer was suffering enough but the prosecutors are directed to prosecute so it becomes public knowledge but when it comes to a rich organisation such as Seahaven this approach is totally ignored. Something totally stinks in this case.
No blame in spa death - coroner
By Suzanne Klotz
December 18, 2006 11:43am
Article from: AAP
A CORONER has found no one should face charges over the death of a teenage girl after her hair became entangled in spa pump at a resort on Queensland's Sunshine Coast.
But deputy Queensland coroner Ray Rinaudo made a series of recommendations to try to prevent a repeat of the tragedy.
Amanda Helen Boyce, 13, was on holiday with the family of a school friend at the Seahaven Resort at Noosa Heads when the accident happened in December 2001.
An inquest in Brisbane Magistrates Court was told Amanda and two friends were using the resort's spa.
Amanda, who had waist-length hair, put her head under water and got it tangled in pipes at the base of the spa.
Despite the efforts of many people, including a doctor and lifesavers, she was unerwater for up to 20 minutes and never regained consciousness.
Her life support was turned off in Brisbane Royal Children's Hospital four days later.
A senior principal adviser with the Department of Workplace Health and Safety found the accident occurred because of a combination of design and operational deficiencies with the spa.
Seahaven Resorts has already pleaded guilty to breaching workplace health and safety regulations and been fined $7,500.
Today, handing down his findings in the case, Mr Rinaudo found that no one should stand trial over the death.
However he made a number of recommendations to ensure public spa pools were safer.
These included that they comply with the relevant Australian standard, that public spa pool owners control the suction pipe flow velocity, fit a pressure gauge to the pump suction, and fit emergency spa pool pump stops and alarms.
What a pathetic coroner (or corrupt) that investigated this case! If they had knowledge of the legislation they would realise that the standard gives a clear example of mitigating this risk which is what the overidding Act calls for yet the coroner has ignored their is even a Act!
The Safety Institute of Australia should take responsibility in failing to educate the coroners of this country in accepted practice and law but then if they are uneducated how can they educate the coroner's, things need to change at the SIA to remove all unqualified people from membership, fellowship and chartered fellowship immediately for Safety to be recognised as a profession and people to listen.
As an example the coroner called for Australian Standards to be adhered to! Well if he had any knowledge then he would understand that the Standards are a minimum and when our legislation calls for risks to be mitigated, it is practical when there is already documented evidence on how to do this and the coroner ignores this as a non compliance with the OHS legislation (in this case the WHS Legislation).
What makes this even more hypocritical is experience, the last prosecution I saw was a farmer that had run over his 7 year old and splattered her over the paddock, it's not enough that the farmer was suffering enough but the prosecutors are directed to prosecute so it becomes public knowledge but when it comes to a rich organisation such as Seahaven this approach is totally ignored. Something totally stinks in this case.
No blame in spa death - coroner
By Suzanne Klotz
December 18, 2006 11:43am
Article from: AAP
A CORONER has found no one should face charges over the death of a teenage girl after her hair became entangled in spa pump at a resort on Queensland's Sunshine Coast.
But deputy Queensland coroner Ray Rinaudo made a series of recommendations to try to prevent a repeat of the tragedy.
Amanda Helen Boyce, 13, was on holiday with the family of a school friend at the Seahaven Resort at Noosa Heads when the accident happened in December 2001.
An inquest in Brisbane Magistrates Court was told Amanda and two friends were using the resort's spa.
Amanda, who had waist-length hair, put her head under water and got it tangled in pipes at the base of the spa.
Despite the efforts of many people, including a doctor and lifesavers, she was unerwater for up to 20 minutes and never regained consciousness.
Her life support was turned off in Brisbane Royal Children's Hospital four days later.
A senior principal adviser with the Department of Workplace Health and Safety found the accident occurred because of a combination of design and operational deficiencies with the spa.
Seahaven Resorts has already pleaded guilty to breaching workplace health and safety regulations and been fined $7,500.
Today, handing down his findings in the case, Mr Rinaudo found that no one should stand trial over the death.
However he made a number of recommendations to ensure public spa pools were safer.
These included that they comply with the relevant Australian standard, that public spa pool owners control the suction pipe flow velocity, fit a pressure gauge to the pump suction, and fit emergency spa pool pump stops and alarms.
What a pathetic coroner (or corrupt) that investigated this case! If they had knowledge of the legislation they would realise that the standard gives a clear example of mitigating this risk which is what the overidding Act calls for yet the coroner has ignored their is even a Act!
Marijuana - There must be an election comming
Seems Peter Costello has started cluching at straws to try and divert attention away from the real issues for the election next year.
Yep he is making all these unsubstantiated claims about the harm marijuana causes! Well Mr Costello we know this is a furphy designed to alienate somewhere between 20% and 30% of the population distracting them from the real issues of the next election, such as global warming, homelessness in Australia, youth suicide etc etc, all brought on by the Howard government selling Australia off to foreign interests and implementing IR laws that give the worker no control over their wellbeing.
If we look at Wikipedia and the abundance of information posted we find marijuana is in the lowest catagory of addiction:
A 1998 French governmental report commissioned by Health Secretary of State Bernard Kouchner, and directed by Dr. Pierre-Bernard Roques, classed drugs according to addictiveness and neurotoxicity. It placed heroin, cocaine and alcohol in the most addictive and lethal categories; benzodiazepine, hallucinogens and tobacco in the medium category, and cannabis in the last category. The report stated that "Addiction to cannabis does not involve neurotoxicity such as it was defined in chapter 3 by neuroanatomical, neurochemical and behavioral criteria. Thus, former results suggesting anatomic changes in the brain of chronic cannabis users, measured by tomography, were not confirmed by the accurate modern neuro-imaging techniques. Moreover, morphological impairment of the hippocampus [which plays a part in memory and navigation] of rat after administration of very high doses of THC (Langfield et al., 1988) was not shown (Slikker et al., 1992)." Health Secretary Bernard Kouchner concluded that : "Scientifical facts show that, for cannabis, no neurotoxicity is demonstrated, to the contrary of alcohol and cocaine."[9]
Yet in Mr Costello's support for pharmacutical profits he totally ignores the benefits of marijuana in medical applications, highlighting the dependance of the government on profits made from getting people addicted to substances like morphine, valium etc etc which are in the highest addiction catagory!
What a corrupt polititian Mr Costello is to totally ignore the sick and infirmed from being able to legally use something that will benefit their lives and instead yeild to the pharmacutical companies and their awesome profits, maybe he gets a cut? But certainly the government does from taxes and the like for which Mr Costello is treasurer so even if he doesn't recieve a direct cut from getting patietns addicted to morphine and like he certainly gains a huge benefit, making him corrupt in the highest degree by alienating people with illness such as cancer, MS, glucoma, arthritis, and hundreds of other pain related illnesses.
It is even shown to be an effective anti inflammatory but the government would rather us take Vioxx and the like causing heart disease so they can make $billions in taxes from peoples deaths.
The worst part is a lot of people believe his unsubstaintiated lies! And these people with illness will find out how addictive the alternatives are and how violent they make people, for example morphine makes you indistructable and violent and when you are on it you do not realise how violent and abusive you become becuase everything seems normal to the taker (from 3 years experience 140mg a day) but this is legal so the pharmacutical companies and governments can make their $billions.
