Wednesday, January 10, 2007

McDonald's Disgusting Example

I'm not getting into the debate about healthy eating and whether it's the companies responsibility how people eat or whether it's the consumer's choice, other than to say what happened to the precedent of buyer beware?

I want to highlight just how disgusting it treats it's employees at one particular store!

Late-night feed costs workers their jobs


A LATE-night feast on free burgers cost a group of McDonald’s employees their jobs after the restaurant manager called in police.

Former counter employee Jessica Marie Mueller, 17, appeared in Caloundra Magistrates Court yesterday to face a stealing charge for giving away $15 worth of burgers and drinks.

Until last month Mueller had been a model employee, maintaining a spotless customer service record during her two years working at the Caloundra McDonald’s Family Restaurant.

But that changed on Saturday, December 9, as Mueller and her night shift colleagues began preparing to close for the night.

About 10.30pm a group of her friends who had been out drinking walked into the restaurant.

Among the group were her brother and a number of McDonald’s employees who were not rostered on that night.

They asked Mueller for something to eat and she handed them burgers from the display shelf along with some drinks.

Duty lawyer Donna Lucas explained Mueller had assumed the burgers would be thrown out at the impending end of the shift so saw no harm in giving them away.

So what morals are they teaching these kids??? To be relentless in the pursuit of profits and take no consideration of the person!!

How about understanding these are young people who's impression of employers is going to be moulded in these younger years and as the incident wouldn't have cost the organisation anything how about teaching them the power of understanding and teach them what is right and wrong??

Such a sad impression to leave on young lives no forgiveness and the only thing that matters is profits and power!

The damage this sort of irresponsible behaviour McDonalds has undertaken is one major reason we have such high incidence of drug abuse in our society, instead of understanding our young will make mistakes they believe they should be perfect! A great big pffffffffttttttttttt

How they expect anyone to believe they have people's best interests in regards to health is beyond me when they can't even recognise the importance of the young's mental health that work for them.


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