Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Safety qualifications!

It has become clear that the reason for the incompetence of the SIA is due to members and above having no safety qualifications! *Note it is good to see the president Mr Geoff Dell being qualified! (not sure what specialty he has though).

I want to ask you all this question! With a Grad Dip in OHSM I do not believe I can practice medicine in any manner or form! So why is it that those with qualification in health are accepted as qualified in safety??????

It is clear that doctors, nurses or other health fields do not know much about safety (from years of studying with them they have no idea) yet the Safety Institute of Australia accepts these qualifications as acceptable to become a member!

That is crap and why so many Australian workers die every year in this country!!!!

My most recent boss had no idea, due to the fact he had been accepted on the qualification in the health field. That is crap too!!!!

And Queenslanders are the worst they think a five day course qualifies people to manage safety over 15 years of safety related qualfications!

A crazy field this safety where they ban people that have many qualifications, 20 years safety experience and allow people with health qualfications to claim they are experts in the field of safety, elevating them to membership of the SIA or higher.

Stop allowing the deaths of up to 5,000 Australian workers by allowing those with passion, experience and qualifications back into the SIA so we can kick out all those incompetent, health care professionals out. If they were any good they would be doctors etc.


Clipsal 500 death highlights the incompetence of the Safety Proffesion in this country

The death of a young V8 driver on the weekend highlights the incompetence of the Safety Profession in this country. We have everybody comming out and investigating the incident from police to the who's who of politics, yet the workplace inspectorate are not involved the SIA keeps quite on the subject.

Well it's simple!!!!!!!

This incident proves what I have been proposing for years! Deaths on our roads are caused by impact with an object that expels the energy to the driver or passengers. In this case it was a concrete barrier!

How about they use some brains and move the barriers back, leaving the corner the same but added a sand trap before the barrier. Simple isn't it, the sand would then absorb a lot of the energy before hitting the barrier.

Oh but that's right the incompetent safety profession will claim it was speed related! It's sad to say but the SIA is way out of touch.

And why isn't the workplace inspectorate involved? It is definately a workplace and drivers are definately paid for working in their profession. It must be too hard for safety people to understand!


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Bernie Banton was found to have been murdered!

There is no doubt that James Hardie knew they would kill many people with their products as far back as the 1920's, sure they didn't know the names of the people they would kill but they knew they would make heaps of money out of killing those people.

Bernie Banton's fight must continue to put these murderers in jail! Saddam didn't kill anywhere near as many people as the directors of James Hardie, yet saddam faced the death penalty,

But James Hardie's board of directors face no charges for deliberately murdering hundreds of thousands if not millions of people!

And the polititians scoring political points out of Bernie's death should also face prosecution becuase they did nothing to help him only hindered him with laws to protect their buddies in James Hardie.

The fight must go on and Industrial Manslaughter laws need to be put in place. Even though Manslaughter is accidental and James Hardies actions were never accidental they were deliberately killing people to make money. These directors should face criminal prosecution for murder.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Road/Rail Safety the just don't learn! Who will they blame and arrest this time?

Now this one crash would have paid for boom gates and tunnels at every level crossing in Victoria and left money for upgrading the dirt roads.

Ten dead in train horror

Karen Collier and Matthew Pinkney

June 05, 2007 02:15pm
Article from: Herald-Sun

A PASSENGER on the train in which at least 10 people were killed has described hearing the "screaming, crying and moaning" of injured survivors. Seven passengers are unaccounted for.

Twenty-three passengers were injured - 12 of them seriously - when a truck ploughed into a train near Kerang.
Anyone with information, photographs or video can send it via email to the Herald Sun Online

According to passenger Sue Fyffe, shaken survivors helped others still in the wreckage and covered in glass.

"All you could hear were people screaming and crying and moaning," Ms Fyffe told Sky news. "It was just awful, it was devastating."

Ms Fyffe said there were no boom gates, only flashing lights at the level crossing.

And she speculated the sun may have got in the truck driver's eyes before the smash. Other sources said the truck appeared to have hit the train in a 'T-bone' collision.

Ms Fyffe was among dozens of passengers sitting by the road waiting to be taken to Bendigo for a medical checkup.

Another witness said the smash appeared to have torn the train in two. ``It looks like a toy train set that was torn apart,'' the witness said.

The train was derailed and mangled in the crash at 1.40pm.

Some passengers told of escaping the full impact because they got up to get cups of coffee moments before.

Others watched in horror knowing the truck was going to hit.

Six patients were airlifted to Melbourne. They included a 15-year-old critically-injured girl flown to the Royal Children's Hospital, an 83-year-old man with spinal and leg injuries and a 40-year-old woman with abdominal injuries to the Royal Melbourne Hospital, and a 45-year-old man with suspected head injuries to the Alfred Hospital.

Kerang District Hospital chief Robert Jarman said all available nursing and medical staff had been called in on standby.

The hospital has admitted six patients with serious or moderate injuries.

"We understand there are still a large number of walking wounded out at the site," Mr Jarman said.

The semi-trailer driver survived, with the dead and injured all on board the V/Line train. The truck driver was taken to Mildura Base Hospital with serious injuries. The train's driver also survived.

Three V/Line crew members on the Melbourne-bound train were among the wounded.

"We've got a number of people deceased . . . as you can imagine the scene is pretty confused," a police spokeswoman said earlier.

