Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Bernie Banton was found to have been murdered!

There is no doubt that James Hardie knew they would kill many people with their products as far back as the 1920's, sure they didn't know the names of the people they would kill but they knew they would make heaps of money out of killing those people.

Bernie Banton's fight must continue to put these murderers in jail! Saddam didn't kill anywhere near as many people as the directors of James Hardie, yet saddam faced the death penalty,

But James Hardie's board of directors face no charges for deliberately murdering hundreds of thousands if not millions of people!

And the polititians scoring political points out of Bernie's death should also face prosecution becuase they did nothing to help him only hindered him with laws to protect their buddies in James Hardie.

The fight must go on and Industrial Manslaughter laws need to be put in place. Even though Manslaughter is accidental and James Hardies actions were never accidental they were deliberately killing people to make money. These directors should face criminal prosecution for murder.


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