Some of the benefits even include it as an effective treatment to Alzhiemer's disease oh but that wouldn't make the government money would it so they won't legalise it for medical purposes. In 2006 a study[10] was released that shows THC to competitively inhibit AChE and, furthermore, binds to the AChE PAS and diminishes β-amyloid peptide aggregation. These effects have been the goal of Alzheimer’s medication since the discovery that there was an association between the AChE PAS and Alzheimer’s disease[11]. The study concludes that AChE inhibitors such as THC and its analogues may provide an improved therapy for Alzheimer’s disease, but warns that THC is a psychoactive compound.
Oh and all these safety people who lack any relevant knowledge to safety will use drug testing to justify their jobs but as can be shown by statistics drug testing for marijuana does not save one life! It is just used as a tool to keep in the safety field that they don't belong in becuase if they knew anything about safety they would recognise the statistical information showing it actually decreases the risks of injury. But it also diverts attention from the real killer in our workplaces and on our roads that being alcohol and note alcohol is far more addictive that marijuana will ever be and shrinks the brain with long term use. (hypocritical safety institute of australia to blame for that, the majority will all be drinking at the Christmas parties)
Cancer has shown many times over two hundred years of research on cannabis to actually show a slight decrease in lung cancer rates over the general population even though smoking is the most common form of use! I quoted studies from the 60's showing this with large research groups in both Canada and West Indies but as governments and pharmacutical companies are pumping $billions into research to try and find a down side to marijuana's medical use I will quote the latest study showing a decrease in cancer: Cannabis smoke contains numerous compounds known to cause cancer [5],[6], [7]. Surprisingly, however, scientific studies have failed to show higher cancer rates in cannabis smokers. A study published in 2006[35] on a large population sample (1,200 people with lung, neck, or head cancer, and a matching group of 1,040 without cancer) failed to positively correlate a lung cancer risk, in fact the results indicated a slight negative correlation between long and short-term cannabis use and cancer, suggesting a possible therapeutic effect. This followed an even larger 1997 study[36] examining the records of 64,855 Kaiser patients (14 033 of whom identified themselves as current smokers), which also found no positive correlation between cannabis use and cancer.
Again the lies are exposed from Mr Costello!
As for road safety statistics out of the ACT suggest cannabis users are actually at a slightly less risk of a serious accident!!! And research backs this up from the U.K. and as we haven't heard from Swinbourne University I suggest their research backs these finding that cannabis users are at no greater risk than the general public when driving!!!! The effects of cannabis on laboratory-based tasks show clear impairment with respect to tracking ability, attention, and other tasks depending on the dose administered. These effects however, are not as pronounced on real world tasks, like driving or simulator tasks. Both simulation and road trials generally find that driving behavior shortly after consumption of larger doses of cannabis results in: a more cautious driving style; increased variability in lane position (and headway); and longer decision times. Whereas these results indicate a 'change' from normal conditions, they do not necessarily reflect 'impairment' in terms of performance effectiveness since few studies report increased accident risk.
Drug testing for marijuana is morally wrong because The total duration of cannabis intoxication when smoked is about 1 to 4 hours. Yet drug testing can reveal it's use weeks or even months later making the drug test invalid for the purpose of safety, sure if someone was off their face while performing a dangerous task it may be seen as reasonable to stop this behaviour but someone using the night before or on the weekend being caught up in these drug tests is ridiculous and given the proven low risk of those off their face it would even be debatable whether they posed any greater risk anyway.
So Mr Costello stop lying about a beneficial drug and do something positive by pushing for it's legal medical use over the addictive and highly dangerous substitutes the Pharmacutical companies keep pushing on those with an illness!
And the Safety Institute of Australia should be absolutely disgusted in it's workplace drug testing push especially focussed on marijuana as it shows no increased risk! But then as I've said the Safety Institute is run by people who haven't the committment to safety to even get a qualification that proves they are competent so they will have to keep down this track to cover up the corruption of banning people who have the committment!
Yep he is making all these unsubstantiated claims about the harm marijuana causes! Well Mr Costello we know this is a furphy designed to alienate somewhere between 20% and 30% of the population distracting them from the real issues of the next election, such as global warming, homelessness in Australia, youth suicide etc etc, all brought on by the Howard government selling Australia off to foreign interests and implementing IR laws that give the worker no control over their wellbeing.
If we look at Wikipedia and the abundance of information posted we find marijuana is in the lowest catagory of addiction:
A 1998 French governmental report commissioned by Health Secretary of State Bernard Kouchner, and directed by Dr. Pierre-Bernard Roques, classed drugs according to addictiveness and neurotoxicity. It placed heroin, cocaine and alcohol in the most addictive and lethal categories; benzodiazepine, hallucinogens and tobacco in the medium category, and cannabis in the last category. The report stated that "Addiction to cannabis does not involve neurotoxicity such as it was defined in chapter 3 by neuroanatomical, neurochemical and behavioral criteria. Thus, former results suggesting anatomic changes in the brain of chronic cannabis users, measured by tomography, were not confirmed by the accurate modern neuro-imaging techniques. Moreover, morphological impairment of the hippocampus [which plays a part in memory and navigation] of rat after administration of very high doses of THC (Langfield et al., 1988) was not shown (Slikker et al., 1992)." Health Secretary Bernard Kouchner concluded that : "Scientifical facts show that, for cannabis, no neurotoxicity is demonstrated, to the contrary of alcohol and cocaine."[9]
Yet in Mr Costello's support for pharmacutical profits he totally ignores the benefits of marijuana in medical applications, highlighting the dependance of the government on profits made from getting people addicted to substances like morphine, valium etc etc which are in the highest addiction catagory!
What a corrupt polititian Mr Costello is to totally ignore the sick and infirmed from being able to legally use something that will benefit their lives and instead yeild to the pharmacutical companies and their awesome profits, maybe he gets a cut? But certainly the government does from taxes and the like for which Mr Costello is treasurer so even if he doesn't recieve a direct cut from getting patietns addicted to morphine and like he certainly gains a huge benefit, making him corrupt in the highest degree by alienating people with illness such as cancer, MS, glucoma, arthritis, and hundreds of other pain related illnesses.
It is even shown to be an effective anti inflammatory but the government would rather us take Vioxx and the like causing heart disease so they can make $billions in taxes from peoples deaths.
The worst part is a lot of people believe his unsubstaintiated lies! And these people with illness will find out how addictive the alternatives are and how violent they make people, for example morphine makes you indistructable and violent and when you are on it you do not realise how violent and abusive you become becuase everything seems normal to the taker (from 3 years experience 140mg a day) but this is legal so the pharmacutical companies and governments can make their $billions.
Some of the benefits even include it as an effective treatment to Alzhiemer's disease oh but that wouldn't make the government money would it so they won't legalise it for medical purposes. In 2006 a study[10] was released that shows THC to competitively inhibit AChE and, furthermore, binds to the AChE PAS and diminishes β-amyloid peptide aggregation. These effects have been the goal of Alzheimer’s medication since the discovery that there was an association between the AChE PAS and Alzheimer’s disease[11]. The study concludes that AChE inhibitors such as THC and its analogues may provide an improved therapy for Alzheimer’s disease, but warns that THC is a psychoactive compound.
