Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Test the Unqualified Members/Fellows/Ch Fellows found too hard to take.

I've given safety presentations and training to all sectors of the working world, from Pollititions and Senior Executives of organisations to Line Managers, farmers and voluntary organisations and just about everyone variation in between.

Yet the hardest were always given in a classroom gaining qualifications and proving competence in front of my peers in safety, those I respect and admire the knowledge they have (my class mates and lecturers).

Those leading the Safety Insitute in the form of members, fellows and chartered fellows that are not qualified shouldn't be in those positions becuase of that one reason they haven't passed the toughest test there is and to answer questions from people that just want to learn just like you is an absolute priveledge they have missed out on besides the fact they haven't proven they are competent enough to be classed as professionals and therefore bring down the status of safety and it's recognition as a profession.

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