Premier Steve Bracks and Public Transport Minister Lynne Kosky are flying to the scene.

The accident happened at a level crossing on the Murray Valley Highway about 6km northwest of Kerang, Victoria Police said.
The train left Swan Hill bound for Southern Cross Station at 1pm.

A spokeswoman for the Rural Ambulance Service said at least six ambulances from as far away as Mildura had headed for the crash scene.

Two helicopters and three planes headed to the scene to ferry the most seriously-injured to Melbourne.

Police, ambulance, the Country Fire Authority and State Emergency Service are on the scene.
Concerned relatives and friends can call 1800-800-120 for further information

Reposted Truck Driver Arrested for Ghan Train Crash

Eric Wrigglesworth must look at this following article and just shake his head.

The truck driver under arrest and the train drivers being investigated for speeding and whether they blew their horn early enough. What about the government official responsible for rail and the designers of the track for not making all crossings by tunnel or bridge so this can't happen, shouldn't they be the first to be arrested and investigated for not removing risks as far as possible?

What would the cost of the crash the injuries the loss of production for the truck and train, the rescue, the transportation of passengers, the recovery of the train and the repair of tracks and train and what is the cost of a tunnel or bridge compared to people's lives, they are just blessed there weren't any deaths.

Driver arrest after Ghan train crash

By staff writers and wires

December 13, 2006 12:03pm
Article from: NEWS.com.au

THE truck driver involved in the derailment of the Ghan passenger train south of Darwin yesterday has been arrested.

A 50-year-old British woman remains in critical but stable condition in Darwin hospital today after she was removed unconscious from the wreckage by rescue workers.

She suffered head injuries and had to be stabilised at the scene before being flown to Darwin in a RAAF search and rescue helicopter.

The truck driver, 57, who suffered suspected spinal injuries, was also taken to hospital by ambulance.

Police have confirmed he has been arrested but has yet to be charged with any offence and will only be interviewed when he is considered well enough.......

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Drug wars

I've stated my disgust at the so called war on drugs by our political leaders before and in short, the government has gone to war on a large majority of Australians, which is unhealthy to say the least.

But here is how ridiculous these polititians are, I won't go into detail other than to say marijuana has never caused a death by overdose and most evidence suggest that no one has ever died from using pot.

However becuase of the political gains the polititians keep going to war on marijuana users but at what expense?

We are seeing the results more young people are seeing marijuana usage as socially unaceptable becuase of the lies they believe about it's use as can be evidenced by the previous artical on the drug.

The reason we are not hearing the attepts to stem the use of far more dangerous drugs such as alcohol and more specifically drugs such as GBH, Ecstacy, Crack ice and the like becuase the Government has put it in the too hard basket and instead attacks an easy target that causes little harm such as pot.

What is sad is the number of people now dying becuase of the missguided/lying polititians wanting to make political millege by going to war on marijuana users, when the issue is why are we pushing the kids on these harder drugs?

Sure in a perfect world there would not be any experimental drug use by our young but reality shows they will take drugs no matter what the laws say.

But when the priority focuss and funding is prodominantly against marijuana then there are some serious questions to ask! For example
  • Why is marijuana funding and enforcement exceding something as the drug Alcohol? We know that Alcohol causes more damage and impairment than all the ellicite drugs combined! So we see the alcoholics are making laws to hide their drug abuse of alcohol and attacking something that provides very little risk.
  • Why are drugs such as crack ice, ecstacy, GBH now seen as acceptable with our young? Could it be that we playing God have pushed the young onto these dangerous drugs becuase the lies by government making something that is relatively safe into something that is far more dangerous than Alcohol, ICE, GBH and ecstacy! We know these drugs are dangerous and can not only result in death but brain damage and numerous other medical conditions such as brain damage but they are considered safer than marijuana which has none of these effects!
  • Could it be that organised crime has been in control of our drug laws all along! The only people a war on marijuana benefits is organised crime! Becuase of the laws the price of marijuana is high and profits are good, while also the laws have created a whole new business for organised crime by making drugs such as GBH, Ecstacy, ICE and the like acceptable over marijuana which has increased the market so much for organised crime to make their profits.
  • Alcohol is shown as the most dangerous drug for mental health, physical health and death yet is legal while many suffer from cancer and many other conditions becuase they cannot use a relatively safe drug such as marijuana forcing them to use morphine, and addictive perscription drugs.
So current laws are causing far more damage than not having laws!

But I suppose if people vote for these polititians then it doesn't matter that our young are dying and becoming mentally ill if the political party wins votes. The problem is they are killing people to win votes.


Family seeks 'positive' from ecstasy death

February 20, 2007 11:43am
Article from: AAP

THE family of Annabel Catt, who died from a suspected drug overdose after taking ecstasy at a Sydney concert, say they want people to learn from her death.

Ms Catt, 20, of Elanora Heights, on Sydney's northern beaches, collapsed at a party at nearby Warriewood on Sunday about 5am (AEDT).

Just hours earlier, she had left the Good Vibrations music festival at Centennial Park.

Ambulance officers were told the woman, who was showing signs of respiratory distress, had taken MDMA, usually found in ecstasy.

Brother Antony Catt today said family and friends were devastated by the death of "beautiful Annabel".

"We would like everyone to learn from this tragic mistake," Mr Catt said