Oh and all these safety people who lack any relevant knowledge to safety will use drug testing to justify their jobs but as can be shown by statistics drug testing for marijuana does not save one life! It is just used as a tool to keep in the safety field that they don't belong in becuase if they knew anything about safety they would recognise the statistical information showing it actually decreases the risks of injury. But it also diverts attention from the real killer in our workplaces and on our roads that being alcohol and note alcohol is far more addictive that marijuana will ever be and shrinks the brain with long term use. (hypocritical safety institute of australia to blame for that, the majority will all be drinking at the Christmas parties)
Cancer has shown many times over two hundred years of research on cannabis to actually show a slight decrease in lung cancer rates over the general population even though smoking is the most common form of use! I quoted studies from the 60's showing this with large research groups in both Canada and West Indies but as governments and pharmacutical companies are pumping $billions into research to try and find a down side to marijuana's medical use I will quote the latest study showing a decrease in cancer: Cannabis smoke contains numerous compounds known to cause cancer [5],[6], [7]. Surprisingly, however, scientific studies have failed to show higher cancer rates in cannabis smokers. A study published in 2006[35] on a large population sample (1,200 people with lung, neck, or head cancer, and a matching group of 1,040 without cancer) failed to positively correlate a lung cancer risk, in fact the results indicated a slight negative correlation between long and short-term cannabis use and cancer, suggesting a possible therapeutic effect. This followed an even larger 1997 study[36] examining the records of 64,855 Kaiser patients (14 033 of whom identified themselves as current smokers), which also found no positive correlation between cannabis use and cancer.
Again the lies are exposed from Mr Costello!
As for road safety statistics out of the ACT suggest cannabis users are actually at a slightly less risk of a serious accident!!! And research backs this up from the U.K. and as we haven't heard from Swinbourne University I suggest their research backs these finding that cannabis users are at no greater risk than the general public when driving!!!! The effects of cannabis on laboratory-based tasks show clear impairment with respect to tracking ability, attention, and other tasks depending on the dose administered. These effects however, are not as pronounced on real world tasks, like driving or simulator tasks. Both simulation and road trials generally find that driving behavior shortly after consumption of larger doses of cannabis results in: a more cautious driving style; increased variability in lane position (and headway); and longer decision times. Whereas these results indicate a 'change' from normal conditions, they do not necessarily reflect 'impairment' in terms of performance effectiveness since few studies report increased accident risk.
Drug testing for marijuana is morally wrong because The total duration of cannabis intoxication when smoked is about 1 to 4 hours. Yet drug testing can reveal it's use weeks or even months later making the drug test invalid for the purpose of safety, sure if someone was off their face while performing a dangerous task it may be seen as reasonable to stop this behaviour but someone using the night before or on the weekend being caught up in these drug tests is ridiculous and given the proven low risk of those off their face it would even be debatable whether they posed any greater risk anyway.
So Mr Costello stop lying about a beneficial drug and do something positive by pushing for it's legal medical use over the addictive and highly dangerous substitutes the Pharmacutical companies keep pushing on those with an illness!
And the Safety Institute of Australia should be absolutely disgusted in it's workplace drug testing push especially focussed on marijuana as it shows no increased risk! But then as I've said the Safety Institute is run by people who haven't the committment to safety to even get a qualification that proves they are competent so they will have to keep down this track to cover up the corruption of banning people who have the committment!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Rail Safety - Driver arrest after Ghan train crash
Eric Wrigglesworth must look at this following article and just shake his head.
The truck driver under arrest and the train drivers being investigated for speeding and whether they blew their horn early enough. What about the government official responsible for rail and the designers of the track for not making all crossings by tunnel or bridge so this can't happen, shouldn't they be the first to be arrested and investigated for not removing risks as far as possible?
What would the cost of the crash the injuries the loss of production for the truck and train, the rescue, the transportation of passengers, the recovery of the train and the repair of tracks and train and what is the cost of a tunnel or bridge compared to people's lives, they are just blessed there weren't any deaths.
Driver arrest after Ghan train crash
By staff writers and wires
December 13, 2006 12:03pm
Article from: NEWS.com.au
THE truck driver involved in the derailment of the Ghan passenger train south of Darwin yesterday has been arrested.
A 50-year-old British woman remains in critical but stable condition in Darwin hospital today after she was removed unconscious from the wreckage by rescue workers.
She suffered head injuries and had to be stabilised at the scene before being flown to Darwin in a RAAF search and rescue helicopter.
The truck driver, 57, who suffered suspected spinal injuries, was also taken to hospital by ambulance.
Police have confirmed he has been arrested but has yet to be charged with any offence and will only be interviewed when he is considered well enough.......
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Road Safety - The Most Important Thing to teach a young male
Having been a young male once I would believe the most important thing we can teach the young males, that we have gained from driving is not to get pissed off when driving.
Things like being cut off, or someone driving at you with high beam on, or someone doing the wrong thing that makes you have to react, a pedestrian stepping out in front of you, probably another is someone passing you and then slowing down and there are heaps of other things that can aggitate you when driving.
As soon as they fire up and get that testosterone running their decisions become errational, the car becomes less important and loosing their own life is probably the last thing on their mind (that invincibilty factor).
So forgiveness, understanding and patience of others is what is required to be taught the most important thing we learn from experience, and should be what is taught first and foremost.
Factors such as speed while relevant do not deserve the attention we get especially with our low speed limits. Innapropriate speeding would be more important such as in side streets, residential areas, shopping areas and school zones or where there may be pedestrians for example.
Getting busted for overtaking someone on a straight stretch of road is ludicruous and is what makes a mokery of the speed debate, the shorter period on the wrong side of the road the better (within reason, 200k would be unreasonable for example).
The presence of police on our roads is far more effective than speed camera's especially where they are hidden and you get the ticket in the mail a couple of weeks later, that has not reduce the speed of anyone.
Computers do not make decisions factoring in the circumstances as a police officer would and you are booked if you are 4k over the limit not matter what the circumstance.
So the focuss must move away from speed and move towards teaching the young how they are effected if they get pissed off. And as I've said before focuss on teaching the risks of driving that aren't taught such as trees, poles, objects that can be hit, poorly designed roads that put their lives at risk each day just getting on them, etc.
Things like being cut off, or someone driving at you with high beam on, or someone doing the wrong thing that makes you have to react, a pedestrian stepping out in front of you, probably another is someone passing you and then slowing down and there are heaps of other things that can aggitate you when driving.
As soon as they fire up and get that testosterone running their decisions become errational, the car becomes less important and loosing their own life is probably the last thing on their mind (that invincibilty factor).
So forgiveness, understanding and patience of others is what is required to be taught the most important thing we learn from experience, and should be what is taught first and foremost.
Factors such as speed while relevant do not deserve the attention we get especially with our low speed limits. Innapropriate speeding would be more important such as in side streets, residential areas, shopping areas and school zones or where there may be pedestrians for example.
Getting busted for overtaking someone on a straight stretch of road is ludicruous and is what makes a mokery of the speed debate, the shorter period on the wrong side of the road the better (within reason, 200k would be unreasonable for example).
The presence of police on our roads is far more effective than speed camera's especially where they are hidden and you get the ticket in the mail a couple of weeks later, that has not reduce the speed of anyone.
Computers do not make decisions factoring in the circumstances as a police officer would and you are booked if you are 4k over the limit not matter what the circumstance.
So the focuss must move away from speed and move towards teaching the young how they are effected if they get pissed off. And as I've said before focuss on teaching the risks of driving that aren't taught such as trees, poles, objects that can be hit, poorly designed roads that put their lives at risk each day just getting on them, etc.
Terror Attack
Some of you may have read my theories on terror attacks on the SIA website and Workplace Health and Safety Website to name a couple. They relate to terrorists using virus to communicate and the increased activity before a terror attack.
Well I haven't seen so many updates to my virus software since the World Trade Centre attack!
And in the last week and a bit my spyware and adaware software has also had more updates in recent weeks than I can remember.
Given that information I believe there will be a major terrorist attack in a Western country in the comming weeks. Given Islams hate for Christians I would believe it to be right at Christmas!
Be sad if my theory is right but I feel the need to warn people.
Well I haven't seen so many updates to my virus software since the World Trade Centre attack!
And in the last week and a bit my spyware and adaware software has also had more updates in recent weeks than I can remember.
Given that information I believe there will be a major terrorist attack in a Western country in the comming weeks. Given Islams hate for Christians I would believe it to be right at Christmas!
Be sad if my theory is right but I feel the need to warn people.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Australia to become more and more violent and polititians can only blame themselves
There will be no peace while we have poverty!
That is common knowledge but to show how ignorant John Howard and his state mates are, we see things like electricity, gas, phone, and the like increasing dramatically far above the cost of living estimates.
Yet these things are the basis for the poor to survive so the cost of living estimates are totally out of balance when it comes to the poor as those increases eat up far more of the income of the poor than those that have jobs and especially the highly paid.
And now things like drinking water that should be free are having fees proposed that make it possible for goverments to kill off the poor, becuase without water they die.
You cannot get free education or low cost education so the poor have no chance of changing their circumstances and getting work so they will continue to be poor. As an example I would love to do the blue card and Cert 4 in training and assessment to get back into the workplace but at nearly $3,000 on the pension there is no way of this being possible and this is through government run and sponsored TAFE's.
So with this sort of policy by our governments there will be a continuing escalation of violence in this country and the polititians only have themselves to blame for making laws that help the rich get richer and keep the poor downtrodden.
That is common knowledge but to show how ignorant John Howard and his state mates are, we see things like electricity, gas, phone, and the like increasing dramatically far above the cost of living estimates.
Yet these things are the basis for the poor to survive so the cost of living estimates are totally out of balance when it comes to the poor as those increases eat up far more of the income of the poor than those that have jobs and especially the highly paid.
And now things like drinking water that should be free are having fees proposed that make it possible for goverments to kill off the poor, becuase without water they die.
You cannot get free education or low cost education so the poor have no chance of changing their circumstances and getting work so they will continue to be poor. As an example I would love to do the blue card and Cert 4 in training and assessment to get back into the workplace but at nearly $3,000 on the pension there is no way of this being possible and this is through government run and sponsored TAFE's.
So with this sort of policy by our governments there will be a continuing escalation of violence in this country and the polititians only have themselves to blame for making laws that help the rich get richer and keep the poor downtrodden.
Come to Nambour QLD to see corruption in Safety Enforcement
Well it's clear after applying for inspectors positions in the Nambour Region that the enforcement of health and safety is corrupt! No response whatsoever! Even worse when a complaint is made they will pass the complaint to a non government agency and wipe their hands of it.
And to highlight the fact a relatively new shopping development ended in the death of a person working in sales! A gate fell on this person and she was killed as most would be aware of, yet this gate had malfunctioned for months before and because of the lack of enforcement there were no systems for this to be reported and further repaired.
But then you look around the area and see the failure of enforcement everywhere, people working on roads with no road management (my house), people dying and being trapped in trench collapses and many other easily preventable deaths.
It's pathetic but when the enforcement arm has jobs for mates and doesn't even respond to those that make the effort to apply for the positions it highlights the failures of this government department.
And to highlight the fact a relatively new shopping development ended in the death of a person working in sales! A gate fell on this person and she was killed as most would be aware of, yet this gate had malfunctioned for months before and because of the lack of enforcement there were no systems for this to be reported and further repaired.
But then you look around the area and see the failure of enforcement everywhere, people working on roads with no road management (my house), people dying and being trapped in trench collapses and many other easily preventable deaths.
It's pathetic but when the enforcement arm has jobs for mates and doesn't even respond to those that make the effort to apply for the positions it highlights the failures of this government department.
More Lies by power companies highlight the risks faced by nuclear power
Just to highlight how power companies and governments will lie about risks to make money can be demonstrated with John Howard proposing Nuclear Power for Australia yet there is no way of disposing of nuclear waste effectively!
And just to highlight the lengths these lies will go to for a profit can be seen in a recent experiment in Switzerland. Managers of this experiment claim there is no danger!!
They injected water at high pressure into the earths crust 5 km down and caused an earthquake of 3.4 on the ricter scale.
Now if a earthquake presents no danger, I'll go he! Typical of safety and science at the moment deny all risk if there is a profit to be made.
But I say an earthquake presents a huge risk and if this small scale experiment is escalated then they could potentially destabalise the entire earths crust.
And just to highlight the lengths these lies will go to for a profit can be seen in a recent experiment in Switzerland. Managers of this experiment claim there is no danger!!
They injected water at high pressure into the earths crust 5 km down and caused an earthquake of 3.4 on the ricter scale.
Now if a earthquake presents no danger, I'll go he! Typical of safety and science at the moment deny all risk if there is a profit to be made.
But I say an earthquake presents a huge risk and if this small scale experiment is escalated then they could potentially destabalise the entire earths crust.
Why our legislators won't teach young drivers about the risks!
There is a new series of young driver training around QLD and guess what they won't focuss on all the risks on our roads becuase of one thing! Raising revenue and if they told you the truth (if the uneducated safety profession knows) they would be shown to be liars.
Speed, alcohol and drugs will be the main focuss of these sessions! Well speed rarely causes a crash! Alcohol yes it is a high risk activity and has been shown us such, and drugs well marijuana shows a decreased risk over the general population and as such is just a lie, while drugs like ICE, GBH and others that destroy the brain are not tested for, so even though they might present a risk (need research) it doesn't matter.
But the real risks such as poorly maintained roads, trees, poles, speed camera's and other objects on the sides of our roads which are the main cause of energy release will be virtually ignored becuase the goverments don't care about lives just votes.
And then some of the main issues with driving will be ignored too, such as patience, courtesy, respect for others and mateship (love) that give you a reason to drive safely will not even rate a mention.
And I'm sure many crashes on our roads are caused by cars that are not maintained in a safe condition! Even organisations like Department of Labour, Workcover, Worksafe, Comcare do not maintain their vehicles in a safe manour but becuase the focuss is on speed and the Safety Institute is an uneducated bunch of rabble they can't even recognise the risk of a poorly maintained vehicle.
Just to give an example of these safety bodies and their ignorance of safety go and look at government vehicles tyres that are comming close to the 40,000 K mark and you will see a lot of them have bald tyres on them! Exactly now with bald tyres speed will become a factor as they have little grip especially if it rains.
But these are the people running safety in this country and we have to listen to their lies or we are banned. I guess Fiji learnt from the Safety Institute of Australia if someone speaks up about a wrong then they are banned, makes the safety institute no better morally than Fiji's army so how can we critisize Fiji???
But the safety field will make heaps of money out of these lies so it will continue!
Speed, alcohol and drugs will be the main focuss of these sessions! Well speed rarely causes a crash! Alcohol yes it is a high risk activity and has been shown us such, and drugs well marijuana shows a decreased risk over the general population and as such is just a lie, while drugs like ICE, GBH and others that destroy the brain are not tested for, so even though they might present a risk (need research) it doesn't matter.
But the real risks such as poorly maintained roads, trees, poles, speed camera's and other objects on the sides of our roads which are the main cause of energy release will be virtually ignored becuase the goverments don't care about lives just votes.
And then some of the main issues with driving will be ignored too, such as patience, courtesy, respect for others and mateship (love) that give you a reason to drive safely will not even rate a mention.
And I'm sure many crashes on our roads are caused by cars that are not maintained in a safe condition! Even organisations like Department of Labour, Workcover, Worksafe, Comcare do not maintain their vehicles in a safe manour but becuase the focuss is on speed and the Safety Institute is an uneducated bunch of rabble they can't even recognise the risk of a poorly maintained vehicle.
Just to give an example of these safety bodies and their ignorance of safety go and look at government vehicles tyres that are comming close to the 40,000 K mark and you will see a lot of them have bald tyres on them! Exactly now with bald tyres speed will become a factor as they have little grip especially if it rains.
But these are the people running safety in this country and we have to listen to their lies or we are banned. I guess Fiji learnt from the Safety Institute of Australia if someone speaks up about a wrong then they are banned, makes the safety institute no better morally than Fiji's army so how can we critisize Fiji???
But the safety field will make heaps of money out of these lies so it will continue!
I believe Women Drivers are shown to be absolute liars.
In another Medical Journel of Australia article which was based on research in W.A and NSW has shown that men, younger drivers and metropolitan drivers were more likely to use their mobile phones while driving.
Well just stand in a town or city street and watch, just about every young female driving will be using their mobile phones!!!!
So this research is absolutely floored because it relies on people answering a survey honestly and women have not done this by visual evidence.
Well just stand in a town or city street and watch, just about every young female driving will be using their mobile phones!!!!
So this research is absolutely floored because it relies on people answering a survey honestly and women have not done this by visual evidence.
Light Drinkers take sickies
Well there is an uproar by the Medical Journel of Australia becuase those light drinkers are more likely to take a sickie than someone that is a problem drinker!
These guys have no understanding of people and behaviour do they!
I would say that light drinkers are responsible and if they have had too many the night before they don't want to put others at risk on our roads or in the workplace!
That is great stuff by these people and problem drinkers don't give a stuff about anyone else's safety so drive to work and place many at risk becuase of their high blood alcohol levels.
And now we have doctors and insurance companies complaining about the sickies by light drinkers!!!
Yep they want to force them into high risk behaviour of driving to work and working under the influence of alcohol by shaming them.
I tell you this if these people don't take sickies we are going to see a far greater cost than the $473 million a year paid in sick leave as we will have multiple deaths on our roads (especially with no alcohol testing in the morning) and in our workplaces which we know will cost far more than the sick leave taken.
These guys have no understanding of people and behaviour do they!
I would say that light drinkers are responsible and if they have had too many the night before they don't want to put others at risk on our roads or in the workplace!
That is great stuff by these people and problem drinkers don't give a stuff about anyone else's safety so drive to work and place many at risk becuase of their high blood alcohol levels.
And now we have doctors and insurance companies complaining about the sickies by light drinkers!!!
Yep they want to force them into high risk behaviour of driving to work and working under the influence of alcohol by shaming them.
I tell you this if these people don't take sickies we are going to see a far greater cost than the $473 million a year paid in sick leave as we will have multiple deaths on our roads (especially with no alcohol testing in the morning) and in our workplaces which we know will cost far more than the sick leave taken.
Road Safety - Alcohol
It's ironic that all this drug testing is going on with no evidence that using something like marijuana increases the risks, in fact the small amount of data shows the opposite that marijuana use actually decreases the risks when driving so it's a revenue raising exersize.
But worse still we know these laws are made by those drinking alcohol so that the focuss is taken off something that shows it is a high risk such as alcohol.
And even worse the laws should take all regular alcohol drinkers off the road! Yep it has been shown that regular drinking of alcohol shrinks the brain and effects the cognative abilities of a person, therefore it is not only when they are over the legal limit they present a high risk but when they drink regularily they present a higher risk.
Yet this farcical society will attack low risk drugs that show no risk whatsoever and ignore the real issue and that is alcohol. Last weekend over 200 people were over the legal limit for driving under the influence of alcohol in one location in QLD alone so it is these people that are pushing for drug testing of safe drugs to take the resources away from finding them.
Again I state is someone is a regular drinker their brain shrinks and as such they present a high risk on our roads and should be taken off the roads! But they don't even do random breath testing in the mornings when it is obvious there would be more people driving over the limit in the mornings than at night when most of the testing is done!
For example most people will not drive when drinking at night, which is responsible but then the next morning when they are still over the limit they drive to work!!!! But they know they can get away with it becuase their is rarely any alcohol testing in the morning, in fact I have never seen one in the morning anywhere!!!!
But the alcohol drinkers in politics don't want you to know how many people drive to work over the limit and focuss on testing for a drug that presents no risk on our roads so they don't get caught.
Wake up and put more resources into alcohol testing during the day and especially in the morning.
But worse still we know these laws are made by those drinking alcohol so that the focuss is taken off something that shows it is a high risk such as alcohol.
And even worse the laws should take all regular alcohol drinkers off the road! Yep it has been shown that regular drinking of alcohol shrinks the brain and effects the cognative abilities of a person, therefore it is not only when they are over the legal limit they present a high risk but when they drink regularily they present a higher risk.
Yet this farcical society will attack low risk drugs that show no risk whatsoever and ignore the real issue and that is alcohol. Last weekend over 200 people were over the legal limit for driving under the influence of alcohol in one location in QLD alone so it is these people that are pushing for drug testing of safe drugs to take the resources away from finding them.
Again I state is someone is a regular drinker their brain shrinks and as such they present a high risk on our roads and should be taken off the roads! But they don't even do random breath testing in the mornings when it is obvious there would be more people driving over the limit in the mornings than at night when most of the testing is done!
For example most people will not drive when drinking at night, which is responsible but then the next morning when they are still over the limit they drive to work!!!! But they know they can get away with it becuase their is rarely any alcohol testing in the morning, in fact I have never seen one in the morning anywhere!!!!
But the alcohol drinkers in politics don't want you to know how many people drive to work over the limit and focuss on testing for a drug that presents no risk on our roads so they don't get caught.
Wake up and put more resources into alcohol testing during the day and especially in the morning.
Friday, December 08, 2006
An Uneducated Safety Institute of Australia
And the Australian death toll continues to mount in our workplaces and safety fails to move towards a profession becuase of those selfish members, fellows and chartered fellows who are not qualified and thinking only of themselves instead of the Safety Industry and the benefits of it being seen as a true profession with people that are competent.
So the death toll continues.
Driver crushed to death unloading truck
December 07, 2006 02:17pm
Article from: AAP
A TRUCK driver has been crushed to death by a load of steel at an Adelaide scrap metal factory.
Police said the man was killed at about 9am (CST) today at the Normetals Pty Ltd factory at Ottoway in Adelaide's north-west.
The 33-year-old was unloading one tonne of steel from his semitrailer when the accident happened.
SafeWork SA inspectors and police are continuing investigations at the metals processing factory and will prepare a report for the state coroner.
Contractors numbers continue to mount with the unprotective industrial relations system.
Contractor electrocuted
December 07, 2006 10:04am
Article from: AAP
A MAN was electrocuted as he worked in an air-conditioning vent of an electrical goods supplier in central NSW.
The 26-year-old contractor was working on the roof of Kaye's Electrical in West Dubbo about 1.30pm (AEDT) when the accident happened.
"The police were called to the scene of the accident yesterday afternoon but we still can't release the name of the man," Inspector Dave Minehan of Dubbo police said today.
"WorkCover are conducting their own investigation into this matter and we are preparing a report for the coroner."
A spokesman for Kaye's Electrical said the man was a contractor called in to repair the air-conditioning.
So the death toll continues.
Driver crushed to death unloading truck
December 07, 2006 02:17pm
Article from: AAP
A TRUCK driver has been crushed to death by a load of steel at an Adelaide scrap metal factory.
Police said the man was killed at about 9am (CST) today at the Normetals Pty Ltd factory at Ottoway in Adelaide's north-west.
The 33-year-old was unloading one tonne of steel from his semitrailer when the accident happened.
SafeWork SA inspectors and police are continuing investigations at the metals processing factory and will prepare a report for the state coroner.
Contractors numbers continue to mount with the unprotective industrial relations system.
Contractor electrocuted
December 07, 2006 10:04am
Article from: AAP
A MAN was electrocuted as he worked in an air-conditioning vent of an electrical goods supplier in central NSW.
The 26-year-old contractor was working on the roof of Kaye's Electrical in West Dubbo about 1.30pm (AEDT) when the accident happened.
"The police were called to the scene of the accident yesterday afternoon but we still can't release the name of the man," Inspector Dave Minehan of Dubbo police said today.
"WorkCover are conducting their own investigation into this matter and we are preparing a report for the coroner."
A spokesman for Kaye's Electrical said the man was a contractor called in to repair the air-conditioning.
And a Morally Corrupt Company Let of time and again by morally corrupt polititians.
It should be clear that James Hardie knows it can get away with murder!
And the polititians instead of putting the directors in jail and setting an example that it's not acceptable allow James Hardie to put away any funds that they are required to pay out to the sick and dying so they make enough interest not to have even lost anything.
So why should we expect any different from the following?
Asbestos warning unheeded: union
By Vincent Morelli
December 07, 2006 03:32pm
Article from: AAP
JAMES Hardie Industries appears to have ignored employee complaints about deadly asbestos material at the company's western Sydney site, a union representative says.
David Henry, from the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU), last month inspected the Rosehill plant of the building products giant, leading to a shutdown of the site's manufacturing operations from November 28.
About 100 workers have been suspended with pay until the company carries out further investigations into Mr Henry's claims that the site is contaminated by asbestos.
Mr Henry said that after his initial inspection, he had issued a letter to James Hardie on November 22 about the presence of "friable", or crumbling, toxic asbestos material.
And the polititians instead of putting the directors in jail and setting an example that it's not acceptable allow James Hardie to put away any funds that they are required to pay out to the sick and dying so they make enough interest not to have even lost anything.
So why should we expect any different from the following?
Asbestos warning unheeded: union
By Vincent Morelli
December 07, 2006 03:32pm
Article from: AAP
JAMES Hardie Industries appears to have ignored employee complaints about deadly asbestos material at the company's western Sydney site, a union representative says.
David Henry, from the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU), last month inspected the Rosehill plant of the building products giant, leading to a shutdown of the site's manufacturing operations from November 28.
About 100 workers have been suspended with pay until the company carries out further investigations into Mr Henry's claims that the site is contaminated by asbestos.
Mr Henry said that after his initial inspection, he had issued a letter to James Hardie on November 22 about the presence of "friable", or crumbling, toxic asbestos material.
Our Morally Corrupt Polititians Selling Out Life
I often wonder who is in the most pain, the people with an illness or those that know them?
I want a cure for my illness but not at the expense of human life, this is murder for imagined profits.
Stemcell vote 'morally damaged society'
December 07, 2006 03:39pm
Article from: AAP
The FEDERAL Government had morally damaged Australian society by voting to overturn the ban on therapeutic cloning, a national association of doctors and scientists said today.
Australians for Ethical Stem Cell Research (AESCR) criticised MPs who spoke of the anguish of watching loved ones suffer from untreatable diseases as they debated the stemcell issue.
"Like superstitious peasants they believed the witchdoctors who held out hope of miracle cures from cloning,'' said AESCR national director Dr David van Gend.
"The credulity of these MPs was touching and pitiful - any disease suffered by any relative became reason enough for them to declare they 'would not stand in the way of a cure'.
"The moral damage to society has now been done by approving a laboratory subclass of human young, created only for exploitation.''
I want a cure for my illness but not at the expense of human life, this is murder for imagined profits.
Stemcell vote 'morally damaged society'
December 07, 2006 03:39pm
Article from: AAP
The FEDERAL Government had morally damaged Australian society by voting to overturn the ban on therapeutic cloning, a national association of doctors and scientists said today.
Australians for Ethical Stem Cell Research (AESCR) criticised MPs who spoke of the anguish of watching loved ones suffer from untreatable diseases as they debated the stemcell issue.
"Like superstitious peasants they believed the witchdoctors who held out hope of miracle cures from cloning,'' said AESCR national director Dr David van Gend.
"The credulity of these MPs was touching and pitiful - any disease suffered by any relative became reason enough for them to declare they 'would not stand in the way of a cure'.
"The moral damage to society has now been done by approving a laboratory subclass of human young, created only for exploitation.''
Electromagnetic Radiation/Electric Fields Standard Being Drafted
It's always a problem when there is conflicting evidence to whether something presents a risk or not. Electromagnetic Radiation and Radiofrequency Radiation are two of these that are currently growing expotentially in exposure levels as society becomes ever dependant on electrical appliances, mobile phones, pda's and the like.
Especially given that exposure levels are growing for nearly every person, in their workplaces or homes then as a safety industry we should be focussing on the worst case scenario and reducing exposure in the likelihood that time will show there is a luekemaia risk for our kids.
Standard for electric fields being drafted
December 07, 2006 04:36pm
Article from: AAP
THE Federal Government has devised a draft standard on exposure to electric and magnetic fields amid concerns they can cause childhood cancer.
The standard, released today by Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), specifies that limits for public and occupation exposure at extremely low frequencies (ELF) are between 0Hz to 3kHz.
The standard applies to ELF fields from powerlines, electrical wiring and electrical appliances in the home, and electrical machinery in the workplace.
Dr Colin Roy, director of the non-ionising radiation branch of ARPANSA, said the study was designed to protect against health problems caused by ELF magnetic and electric fields after some studies linked them to childhood leukaemia.
"There is insufficient evidence to prove there is a link, but we've seen there was a need to develop a standard which involves a requirement for a precautionary approach," Dr Roy said.
Now it's going to take a lot of guts for those developing this new standard as it could effect the revenues for places like Children's hospitals and women's hospitals where babies could be for long periods of time.
There is not only the high electricity loads for objects such as MRI's and the like but also the revenue being raised from Mobile Phone Towers and Radio Transmittors place on their roofs for payment of monies.
As I said this standard could upset a lot of area's but our children's health and safety should be the priority not money.
Especially given that exposure levels are growing for nearly every person, in their workplaces or homes then as a safety industry we should be focussing on the worst case scenario and reducing exposure in the likelihood that time will show there is a luekemaia risk for our kids.
Standard for electric fields being drafted
December 07, 2006 04:36pm
Article from: AAP
THE Federal Government has devised a draft standard on exposure to electric and magnetic fields amid concerns they can cause childhood cancer.
The standard, released today by Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), specifies that limits for public and occupation exposure at extremely low frequencies (ELF) are between 0Hz to 3kHz.
The standard applies to ELF fields from powerlines, electrical wiring and electrical appliances in the home, and electrical machinery in the workplace.
Dr Colin Roy, director of the non-ionising radiation branch of ARPANSA, said the study was designed to protect against health problems caused by ELF magnetic and electric fields after some studies linked them to childhood leukaemia.
"There is insufficient evidence to prove there is a link, but we've seen there was a need to develop a standard which involves a requirement for a precautionary approach," Dr Roy said.
Now it's going to take a lot of guts for those developing this new standard as it could effect the revenues for places like Children's hospitals and women's hospitals where babies could be for long periods of time.
There is not only the high electricity loads for objects such as MRI's and the like but also the revenue being raised from Mobile Phone Towers and Radio Transmittors place on their roofs for payment of monies.
As I said this standard could upset a lot of area's but our children's health and safety should be the priority not money.
Another death that could have been prevented with better road design.
It's quite clear that in heavy pedestrian areas, there is a high need to stop the interaction of pedestrians with motor vehicles. We cannot depend on lines, traffic lights and the like as people walking will often take the shortest route, especially when in a hurry.
So we need to design in physical barriers to prevent people crossing the road and design tunnels, bridges, dead end roads and the like to allow a safe crossing. That is engineering controls to remove the majority of risk! Could say all but there will always be one that jumps the barriers or whatever to cross.
Elderly pedestrian killed
December 07, 2006 07:27pm
Article from: AAP
AN elderly man has died after being hit by a car in Canberra.
The 90-year-old, from the inner-northern suburb of Dickson, was hit while crossing the city's busy Northbourne Avenue in the CBD about 1.45pm (AEDT) this afternoon.
He was rushed to Canberra Hospital with severe head injuries and died about 5pm, police said.
So we need to design in physical barriers to prevent people crossing the road and design tunnels, bridges, dead end roads and the like to allow a safe crossing. That is engineering controls to remove the majority of risk! Could say all but there will always be one that jumps the barriers or whatever to cross.
Elderly pedestrian killed
December 07, 2006 07:27pm
Article from: AAP
AN elderly man has died after being hit by a car in Canberra.
The 90-year-old, from the inner-northern suburb of Dickson, was hit while crossing the city's busy Northbourne Avenue in the CBD about 1.45pm (AEDT) this afternoon.
He was rushed to Canberra Hospital with severe head injuries and died about 5pm, police said.
Should we allow Pharmacutical companies to make addicts of our kids??
Again the pharmacutical companies are finding new ways to make addicts of our children, with far more damaging effects than alternatives.
'Serious' side-effects for ADHD drug
December 08, 2006 12:47am
Article from: AAP
A DRUG used to treat children for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, has had some serious psychiatric side-effects, a study shows.
The Federal Government's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has been assessing the drug Strattera, which will be available widely under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, Fairfax reports.
Strattera was the probable cause of one child's explosive mood swings and erratic behaviour, including an attempt to open the door of a moving car, according to the TGA.
It also implicated the drug in aggressive outbursts by a 12-year-old, in which she ripped out her fingernails.
The TGA has identified 23 cases of probable or possible side-effects from Strattera.
They include suicidal thoughts, agitation, and serious physical problems such as growth retardation, weight loss, chest pains and swollen testicles.
Strattera is to be added to the PBS, reducing its price from more than $140 at present for a month's supply to $29.50, or $4.70 for those receiving a concession.
About 2000 Australians had taken Strattera, 1400 of them children, since its launch in 2004.
'Serious' side-effects for ADHD drug
December 08, 2006 12:47am
Article from: AAP
A DRUG used to treat children for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, has had some serious psychiatric side-effects, a study shows.
The Federal Government's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has been assessing the drug Strattera, which will be available widely under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, Fairfax reports.
Strattera was the probable cause of one child's explosive mood swings and erratic behaviour, including an attempt to open the door of a moving car, according to the TGA.
It also implicated the drug in aggressive outbursts by a 12-year-old, in which she ripped out her fingernails.
The TGA has identified 23 cases of probable or possible side-effects from Strattera.
They include suicidal thoughts, agitation, and serious physical problems such as growth retardation, weight loss, chest pains and swollen testicles.
Strattera is to be added to the PBS, reducing its price from more than $140 at present for a month's supply to $29.50, or $4.70 for those receiving a concession.
About 2000 Australians had taken Strattera, 1400 of them children, since its launch in 2004.
Monday, December 04, 2006
How many Lives has Marijuana Testing Saved in Victoria?
Well it's obvious given the statistics and scientific evidence shows that marijuana use actually decreases the risks of a road accident! (given ACT data) Making those using marijuana less of a risk of a serious accident than the general population!
So the only thing that has changed with the road toll in Victoria is? Nothing!!! The government is on another economic windfall with it's propaganda and they can now sell drug testing kits all around the world to all those other people in safety that influence government but show they have no understanding of the science of safety becuase they choose to focuss on something that shows little evidence of risk!
Wasting tax payers money and resources which would be better spent redesigning roads and focussing on a real risk such as alcohol!
I suppose with only 314 deaths this year they will claim they saved 4 lives but we know vehicle design has become increasingly focussed on safety so given that we can say that vehicle design reduced the road toll by an estimated 20% but the governments ignorance wasting resources on furphy's like marijuana and speed in real terms increased the road toll by 20% making the road toll not change.
Motor Vehicle companies should be up in arms about this blatant dissregard for the science of safety!!!!!!!!!! It makes the motor vehicle manufacturers look like total idiots becuase the $Trillions spent on safety design looks to be making no difference to the road toll (a total waste of money) and it's all becuase of this blatant revenue raising by legislators and road safety experts focussing on speed and drug testing instead of improved road design.
So the only thing that has changed with the road toll in Victoria is? Nothing!!! The government is on another economic windfall with it's propaganda and they can now sell drug testing kits all around the world to all those other people in safety that influence government but show they have no understanding of the science of safety becuase they choose to focuss on something that shows little evidence of risk!
Wasting tax payers money and resources which would be better spent redesigning roads and focussing on a real risk such as alcohol!
I suppose with only 314 deaths this year they will claim they saved 4 lives but we know vehicle design has become increasingly focussed on safety so given that we can say that vehicle design reduced the road toll by an estimated 20% but the governments ignorance wasting resources on furphy's like marijuana and speed in real terms increased the road toll by 20% making the road toll not change.
Motor Vehicle companies should be up in arms about this blatant dissregard for the science of safety!!!!!!!!!! It makes the motor vehicle manufacturers look like total idiots becuase the $Trillions spent on safety design looks to be making no difference to the road toll (a total waste of money) and it's all becuase of this blatant revenue raising by legislators and road safety experts focussing on speed and drug testing instead of improved road design.
Recycled Water
I am totally against drinking recycled water for health and safety reasons!
There is no reason why it can't be used in industry and the like but drinking it is a definate health risk.
Now if you had a car repaired by an unqualified mechanic you would be taking a risk, right!
So if we have unqualified safety personnel running the safety systems of these treatment plants we are taking a bigger risk, right!
Now if the body claiming to represent those safety personnel allows members and worse still Fellows and Chartered Fellows in without qualifications then we have increased that risk expotentially becuase the leadership of the Safety field sets the paradigms that are going to filter down to the workplace where we also might have unqaulified safety personnel.
Therefore the risks to people drinking recycled water is enormous because of failures in the systems controlling that water, it mighten happen overnight but it will happen.
It won't be until the Safety Institute of Australia removes all unqualified members, fellows and chartered fellows that safety will be truly professional.
And given we need a qualified mechanic to work on our cars it is far more important that we have qualified personnel in Safety and especially the leading body the Safety Insitute of Australia.
There is no reason why it can't be used in industry and the like but drinking it is a definate health risk.
Now if you had a car repaired by an unqualified mechanic you would be taking a risk, right!
So if we have unqualified safety personnel running the safety systems of these treatment plants we are taking a bigger risk, right!
Now if the body claiming to represent those safety personnel allows members and worse still Fellows and Chartered Fellows in without qualifications then we have increased that risk expotentially becuase the leadership of the Safety field sets the paradigms that are going to filter down to the workplace where we also might have unqaulified safety personnel.
Therefore the risks to people drinking recycled water is enormous because of failures in the systems controlling that water, it mighten happen overnight but it will happen.
It won't be until the Safety Institute of Australia removes all unqualified members, fellows and chartered fellows that safety will be truly professional.
And given we need a qualified mechanic to work on our cars it is far more important that we have qualified personnel in Safety and especially the leading body the Safety Insitute of Australia.
Suncoast Daily Newspaper highlights how wrong the road safety program is by it's uneducated point of view
For God's sake, look at this photograph and remember...speed kills
SPEED has killed again.
Emergency response personnel are angry and bewildered following the early morning death of a married 37-year-old father-of-one yesterday, just a fortnight after three young lives were lost in a high-speed crash at Mountain Creek.
The man's Holden Commodore had been travelling south on Duporth Avenue at speeds estimated to be in excess of 100kmh when it slammed into a power pole.
The accident happened just before 4am and left the car wrapped around the pole in a sickening sight of destruction.
The man's family has made a formal request to police not to release his name.
Focussing on speed as has been done by the police, polititians and media has created this situation and they only have themselves to blame.
This article and the full article highlight just how wrong this focuss on speed is becomming!
You might think what's he talking about? Well in the workplace would give people and understanding of all the risks in the workplace! Well in a progressive forward thinking organisation that probably doesn't exist but we try!
But on the roads this approach is not followed through becuase the focuss is on justifying the revenue being raised with speed camera's and the like.
But when we look at the roads it is very rare that speed alone causes an accident or death in this instance. In fact if we were to break this accident down we would see that there were other factors such as the pole, which transferred the energy to the occupants! (should note that it appears to me the car was going to fast)
So if we teach the young to focuss on the hazards/risks such as poles, trees, objects, head on traffic and pedestrians they migh understand that speed increases the energy and therefore the risks, instead of thinking speed kills and going out on a back road and seeing it rarely does which only discounts the focuss on safety.
And any red blooded young male will go out at some stage and see how fast the car goes so if they know how to understand the risks and reduce as many of them as they can when they do it, they will ultimately save lives but if the focuss is on speed at the detriment of understanding the other risks involved then safety fails everytime.
Knowing human behaviour, especially that of those that are male and young, shouldn't we also understand that we need to provide a place for free where they can go and have a hoon around with risks controlled as far as possible??? I believe every driver should at least once test the limits of their car so they have an understanding of their limits in an emergency but our current road safety legislation doesn't give people that oportunity legally.
Shark Attack
Bit dissapointing that the shark will not be hunted down as it attacks humans once it will know it can do it again.
It's a wonder how a shark attack even makes the news considering how often you would have a workplace incident where a kid gets his leg ripped off! Why can't we see kids being carted to hospital from the workplace??
how many thousands a year would loose a leg at the workplace?
and yet we have a couple of shark attacks and the make front page when there is very little we can do about them, yet if the published the workplace incidents all the time them maybe would have the public pressure (voters pressure) to do something about it and start reducing the workplace toll.
Attack shark won’t be hunted down
4th December 2006, 6:45 WST
The Department of Fisheries has virtually ruled out capturing or killing the shark that severed a teenage surfer’s leg near Esperance.
Fisheries incident co-ordinator Tony Cappelluti said that even if search teams spotted a shark they would be unable to tell if it was responsible for the attack. White pointers were only killed if they were an immediate threat to beachgoers.
Fifteen-year-old Zachary Golebiowski was body surfing about 7.30 on Saturday morning at Wharton Beach, east of Esperance, when he was savaged by a white pointer estimated to be more than 4m long. The lower part of his right leg was bitten off during the attack.
A Fisheries officer and members of Esperance’s Surf Lifesaving group spent yesterday at Wharton Beach scouring the water for sharks. An aerial search was also conducted but no shark was sighted.
A decision would be made today on continuing the search but Mr Cappelluti stressed it was precautionary rather than part of a hunt for the shark.
He said the possibility that a shark would be killed after the savage attack was extremely remote. “They’re a protected species and unless we’re sure the shark has just been involved in an incident or was creating an immediate public threat (we wouldn’t make that choice).”
He said people should not panic. They were probably more likely to drown than be the victim of a shark attack but they should avoid swimming in the early morning, while bleeding or close to animal waste such as bait or whale carcasses.
It's a wonder how a shark attack even makes the news considering how often you would have a workplace incident where a kid gets his leg ripped off! Why can't we see kids being carted to hospital from the workplace??
how many thousands a year would loose a leg at the workplace?
and yet we have a couple of shark attacks and the make front page when there is very little we can do about them, yet if the published the workplace incidents all the time them maybe would have the public pressure (voters pressure) to do something about it and start reducing the workplace toll.
Attack shark won’t be hunted down
4th December 2006, 6:45 WST
The Department of Fisheries has virtually ruled out capturing or killing the shark that severed a teenage surfer’s leg near Esperance.
Fisheries incident co-ordinator Tony Cappelluti said that even if search teams spotted a shark they would be unable to tell if it was responsible for the attack. White pointers were only killed if they were an immediate threat to beachgoers.
Fifteen-year-old Zachary Golebiowski was body surfing about 7.30 on Saturday morning at Wharton Beach, east of Esperance, when he was savaged by a white pointer estimated to be more than 4m long. The lower part of his right leg was bitten off during the attack.
A Fisheries officer and members of Esperance’s Surf Lifesaving group spent yesterday at Wharton Beach scouring the water for sharks. An aerial search was also conducted but no shark was sighted.
A decision would be made today on continuing the search but Mr Cappelluti stressed it was precautionary rather than part of a hunt for the shark.
He said the possibility that a shark would be killed after the savage attack was extremely remote. “They’re a protected species and unless we’re sure the shark has just been involved in an incident or was creating an immediate public threat (we wouldn’t make that choice).”
He said people should not panic. They were probably more likely to drown than be the victim of a shark attack but they should avoid swimming in the early morning, while bleeding or close to animal waste such as bait or whale carcasses.
Road Fatality or Sporting Fatality or do we count it twice, Maybe it's smoking related too!
Skater's downhill ride ends in tragedy
A FRENCH tourist is dead after a daring downhill skateboard ride went horribly wrong at Alexandra Headland yesterday.
Thomas Debois, 24, suffered serious head injuries in a fall on Pacific Terrace about 3.15am.
Traffic on the well-used connector road was brought to a standstill while a group of people, believed to be friends of the dead man, tried to help him.
Mr Debois had lost a large amount of blood by the time the ambulance arrived and died three hours later in Nambour Hospital while staff were trying to stabilise him for an emergency trip to Royal Brisbane Hospital.
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